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idk it really matters on villain 100% if he's not stupid he's never limping anything (other than aa, kk, etc) utg at t100 and peve thought that was out of line.I can see why he doesn't think his queens are good on that flop. villain even OVERbet the turn when his trap didn't work, trying to get value.if villain is actually a winning player I'd NEVER play tptk, given the preflop action I think that's totally key.
Admittedly, maybe the play changes at $50, but at the $5 ones I'm playing, plenty of pots are limped preflop, even at $50/100. What I find tends to happen is there are two or three limpers, someone pushes for $1,300 or something and everyone else folds, or there's six limpers to the flop.
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I'm playing the 5.50s right now and I'm not seeing many limpers at t100 in ep. once in a while you can see a limp train but it's not as common as it used to be, game is getting harder that's for sure.

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I'm playing the 5.50s right now and I'm not seeing many limpers at t100 in ep. once in a while you can see a limp train but it's not as common as it used to be, game is getting harder that's for sure.
Even if i choose to check AQ in the BB to one limper, at the very least I'm going to bet out to see what's up. I can shut it down, but if you're not going to bet with that strong a hand vs. one opponent, you might as well set yourself to away and hope you limp into the money.
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******** **** **** v**** my lifei just bubbled one that I had like a 99.9% chance to cashwhy?beeeeeecaUSE a faggot donkey called my shove w/ j10 and tilt pissed me offand because he's got the ugliest gay ass ****ing baby pic ever as an avatorso I will never, ever give him a walk ever... no matter what he calls me withI'm shoving on his shit 100% for lifeobv calls my shove with k8.34 suited couldn't take him outsoooo I end up bubbling cuz the other 2 short stacks never die eitherI hate my lifeand I hate people w/ baby avators.I swear there had to be a 1% chance I bubble it and booom ship the bubble.

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POKERSTARS GAME #22747857304: TOURNAMENT #125801465, $5.00+$0.40 HOLD'EM NO LIMIT - LEVEL I (10/20) - 2008/12/08 20:44:32 ETTable '125801465 1' 10-max Seat #9 is the buttonSeat 1: FinFan2 (1460 in chips) Seat 2: BiptheKid (1490 in chips) Seat 3: RaybZ (1740 in chips) Seat 4: PACOBAD (1470 in chips) Seat 5: litlebullet (1470 in chips) Seat 6: Fleckstone (1500 in chips) Seat 7: JonyRckt (1270 in chips) Seat 8: birddawg77 (1650 in chips) Seat 9: spinnerblade (1470 in chips) Seat 10: THIRDMAN (1480 in chips) THIRDMAN: posts small blind 10FinFan2: posts big blind 20*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to litlebullet [Qd Qs]BiptheKid: folds RaybZ: calls 20PACOBAD: raises 240 to 260litlebullet: raises 1210 to 1470 and is all-inFleckstone: folds JonyRckt: folds birddawg77: folds spinnerblade: folds THIRDMAN: folds FinFan2: folds RaybZ: folds dude's prob a moran. we should play for stax right here correct?

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^^ gotta know stack sizes to tell anything
Sorry guys I should have provided the stack sizesSeat 1: Mosquito777 (1340 in chips) Seat 2: Capone26 (1610 in chips) Seat 3: HeadsIwin1 (2195 in chips) Seat 4: dagdaali (2525 in chips) Seat 7: mysteryname (1140 in chips) Seat 8: Dexter GT (1375 in chips) Seat 9: JRL1234 (1065 in chips) Seat 10: pezeveng1975 (3750 in chips) I believe once you hit 3500 chips shut it down no matter what.
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Sorry guys I should have provided the stack sizesSeat 1: Mosquito777 (1340 in chips) Seat 2: Capone26 (1610 in chips) Seat 3: HeadsIwin1 (2195 in chips) Seat 4: dagdaali (2525 in chips) Seat 7: mysteryname (1140 in chips) Seat 8: Dexter GT (1375 in chips) Seat 9: JRL1234 (1065 in chips) Seat 10: pezeveng1975 (3750 in chips) I believe once you hit 3500 chips shut it down no matter what.
If that's the way you play, then fine. But I think it's a little too passive. You're still allowed to help yourself and knock out other players.
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I believe once you hit 3500 chips shut it down no matter what.
Tighten yes, but you are far from sure... I just finished a DoN where we still had 8 players in the game with the BB at 600.Also had one that was finished with blinds at 15/30 :club: all 5 eliminated by one guy. the other 4 players including myself all had within 100 of the starting stack still :PI didn't have a good run today.I tried one of 10.4$ and got eliminated when my TT got beaten by 77. so I started with 10$ loss. The 5.2's I was playing then I did bad too, partly because I was too pissed off by the bad beat in the 10$ one, partly because of bad luck so I won only 3 of 8. which means another 10$ loss.So I took a small break and then started playing until I had recovered my loss which took way too long!!I finished today with 35 won of 64 games. only about 55%.. 17.2$ profit or only 6.8$ if you count the 10.4$ one too.My average 5.2$ winning% dropped from 62.7% to 61.1%
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PokerStars Game #23110938917: Tournament #128447608, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2008/12/21 1:00:48 ETTable '128447608 1' 10-max Seat #10 is the buttonSeat 4: Radioguy1 (505 in chips) Seat 5: Wallyinjay (440 in chips) Seat 7: DKWHO (7915 in chips) Seat 8: litlebullet (455 in chips) Seat 9: Sarhilla (5000 in chips) Seat 10: onealex (685 in chips) Radioguy1: posts the ante 30Wallyinjay: posts the ante 30DKWHO: posts the ante 30litlebullet: posts the ante 30Sarhilla: posts the ante 30onealex: posts the ante 30Radioguy1: posts small blind 150Wallyinjay: posts big blind 300*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to litlebullet [Ah Kc]DKWHO: folds litlebullet:

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PokerStars Game #23110938917: Tournament #128447608, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2008/12/21 1:00:48 ETTable '128447608 1' 10-max Seat #10 is the buttonSeat 4: Radioguy1 (505 in chips) Seat 5: Wallyinjay (440 in chips) Seat 7: DKWHO (7915 in chips) Seat 8: litlebullet (455 in chips) Seat 9: Sarhilla (5000 in chips) Seat 10: onealex (685 in chips) Radioguy1: posts the ante 30Wallyinjay: posts the ante 30DKWHO: posts the ante 30litlebullet: posts the ante 30Sarhilla: posts the ante 30onealex: posts the ante 30Radioguy1: posts small blind 150Wallyinjay: posts big blind 300*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to litlebullet [Ah Kc]DKWHO: folds litlebullet:
easy push, for me. What are we waiting for in the next few hands as the antes knock $30 per hand off our stack. We need to double and hope one of the other shorties goes out.
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easy push, for me. What are we waiting for in the next few hands as the antes knock $30 per hand off our stack. We need to double and hope one of the other shorties goes out.
I used to lean more towards folding there... but lately whenever i'm short but one guy is shorter and I wait for him to have to take a risk first, he usually manages it and by then i'm so short that I have to go at it with a crap hand. (If the SB folds now, then you will be the first one forced all-in by the blinds)So today i'd push... but ask me again in 3 days and I might fold again :club:+15.6$ on 5.2$'s today-20.8 on 10.4$ (0 on 2 games) ... I lost AK against 44 all in preflop and a set of fours against a straight draw that gets completed on the river while I overbet the pot on the turn to make sure no goofy straight draws could call.So even though i'm 0/3 so far. It doesn't seem the play is more advanced in the 10.4$'s. It took 2 bad beats and a coinflip loss against a marginal hand to prevent me from cashing.
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I used to lean more towards folding there... but lately whenever i'm short but one guy is shorter and I wait for him to have to take a risk first, he usually manages it and by then i'm so short that I have to go at it with a crap hand. (If the SB folds now, then you will be the first one forced all-in by the blinds)So today i'd push... but ask me again in 3 days and I might fold again :club:+15.6$ on 5.2$'s today-20.8 on 10.4$ (0 on 2 games) ... I lost AK against 44 all in preflop and a set of fours against a straight draw that gets completed on the river while I overbet the pot on the turn to make sure no goofy straight draws could call.So even though i'm 0/3 so far. It doesn't seem the play is more advanced in the 10.4$'s. It took 2 bad beats and a coinflip loss against a marginal hand to prevent me from cashing.
A fellow poster of mine in the army thread has moved from the 5s to the 10s to the 20s and took his first dip in a 50 last night. He said, essentially, there was no difference in play in any of the levels.
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A fellow poster of mine in the army thread has moved from the 5s to the 10s to the 20s and took his first dip in a 50 last night. He said, essentially, there was no difference in play in any of the levels.
Great! That's very good to hear. I'm going to try to move up as fast as my bankroll allows me to.
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I don't really have a lot of time to play these, but here's what I've done so far:$10: 73-56$20: 125-794-table most of the time. I experimented with different ways to play these in the $10, that's why the win rate is so average. I've ran pretty bad in the $20's also. As soon as I get back to school in Jan, I'm going to start the $50's. It's not really worth the time if you're not beating at least the $50's.

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should I fold this? two players will get eliminated if I fold without any risk for me (unless two have KK and split). Against 3 players AA isn't that big a favorite anymore. most likely less than 50% chance against 3 random hands which is too low for these games where you want a winning% of 60% or higher.To remind myself of the risk I lost AA to QJ on an other table at the same time. he goes all-in (overbetting pot) on Q high flop so I call his scared all-in bet and he gets a second Q on the turn.I couldn't get myself to fold though and this is the result, but would any of you fold here? or would you just like me think this is something that needs to be folded but not actually do it.PokerStars Game #23146432480: Tournament #128705940, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level I (10/20) - 2008/12/22 4:48:19 ETTable '128705940 1' 10-max Seat #5 is the buttonSeat 1: EPIKOUROS (1500 in chips) Seat 2: bfal2 (1490 in chips) Seat 3: bartyman85 (1720 in chips) Seat 4: sose carlos (1220 in chips) Seat 5: BBAAEEMM (1470 in chips) Seat 6: diecis (1590 in chips) Seat 7: Dizzyjon33 (1500 in chips) Seat 8: Weandago (1460 in chips) Seat 9: H-Aleksej-H (1550 in chips) Seat 10: Frentyman (1500 in chips) diecis: posts small blind 10Dizzyjon33: posts big blind 20*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Weandago [Ah Ad]Weandago: raises 60 to 80H-Aleksej-H: folds Frentyman: folds EPIKOUROS: folds bfal2: folds bartyman85: folds sose carlos: raises 1140 to 1220 and is all-inBBAAEEMM: raises 250 to 1470 and is all-indiecis: calls 1460Dizzyjon33: folds Weandago: calls 1380 and is all-inWeandago said, "help!"*** FLOP *** [7s 8s 4c]EPIKOUROS said, "lol"*** TURN *** [7s 8s 4c] [4h]*** RIVER *** [7s 8s 4c 4h] [9c]*** SHOW DOWN ***diecis: shows [Qs Qh] (two pair, Queens and Fours)BBAAEEMM: shows [As Ac] (two pair, Aces and Fours)BBAAEEMM collected 20 from side pot-2 Weandago: shows [Ah Ad] (two pair, Aces and Fours)Weandago collected 360 from side pot-1 BBAAEEMM collected 360 from side pot-1 sose carlos: shows [Kd Td] (a pair of Fours)Weandago collected 2450 from main potBBAAEEMM collected 2450 from main pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 5640 Main pot 4900. Side pot-1 720. Side pot-2 20. | Rake 0 Board [7s 8s 4c 4h 9c]Seat 1: EPIKOUROS folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 2: bfal2 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: bartyman85 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: sose carlos showed [Kd Td] and lost with a pair of FoursSeat 5: BBAAEEMM (button) showed [As Ac] and won (2830) with two pair, Aces and FoursSeat 6: diecis (small blind) showed [Qs Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and FoursSeat 7: Dizzyjon33 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 8: Weandago showed [Ah Ad] and won (2810) with two pair, Aces and FoursSeat 9: H-Aleksej-H folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 10: Frentyman folded before Flop (didn't bet)I typed that "help!" before I called, but due to lag it got past the all-in chat protection and showed after that I called :Pedit1: AA against 3 random players is actually a little more than 60% according to some calculator I found.. so just enough to make the call, certainly if you consider that the other guys most likely share some outs which improves your winning chance.edit2: 8/12 (66%) at the 10$'s today and a rather weak 16/28 (57%) at the 5.2$'s... good for 49.6$ profit. I'll try to get another 20$ profit later today then I can say I raised my total bankroll by 10% today!

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should I fold this? two players will get eliminated if I fold without any risk for me (unless two have KK and split).
So what. With 10 players left eliminating 2 doesnt really help you that much. Blinds are still small, and you are still fighting against the other 7 players when you still all have the same amount of chips. And jeff, i dont think this is a matter of being 'good enough' to fold. I think its a matter of being not bad enough to fold
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This is why people hate this stupid fucking game...one guy drawing to some remote backdoor/runner-runners, the other guy drawing to three fucking outsPokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $5.00+$0.40 Tournament, 15/30 Blinds (9 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.comSB (t1545)BB (t2000)UTG (t2160)UTG+1 (t1440)MP1 (t1440)Hero (MP2) (t1880)MP3 (t1540)CO (t980)Button (t2015)Hero's M: 41.78Preflop: Hero is MP2 with 5 :5c, 5 :club:UTG calls t30, UTG+1 calls t30, 1 fold, Hero calls t30, 3 folds, SB calls t15, BB checksFlop: (t150) Q :club:, 5 :ts, A :3h(5 players)SB bets t120, 1 fold, UTG calls t120, 1 fold, Hero raises to t330, SB raises to t540, UTG calls t420, Hero raises to t1850 (All-In), SB calls t975 (All-In), UTG calls t1310Turn: (t5365) A :D(3 players, 2 all-in)River: (t5365) 10 :D(3 players, 2 all-in)Total pot: t5365Results:SB had Q :qh, A :jh (full house, Aces over Queens).UTG had K :D, A :4h (three of a kind, Aces).Hero had 5 :D, 5 :club: (full house, fives over Aces).Outcome: SB won t4695, Hero won t670

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Hey bullet, we're finally in the same one of these.edit: Dude, how does anyone have a VPIP of 0 after 37 hands?
lol i might have that once in a while i run 7/5
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PokerStars Game #23176362405: Tournament #128922137, $5.00+$0.40 Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2008/12/23 3:22:43 ETTable '128922137 1' 10-max Seat #9 is the buttonSeat 1: Jokerash 007 (1885 in chips) Seat 2: litlebullet (1890 in chips) Seat 3: Big Mathew (2585 in chips) Seat 5: JayGardner (3410 in chips) Seat 8: RENE004 (1415 in chips) Seat 9: wink4 (3815 in chips) Jokerash 007: posts the ante 20litlebullet: posts the ante 20Big Mathew: posts the ante 20JayGardner: posts the ante 20RENE004: posts the ante 20wink4: posts the ante 20Jokerash 007: posts small blind 100litlebullet: posts big blind 200*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to litlebullet [7h Qc]Big Mathew: calls 200JayGardner: folds RENE004: folds wink4: folds Jokerash 007: calls 100litlebullet: checks *** FLOP *** [Tc Ac 6c]Jokerash 007: checks litlebullet: checks Big Mathew: checks *** TURN *** [Tc Ac 6c] [As]Jokerash 007: bets 1665 and is all-inlitlebullet: folds Big Mathew: calls 1665*** RIVER *** [Tc Ac 6c As] [Th]*** SHOW DOWN ***Jokerash 007: shows [Kh 9s] (two pair, Aces and Tens)Big Mathew: shows [Ad 7d] (a full house, Aces full of Tens)Big Mathew collected 4050 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 4050 | Rake 0 Board [Tc Ac 6c As Th]Seat 1: Jokerash 007 (small blind) showed [Kh 9s] and lost with two pair, Aces and TensSeat 2: litlebullet (big blind) folded on the TurnSeat 3: Big Mathew showed [Ad 7d] and won (4050) with a full house, Aces full of TensSeat 5: JayGardner folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: RENE004 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 9: wink4 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)lol that's more like it!

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LOL, is this normal? I understand that they don't want to bust but you get to a point where you've gotta push.PokerStars Game #23177423743: Tournament #128932083, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2008/12/23 4:58:27 ETTable '128932083 1' 10-max Seat #3 is the buttonSeat 2: MartinGlad (1465 in chips) Seat 3: fingersnaper (2585 in chips) Seat 4: manticore257 (2520 in chips) Seat 5: shipaz77 (385 in chips) Seat 6: Wsox08 (5205 in chips) Seat 8: Justi1907 (370 in chips) Seat 10: Bellicon (2470 in chips) MartinGlad: posts the ante 25fingersnaper: posts the ante 25manticore257: posts the ante 25shipaz77: posts the ante 25Wsox08: posts the ante 25Justi1907: posts the ante 25Bellicon: posts the ante 25manticore257: posts small blind 125shipaz77: posts big blind 250*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Wsox08 [9s Ad]Wsox08: folds Justi1907: folds Bellicon: folds MartinGlad: folds fingersnaper: folds manticore257: raises 250 to 500shipaz77: folds Uncalled bet (250) returned to manticore257manticore257 collected 675 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot 675 | Rake 0 Seat 2: MartinGlad folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: fingersnaper (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: manticore257 (small blind) collected (675)Seat 5: shipaz77 (big blind) folded before FlopSeat 6: Wsox08 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Justi1907 folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 10: Bellicon folded before Flop (didn't bet)PokerStars Game #23177433629: Tournament #128932083, $5.00+$0.20 Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (125/250) - 2008/12/23 4:59:20 ETTable '128932083 1' 10-max Seat #6 is the buttonSeat 2: MartinGlad (1415 in chips) Seat 3: fingersnaper (2535 in chips) Seat 4: manticore257 (2895 in chips) Seat 6: Wsox08 (5415 in chips) Seat 8: Justi1907 (320 in chips) Seat 10: Bellicon (2420 in chips) MartinGlad: posts the ante 25fingersnaper: posts the ante 25manticore257: posts the ante 25Wsox08: posts the ante 25Justi1907: posts the ante 25Bellicon: posts the ante 25Justi1907: posts small blind 125Bellicon: posts big blind 250*** HOLE CARDS ***Dealt to Wsox08 [Ah 3h]MartinGlad has timed outMartinGlad: folds MartinGlad is sitting outfingersnaper: folds manticore257: raises 250 to 500Wsox08: folds Justi1907: folds Bellicon: folds Uncalled bet (250) returned to manticore257manticore257 collected 775 from potmanticore257: doesn't show hand *** SUMMARY ***Total pot 775 | Rake 0 Seat 2: MartinGlad folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 3: fingersnaper folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 4: manticore257 collected (775)Seat 6: Wsox08 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)Seat 8: Justi1907 (small blind) folded before FlopSeat 10: Bellicon (big blind) folded before Flop

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