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what it means for poker if ivey wins

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Us Latinos have boxing (except the heavyweight division) and uh........well boxing is cool.
Ricardo Mayorga could woop Ali allright... as long as he's smoking, speeding, drinking and sleeping with hookers the night before fights the Latino's will own the boxing world...Mayorga > Every other boxer who ever tapped up there knuckles before a fight.
latinos own the hw.john ruiz.best hw of past 15 years.
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Us Latinos have boxing (except the heavyweight division) and uh........well boxing is cool.
Ricardo Mayorga could woop Ali allright... as long as he's smoking, speeding, drinking and sleeping with hookers the night before fights the Latino's will own the boxing world...Mayorga > Every other boxer who ever tapped up there knuckles before a fight.
latinos own the hw.john ruiz.best hw of past 15 years.
Type it in the off topic section.
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Guest Anonymous
pro is a prowhy ivey?
He's also male, under 30, and spent most of his youth playing video games.....sounds like about 75% of everyone who watches poker on tv and plays online.
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Ivey winning would be very exciting for the poker world but it wouldn't make more idiots want to play poker. Guys like Moneymaker winning make poker more popular.
Beat me to it. I was basically going to say the same thing. If a pro wins, you'll see some fish dissapear. If another pro wins next year, prepare for the demise of easily profitable poker.While a lot of people will argue that poker still has potential, it also has the potential to fall away. I've seen more and more "new poker addicts" stop watching the WPT, showing up at games and stop hosting games over the past 6 months or so. While it may seem like new people come in everyday, I think there are just as many people leaving the poker world after seeing they are a losing player, have lost interest or just don't find it "cool" anymore. One of the local bars that I go to used to have 100+ ppl showing up to play in their free tournaments 6 months ago; now they have the same 30 people every week. They said that the people who used to play still come in, but say they have lost interest.Someone winning the ME after getting in through a $40 satellite would do more for the popularity of the game than any pro.
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a nobody winning the wsop m.e . would mean more new faces to poker than an established pro<ivey> winning...that being said, id like to see phil win it...or even matusow ...vindication baby....ONE time......

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pro is a prowhy ivey?
Because Ivey is the best there is in the world today. Only Ungar was better than him.
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Ivey winning would be very exciting for the poker world but it wouldn't make more idiots want to play poker. Guys like Moneymaker winning make poker more popular.
I rather see some fish leave the WSOP. I mean the top finishers are not getting that much more than they did the year before. Actually the 3rd place finisher is making the same amount of money, $2.5 million. That makes no sense.
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Ivey really isn't that good for tv. Doesn't bring much in the way of personality.  Very quiiet.  Great player though.
I disagree. While guys like Matusow make for great tv throughout the tourney, most people don't want to see him win. Everyone I know would rather a badass quiet pro like Ivey take all his money and win the whole thing. The loud obnoxious guys are villians in the tv poker world. While they are fun to watch, it is most fun to watch them lose.If I was playing against Ivey I would probably wet myself. That has nothing to do with anything else we are talking about, I just wanted to let y'all know.
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pro is a prowhy ivey?
Because Ivey is the best there is in the world today. Only Ungar was better than him.
Maybe. But I still give Doyle and a few others the benefit of the doubt over Ivey.
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Ivey makes great TV, because you can learn from him. People like Matusow and Tony G only teach people how to be a jackass while playing poker. Although Matusow (Tony G is just annoying) is entertaining you can't learn from him. I learned alot about poker from watching him on FSN which was entertaining at the same time.

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It's gonna be an asian dude this year and ESPN will not be happy. That's my gut feeling anyway.If Ivey or Mike the Mouth make it to the final table it would be very large for the ratings.

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The worse player to win would be Juanda, if he wins the influx of new players would really come to a halt. I think if ivey, or any black guy wins, it would be great. look at all commericials and advertisements, whatever black guys do seems to be the "cool" thing to do.my .02

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I think what Arieh means by " you wont have to be a winning poker player to win" if Ivey wins : That by Ivey winning it willl be like when tiger woods won, it will bring the blacks and browns(hisp) to play a game that they would not have played other wise. I think he is sayig there will be more donkeys then there are now and it will be easy money.I am hispanic So dont even think Im being racist or profiling, I know how you "Daniel Lovers" think

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The worse player to win would be Juanda, if he wins the influx of new players would really come to a halt.  I think if ivey, or any black guy wins, it would be great.   look at all commericials and advertisements, whatever black guys do seems to be the "cool" thing to do.my .02
whether or not i agree with you or not, Juanda deserves the title, being one of the most underrated pros ever.
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anyone see chris rocks last stand up show on HBO?? he talks about how blacks are supreme in most sports and as soon as they make a heated hockey rink theyll own that too. hes like can you imagine lebron on skates he wont even need a stick hell just use his dick to slap the puck with lol

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anyone see chris rocks last stand up show on HBO?? he talks about how blacks are supreme in most sports and as soon as they make a heated hockey rink theyll own that too. hes like can you imagine lebron on skates he wont even need a stick hell just use his dick to slap the puck with lol

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Ivey really isn't that good for tv. Doesn't bring much in the way of personality.  Very quiiet.  Great player though.
This is the thing I like about Ivey. With all the circus clowns that frequent these final tables it has become more about getting famous through ridiculous table antics. Ivey is all business and makes the other clowns look foolish. I would love to see him dominating a final table full of circus clowns (e.g. Davin Anderson, that Asian chick with the weird sunglasses, Mattias Anderson). I would love to watch them get thoroughly worked by a real player.
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