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About thecove

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    All the ones with cards ; )
  1. thecove


    My thoughts and prayers are with your mom, you and your family Daniel.Take care.
  2. When was the last time you read a statement from a PR firm or agent that wasn't a load of crap?
  3. IF, and this a big IF, that was from Scotty, it was through a PR firm hired by his agent or management team.
  4. Does everyone really think that this was a chip dump by Scotty? In Omaha 8Scotty: Ah Ac 9d 3dLindgren: Qs Qc 8d 4dBoard: 3h 7c Jh JdAt this point, Scotty cannot make a low hand. And his Hi hand is Aces Up and can only improve to a full house with an Ace or J on the river (if his opponent doesn't aready have a J). Also, Scotty has no back up draws either.Meanwhile, his opponent still may have the low draw (which he does) and/or a J for the potential scoop. His opponent can also have a heart draw for a scoop as well. There are also a couple of other draws available (4-5 and 8-9) that can beat hi
  5. Here is the other angle that I don't think anyone has addressed. (On this thread anyway) Where are the Tournament Director's or Floor people when all this is happening? These are direct quotes from the official WSOP rules under player conduct: "Additionally, Harrah’s may in its sole and absolute discretion impose penalties of any kind or nature upon any person who, in Harrah’s view engages in inappropriate conduct during tournament play.""Any player who directs any profane and/or abusive language at another player, dealer or tournament staff member or who makes any profane and/or abusive comme
  6. I met Scotty only in passing at the 2007 WSOP as I was exiting my tournament and making that long walk through the Rio Convention hallway, I saw him walking toward me on his way in. I yelled, "Wassup Scotty?!" and he replied "What's up baby?" A cool moment, I felt.Then tonight while watching the 2008 HORSE tonight, I too find myself rooting against Scotty even though knew full well he would win. It truly was a bad display and bad form on the table. We've all watched Scotty play on TV and I can't remember a time when I saw Scotty act like this.Could it be that all the emotions from flaming out
  7. This is from Bluff:34 minutes ago"Kid Poker" Takes Down a Big OneDaniel Negreanu limped in from early position. Action folded around to the big blind who checked his option. The two took a flop heads up 4h 3s Js The big blind bet 3,000 and Negreanu promptly called. The turn brought the 9c. The big blind bet 10,000 and again, Negreanu looked him up. The river came the 6c. Without hesitation, the big blind pushed out 20,000 chips. Daniel took his time, at one point saying "Why does that scare me so much? (as he pointed to the 4h ) Eventually Negreanu made the call. The big blind turned over Jd 9
  8. Take this for what it is worth. I played in event #34 this year and unfortunately busted out on Day 2. On my way out I bought some merchandise from one of the vendors in the hallway and he informed us that the WSOP was going to move to Caeser's next year. He was a RIO employee.I didn't grill him on it becuase I heard the same rumor last year when I played.
  9. LOL Nah this is not joke. This is what really happened. I'm just second guessing myself. I had less then 5 BBs left so getting 4-1 (5-1) on my money at that point was a no brainer. I knew UTG didn't have a monster otherwise he would have opened the betting.Of course I knew I was getting my money in good, it's just that when I commited my last 3K I felt the poker reaper standing behind my me.....
  10. I thought about that for a second. But I'm already getting 4-1 on my money and with UTG yet to call, I'd then be getting 5-1 with less the 5 BB left. If I don't hit the flop I can get away from the hand cheap and check fold.With no Antes in a Limit Tourney, I would then have to pay the small blind next hand and have another 8 hands to catch a better starting hand and potentially push in late position
  11. Thanks. I realized that something like that would not be right. I could have said something along those lines, like "you're drawing thin and you know you are drawing thin. You should fold here and save your chips. Even if they declare my hand dead it would have been the same result anyway LOL. I try not to engage in much table talk. 1. Because I am not an expert at it (mostly because I don't try it) 2. I think it can give away too much information.I think it would have been just rail time but not a dead hand. Not sure.
  12. I've been playing Bay 101's Sunday Limit Tournament to tune up for the $3K Limit Tournament at the WSOP on June 20th. I've cashed once (5 way chop) already and was on my way to another cash when the following hand occurred:I had 13K in chips. Blinds 1000-2000 Limits 2000/4000 25 players left. Tourney pays out 10 spots (I won a huge pot a level earlier when I was priced in from the small blind with 7d5d, turned a straight and rivered a flush with 3 players betting each street.)I just got moved to this table about 4 hands earlier. Hero is in the BBUTG CallsUTG+1 RaisesAction Folds to HeroHero sq
  13. I think you are missing the whole point. It was a parody. It's humor. Nothing more.
  14. I don't think there is any argument that Phil H is one of the greatest Hold Em tournament players of all time. As much as I suffocate everytime he self inflates his ego, I do respect his game.Oh and Daniel, you have to give Antonio Esfandiari a little grief the next time you see him for contributing to PH's ego on his recent commercial campaign. LOL
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