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QFT just finished watching ..i like erik hes just str8 forward and funny the kid was cocky but not a douche imo scotty was just out of it ..shouldnt there be a limit to how intoxicated one is at a final table ?
Well at one of the WSOP circuit events this year the chip leader got thrown out of the final table for disruptive behaviour, but I don't imagine they would ever enforce any laws they have on such matters at the real WSOP and televised events(Phil Hellmuth cough). Also Vanessa Selbst in the PLO tournament got HU with a millionairre aussie guy who was completely wasted and playing like a maniac, I suppose it's something the the others players at the table wouldn't be to bothered buy considering the negative effect it has on the drinkers play.
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I dunno how genuine this is , seems a little sketchy in it's authenticity, but there's a post on 2+2 about Scotty's Apologyhttp://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-...apology-280619/Here's the extract supposedly from him--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to apologize to all my fans for the disappointment I have caused in the H.O.R.S.E. Event. For that I would like to express my sincerest apology.I would like to ask for understanding of what really took place. Keep in mind this was a five day event, with an almost fourteen hour final table that was reduced to two hours of air time including all the commercial breaks. With that being said, as you can imagine, more took place than what made the final cut for t.v. Last year's Main Event I made the mistake of letting someone get under my skin, of which overtook my mental focus of the game, and cost me my tournament along with a lot of disappointment amongst my fans and peers. Since that time, it has haunted me and even now with the mistake that I made.As a professional, you always critique yourself to make yourself better, and in doing so you have to focus on the mistakes you make, in order to improve. This year, I needed redemption of my own 2007 Main Event demons to prove to myself that no one would get to me again. This tournament was too important for me, the trophy, the fifth bracelet, and history, my head was zoned in for this event, and for that time, I forgot the fans were watching me. I said things I shouldn't have said that have disappointed you, and I apologize for my actions.All my life, there have been many many tournaments, I put all the fans first, tried to play bad hands and win to give more excitement, and I would blow my tournament, however I have never regretted it, because without all you fans there would never be a Scotty Nguyen, and I appreciate all of you every which way. This tournament I played the players game. They wanted to play a drinking game, and they couldn't win, they say they can't even beat a drunk, how can you beat a drunk if I'm not drunk. They can't beat me in a drinking game, now they play the talking game to try to get under my skin like in 2007, and I gave it right back to them and got underneath their skin, and they couldn't win. When it came down to playing a poker game, the best will win. Because they can't beat me in a drinking game, a talking game and then we played poker, of which they can't beat me, and I am the one who brought the trophy home.This event I had my mind set, I wouldn't let anything interfere between me and the bracelet and the Chip Reese trophy, and I proved that to the whole world. I can beat them at any game they want to play. And all I have to say, I hope all you fans understand what I'm trying to say. And watch the tape again. I was not the one to start anything, not even drinking or talking, they wanted to start it with me, and they got beat by me fair and square on all levels they wanted to play. All I would ever be sorry, is how the fans feel about me, I would never be sorry to beat those players. If they can't accept defeat, then stay home, crawl under their loved ones arms, don't bad mouth because you got beat by the best poker player.Another thing, I always bring joy and excitement to the poker game every time I'm on tv, and all of you know, when Scotty Nguyen is on tv, your eyes are glued on the screen. Why? Because I make it fun so you guys don't switch the channel. All these years that is all you've seen of me, and that is the real me. That proves to you, how great and nice I am, I am the real deal. One cannot be on tv all these years with the same persona if it wasn't the real deal. Even during this final table, I still took time for all the fans with a smile on my face. You have not even heard of one fan who was there that came up to me and could say that I was rude to them or out of line with them in any way. This was an issue at the table, and one I didn't take out on the fans even during that time. This was business. How many players do you know that would do that to the fans except one, the Prince of Poker, Scotty Nguyen and once again I apologize to all of you.No excuses for my behavior in that $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. final table. And I have explained to you why and how that happened. Bottom line, I only ask for you to please understand and remember that I, Scotty Nguyen, the Prince of Poker is still a human being, just like all of you. I too have good times, bad times, sad times and angry times, just like everyone else in this world, and I hope you can understand that. I do promise to all the fans that no matter what, from now, I would never disappoint you again any which way. I forgot about the fans, and only focused on me. I am sorry. Thank you, Scotty Nguyen--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think that's a bit of a crappy apology myself, but I wasn't really offended by what happened in the first place. It does sound like it's written by him too, even with the lack of "baby" at the end of every sentence.

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Come on, Scotty is a grown man if he cant control himself because people are having fun around him and cheering for cocktails then he's got problems. Erick's not an instigator, he was just having fun at the table with Scotty, and if you wanna call Erick the instigator to that whole ordeal of Scotty getting wasted, then Scotty must have a life of the party attention wanting problem.
Only in this event to I see that it was everyone's fault, at least a little. Erick was only an instigator in the fact that he urged him on whenever he would beat the kid or someone else. I haven't seen him do that before. I thought both of those guys were great before the event and I still do. Scotty just made a really bad judgment call and I don't think he should be the only one to blame. I think most of those guys have an attention problem. Michael took too many stands for the crowd. Erick played to his crowd. They were all having fun and it got way out of hand. Erick didn't find a real problem with it until he was shortstacked, excluding Laynes drunk episode of coming to the table and slapping Scotty's hand. That's just coming from someone that watched part of it live. I saw Scotty the night before and during breaks the other guys were signing stuff, Ivy was making calls, everyone was mingling and Scotty was kinda by himself and quiet. He looked like he was under a great deal of pressure. I didn't see him talk much until the end.
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shouldnt there be a limit to how intoxicated one is at a final table ?
Yes there should be and I believe we seen an example of someone going passed that point. There was a final table last year that a big named pro was going for his first bracelet. I don't remember who it was, but by the time the he won the bracelet he was pretty lit. The bid difference there was that he didn't make an asshat out of himself by boing on a tirade about the waitstaff not getting him drinks quick enough.That is a huge problem with the apology that was posted, it gives excuses for why he acted the way he did and says he never took any of it to the fans. He sure took it to the staff when he couldn't get a cocktail quick enough.....
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This is the defining moment for Scotty N. he will never live this down,So many F bombs, being such a huge turd, bending and breaking rules will set the standard from now on if they don't step up the rules.He should have got a time out no question, this hurts the game.

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IF, and this a big IF, that was from Scotty, it was through a PR firm hired by his agent or management team.
QFT.I don't know if it's being disputed whether or not the post was from "Scotty's people" or not. Like I don't think Scotty wrote it, but I think someone he hired wrote it, not just a random account.
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IF, and this a big IF, that was from Scotty, it was through a PR firm hired by his agent or management team.
If a PR firm or management team wrote this apology, they should be fired. It's the biggest load of crap I've ever read.
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If a PR firm or management team wrote this apology, they should be fired. It's the biggest load of crap I've ever read.
When was the last time you read a statement from a PR firm or agent that wasn't a load of crap? :club:
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Wow, this is from a PR firm? Time to hire a new one. I know the next argument will be that they didn't clean up the language because that's how Scotty talks. Not how it works. That apology was embarassing and really made no sense.

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That apology was embarassing and really made no sense.
this is why i think it probably was scotty. this was the best he could do, and is consistent with a drunk trying to rationalize what they've done while drunk. at no point does he say anything about how trashed he got, that that in and of itself was inappropriate, and that it was a major cause of the rest of his behavior. he'll also never admit that he probably wasn't the best player at the final table sober, and there was no way he was the best player there while hammered.this is just more embarrassment for the guy.
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Wow Scotty was a huge Douche. Lindgren and DeMichaele came across well, Scotty did'nt really play great and was a complete prick to almost everyone. I really like the way DeMichael carried himself, he was conducting himself with class but at the same time he was'nt backing down from Scotty, even on the last hand he was congratulating Scotty and Scotty continued to rub sand in his face.

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I'm not sure why he wasn't cut-off from drinking. If you act like that in front of any bar owner, you're cut off. I think that would have caused a short outburst, but it may have been in more of Scotty's best interest. You just can't act like that in public. Bad job of tournament management imo.

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That apology doesn't make alot of sense... but from what I could gather is hes saying "they wanted to drink, I out drank them, they wanted to be a**holes, and I out-a**holed them, and by the way I'm the best ever so I out played them too."Makes me think even less of him, actually.

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