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pokerstars software creates hand before its dealt.

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I guess I have to come out of the woodwork and speak my mind on this.first of all, let me say, obviously, I dont know the op at all so anything I say I dont mean to sound rude to him.couple of things though......1. the lee jones post-------no shot this was lee jones. do you think the manager of pokerstars would embaress himself and challenge people to call cards for money?come on, someone know that a man with that position would not go about this like that.2. pokerpal post------ very simply, no chance this was a rep from pokerpal.3. time discrepencies----- 2 hours to 20 minutes4. it was working, but now since I have an audience, it has stopped!!!!!everyone has told lies, i have carried out lies for a lot longer than 23 pages of writing. to say the op would not defend it this long is crazy. I have carried lies for years. tell me you have not, somewhere along the line.all the pieces to this puzzle add up that its a lie. thats just my opinion. again, to the op, I dont care either way, so dont take this to heart.I just think your lying. but who cares.later

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everyone has told lies, i have carried out lies for a lot longer than 23 pages of writing. to say the op would not defend it this long is crazy. I have carried lies for years. tell me you have not, somewhere along the line.all the pieces to this puzzle add up that its a lie. thats just my opinion. again, to the op, I dont care either way, so dont take this to heart.I just think your lying. but who cares.
SURVEY SAYSyou do? :club::D:D:D
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JistTheFist,How does somebody's join date have anything at all to do with there opinion or view on a topic? For all you know, i could of been viewing these forums without registering, Lots of people do that. You sir, are a moron.
Well let's see. your join date doesn't really affectyour opinion or the possibility that you're wrong or right. BUT! it does affect your credibility. that's what Tritz has going for him. that and the fact that every single arguement you've come up with has been easily explained to coincide with Tritz's story.....
If this were true than that means I am one of the most credible members of FCP. :-) That being said, since Tritz is so adamant about his claims he should provide more proof instead of all the arguing and claims. Lets see some more screenshots or calling out of cards to witnesses.And I also wanted to thank everyone for making my 12.5 hour shift here at work a little less boring by contributing to this 20 something page thread.MORE PROOF!!!
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If I had began posting at the begining of this thread, I might have enough posts by now to make me an established member. Oh well
I was thinking the same thing. I quit reading this thread when it got to 16 pages. Anything good come about since then?
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I guess I have to come out of the woodwork and speak my mind on this.first of all, let me say, obviously, I dont know the op at all so anything I say I dont mean to sound rude to him.couple of things though......1. the lee jones post-------no shot this was lee jones. do you think the manager of pokerstars would embaress himself and challenge people to call cards for money?come on, someone know that a man with that position would not go about this like that.2. pokerpal post------ very simply, no chance this was a rep from pokerpal.3. time discrepencies----- 2 hours to 20 minutes4. it was working, but now since I have an audience, it has stopped!!!!!everyone has told lies, i have carried out lies for a lot longer than 23 pages of writing. to say the op would not defend it this long is crazy. I have carried lies for years. tell me you have not, somewhere along the line.all the pieces to this puzzle add up that its a lie. thats just my opinion. again, to the op, I dont care either way, so dont take this to heart.I just think your lying. but who cares.later
There are a few things wrong with what you posted, I have been in contact with Pokerpal since this has started, and yes that really was the owner of the software.But who cares.[edit]By the way I was not lying.But who cares.
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since this topic is dry and old, let's continue the thread with a new question.WHO CARES AND WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!maybe we can make this the longest thread of all-time. of course, i could be way off on that seeing that i am only a n00b13 poster.

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Want this to be the longest thread? It needs some new momentum then!Topic: The credibility of a member of these forums is directly related to the hotness of the chick in their avatar. Only question is, who is hotter, Jolie or Cuthbert? Discuss.

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since this topic is dry and old, let's continue the thread with a new question.WHO CARES AND WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!maybe we can make this the longest thread of all-time. of course, i could be way off on that seeing that i am only a n00b13 poster.
ok everyone give up on making this the longest thread. :oops:
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Not a chance that will be the last word.The last word will be: 'facts'We all know online poker is not rigged. But now we also know that poker stars creates and completes the hand before it is delt. Why is that a big deal? Because it can lead to the possibility of people and or a glitch revealing secure information about a hand before it is suppose to. . . Believe it or not, those are the facts.

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I think that Tritz can't get away from this "hand" even though people called his bluff. Regardless of how long he has been here, his diction screams teenager. Look at his use of the english language (and avatar?). I am not the grammar police, I am just being observant. I believe a mature adult would have handled this situation entirely different. He copies and pastes questions to Pokerstars because he doesn't understand. Again, nothing against the kid, but this is quite evident.I also believe that this young man never believed that such big names would reply to the thread. He didn't see it coming in a million years. And the opinion of people here matters a lot more than coming clean. He's the one who knows, and that is the bottom line. Not only did Mr Tritz get called out by members of the forum, he got called out by supervisors at each of the supected companies! Time for this thread to die. No one will ever know what the story is. Both sides have presented arguments, and at the end of the day no one knows. But you have a teenager who screams foul, and two well respected businessmen putting themselves on the line to disprove rumors. I am fairly positive that the OP is incorrect and refuses to fold even though he knows he is done. Smash, I like the response to Mr Jones. Classic Smash right there. Sorry I don't have more posts to back "my version" of what happened. Until this little series of events gets repeated, it might as well have not ever happened. Just some thoughts from an observer...J in Colo.

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I think that Tritz can't get away from this "hand" even though people called his bluff.  Regardless of how long he has been here, his diction screams teenager. Look at his use of the english language (and avatar?). I am not the grammar police, I am just being observant. I believe a mature adult would have handled this situation entirely different. He copies and pastes questions to Pokerstars because he doesn't understand. Again, nothing against the kid, but this is quite evident.I also believe that this young man never believed that such big names would reply to the thread. He didn't see it coming in a million years. And the opinion of people here matters a lot more than coming clean. He's the one who knows, and that is the bottom line. Not only did Mr Tritz get called out by members of the forum, he got called out by supervisors at each of the supected companies!  Time for this thread to die. No one will ever know what the story is. Both sides have presented arguments, and at the end of the day no one knows. But you have a teenager who screams foul, and two well respected businessmen putting themselves on the line to disprove rumors. I am fairly positive that the OP is incorrect and refuses to fold even though he knows he is done.  Smash, I like the response to Mr Jones. Classic Smash right there. Sorry I don't have more posts to back "my version" of what happened. Until this little series of events gets repeated, it might as well have not ever happened.  Just some thoughts from an observer...J in Colo.
Such big names? as in Lee Who?
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We all know online poker is not rigged. But now we also know that poker stars creates and completes the hand before it is delt. Why is that a big deal? Because it can lead to the possibility of people and or a glitch revealing secure information about a hand before it is suppose to. . . Believe it or not, those are the facts.

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Best regards,Lee JonesPokerStars Poker Room Manager
Ha, nice. I emailed Lee on Friday and asked him if he could clear up this situation, then I forgot about it. It's good to see he took his time to post. If I had known he was listening to me, I would have asked him to rig the Sunday tourney for me too. :-)Patrick
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Best regards,Lee JonesPokerStars Poker Room Manager
Ha, nice. I emailed Lee on Friday and asked him if he could clear up this situation, then I forgot about it. It's good to see he took his time to post. If I had known he was listening to me, I would have asked him to rig the Sunday tourney for me too. :-)Patrick
what page is he on im lazy
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Best regards,Lee JonesPokerStars Poker Room Manager
Ha, nice. I emailed Lee on Friday and asked him if he could clear up this situation, then I forgot about it. It's good to see he took his time to post. If I had known he was listening to me, I would have asked him to rig the Sunday tourney for me too. :-)Patrick
what page is he on im lazy
Yeah it took me forever to find. :-) Page 16, 2/3 the way down.Patrick
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"JistTheFist"as for loismustdie.... That is BS... you haven't been lurking here since the beginning.... I'm sure you don't even know when the beginning of the forums was. I'm also sure thta you're a liar. Cuz if you had been lurking here since the beginning you'd know who I was.... (To Steal a line from both Ron Burgandy and Royal Tour).... I'm kind of a big deal. you'd have known me if you had been lurking.....
I was just cruising this annoying thread and had to pop in here. I have been here since the beginning, my join date predates yours....and I have absolutely no freaking clue who you are and I don't recall ever reading anything you wrote. Not that any of that means anything....but I just felt like pointing what a fool you are for claiming some great superiority over another poster.
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Guest Anonymous
I really hope when this comes out as a joke, royal tour is part of it. I used to think his posts were fairly sensible till this thread
His age has definately shown if nothing else. Damn shame he picked the wrong horse to back. I fear the damage to his credibility will be irreversible.
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lol. by seeing your hole cards he means he teaches you how to check the instant hand history to see what others have if they went to showdown and mucked. (Something most people figure out on their own. It's obviously a scam and has been discussed by others many times. google it or just search this site.

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1. the lee jones post-------no shot this was lee jones. do you think the manager of pokerstars would embaress himself and challenge people to call cards for money?come on, someone know that a man with that position would not go about this like that.
Well, considering he has always gone out of his way to respond to questions regarding Stars on RGP, I took it upon myself to email him directly and ask him to respond to this thread. After reading countless posts from Lee defending Stars against similar allegations in the past, coupled with my contact of him directly a few hours prior to the post, I have no problem believing it was an authentic post from Lee. If you'd like, you can email him yourself directly and ask. I'm sure he'd prefer his Pokerstars email addy, but his AOL addy isn't too hard to find if you look for it.Patrick
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Tritz, let me help you here.Not delt. It's dealt.Not rediculous. It's ridiculous.People will take you more seriously if your spelling is correct.Go ahead and flame me. Just run it through a spell check first.

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Royal_Tour wrote:Speaking of this.. I posted something a long time ago about disconnecting and seeing the cards before they turned.every one was like.. naah. its just a lag, but here was the situationI was in a hand against a few players, after the flop., there was some action. then just after I checked the turn, my comp. disconnected. but only for like 3 seconds., and as soon as it regained the connection, the next 2 turn and river cards were shown. Now at first i just thought i missed all the action, andthe hand waslayed out.. but then within a second after i saw them.. the river card was taken back., and the next couple players after me, went check, check. and then the river appeared again. and was the samecard
This exact thing has happened to me many times. It was always on pokerroom back when my dsl was acting up a lot more. I would think that i missed out on the hand, but then i saw that not only was i still in but that the turn and river cards were exposed in a shaded tint. I always thought it was really sketchy and i haven't really told many people about it until now, but it sounds like a possible explanation for this. Personally i'm very weary of online poker, though even after all of that i still play. It's still profitable so i can't be too mad. I just accept things like this. All software has glitches, and as much as the sites say that they are both perfectly random and impervious to hackers you have to still have to be careful. If someone has the skill and the want to hack something then i wouldn't count it out.
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