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I think there needs to be a small white truck parked next to the scene of the accident, watching but not participating.

How was the crowd for The Lovely Bones?

That's how I felt when I saw Gangs of New York, followed closely by City of God. DDL is fantastic in Gangs, but the movie didn't do much for me. City Of God though, that's the real thing.     I don

Sharks vs Octopus vs Dinosaurs vs Gators vs Pirahnas vs Anacondas FTW BATTTTTTTTTTTLLLLLEEE!So I watched this movie called Hoot in the 4th grade class I've been working with. There was a character named Mullet Fingers. Luke Wilson was in it and he is excellent AS ALWAYS. There is also a pancake lady in it. This movie is full of win.

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Another YearIt's a Mike Leigh movie, I it came out last year. It follows a year in the life of a retirement aged upper middle class British couple, and various members of their friends and family. I really like this movie, it's quiet and unforced, following the ups and downsof normal life. It did make me feel fairly self aware, watching the various failings of the people on the screen. I feel like I could be one of those people.

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The new Wall Street. It wasn't great, but I was entertained, based on reviews I thought it was going to be horseshit so I was happy that it wasn't that bad.

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Will you be seeing The People vs. George Lucas?
I'd like to. I haven't been able to get my hands on a screener(and I bet there's no cinematic reason to see this on the big screen.) I know there's been some convention screenings. But that seems like overkill.I saw Lord of the Rings:Fellowship on opening weekend at the Mann's Chinese theater. It's a really big theater, and I think seats 1,000. The place is packed and excited, we sit through commercials and previews. The new Star Wars preview comes up (iirc Phantom Menace), it plays, there's a pause, and someone in the audience yells "F.uck Lucas!"
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I saw Lord of the Rings:Fellowship on opening weekend at the Mann's Chinese theater. It's a really big theater, and I think seats 1,000. The place is packed and excited, we sit through commercials and previews. The new Star Wars preview comes up (iirc Phantom Menace), it plays, there's a pause, and someone in the audience yells "F.uck Lucas!"
It would've been for Attack of the Clones based on the timeline. I think most of the big Star Wars fans were somewhat annoyed at all his tinkering (Han Solo shot first!), but it wasn't until Phantom Menace and seeing DARTH VADER reduced to this whiny little kid that it blossomed into full hate. That's the way I remember it anyway. I was so excited for a new movie that I watched the first teaser trailer for Phantom Menace approximately 700,000 times when it was first released.
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It would've been for Attack of the Clones based on the timeline. I think most of the big Star Wars fans were somewhat annoyed at all his tinkering (Han Solo shot first!), but it wasn't until Phantom Menace and seeing DARTH VADER reduced to this whiny little kid that it blossomed into full hate. That's the way I remember it anyway. I was so excited for a new movie that I watched the first teaser trailer for Phantom Menace approximately 700,000 times when it was first released.
yeah, I agree. Everyone was excited for the possibility of something great with P.M. A lot of the hate, which I don't share, came afterward.The original movies are terribly acted and horribly written, and I love them to death.
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Bridesmaids. I enjoyed it. Laughed quite a bit. I have to say that I hate Wiig on SNL but I really enjoyed her in this and Paul.Green Zone w/ Matt Damon. I like Damon.

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The Kids Are AlrightA very good movie! Annette Benning and Julianne Moore are great!
You're a sucker for lesbians and Mark Ruffalo's easy charm.
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I felt like that whole movie was just a long set up for Julianne Moore's monologue which is the reason she got nominated for best actress. Or best movie. whatever

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I think you drastically underestimate how fun it is for males to laugh at really immature stuff.
In other news, I watched Monsters last weekend. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Maybe I liked it because I saw it at home, enjoyed its brisk 90 minute running time, and was pleasantly surprised at how good it looked for its $500,000 production budget.
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I said immature... not retarded.
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X-menIt was just alright, fine for a summer movie. I was entertained enough the whole way through, but it isn't something you have to see it in the theater.The movie started off great with us learning more of the Magneto backstory and introducing us to a maniacal Kevin Bacon who was a great bad guy imo. The first 30-45 min was all about Magneto and Professor X against the bad guys which for me is awesome, but then it slipped back into introducing all the other mutants. We have to watch them learn about their powers and decide what side they are on which is all great, but we already saw the exact same freaking thing in the first X-men movie, just with different characters. I left the theater wanting more Professor X and Magneto which has been my problem with the whole franchise... sigh.

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hard eight. found myself wishing it would hurry up and end. not bad, just didn't do much for me. plus, I tend to not like movies with dirty downtrodden people in it.edit: unless they're zombies of course.

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devil.i quite like knowing nothing about most movies these days. i don't follow reviews or press on any releases, so i'm not pre-disposed to love/hate the product. teal leaked a bit of the setup to me, so i knew

it took place in an elevator

.it was a reasonably tight production. they don't explicitly show much gore, so if that is how you set the bar on horrors/thrillers then this is probably not the one for you to see. that being said... i enjoyed it well enough. the 2 weakest actors

in the elevator

for me were

the security guard & the mattress salesman

. i don't expect brilliant performances in horrors, so this wasn't a deal-breaker.



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StoneEd Norton, Bob De Niro, Milla Jovovich's long nipplesI liked it, but it wasn't great. Norton is a wigger-type inmate looking for parole, and he has to go through De Niro, who has a complicated home life that starts in the opening scene. Pretty well acted, but the script was kind of different, and it was hard to believe the relationship they formed. It kind of seemed liked two separate acting performances that, while they were well done, didn't really mesh well together. Weird ending that I didn't really follow either.Still, I enjoyed it.
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Aside from American History X and Fight Club, I've not really enjoyed Ed Norton much, though I recognise he's a decent actor.
Did you see Primal Fear? His first & best performance imo.
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