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Everything posted by Merby

  1. Welcome aboard. Don't worry, you generally don't get flamed in the strat forums -- we're just here to help each other.Generally, I raise a flop like that (it's the best flop you could ask for when you con't flop a set: no overs and no real made hands (you can't put him on 45)). There is a diamond draw, so I recommend raising: a pot raise is a good amount, plus, you don't want to give him a free shot at hitting one of his overs.Nevertheless, I dont mind the smooth-call here -- only because you know the game is being played aggressively and he's as likely to have nothing as he is to have a pi
  2. An excellent idea, I second (er... third) the motion to change dna's status. It will give dna4ever more bragging rights because everyone will know his achievement.Cheers,Merby
  3. ...oh wait, you mean you recieve a congrats for registering message, but not a congrats for registering email? (Hence, no email).Will it be a problem that I used a different emil address from my FCP email address?Cheers,Merby
  4. I never recieved an email. Does that mean my registration failed for some reason? The only reason I can think of is that I did not ues the same email address as the one I used to open my FCP account.Cheers,Merby
  5. I tend to play LAG very profitably.A couple notes of caution: 1) Playing LAG style will give you HUGE chip swings eg: in one day , you might expect to buy-in for $200, ++Up to $600, --Down to $100, --Bust out and rebuy for another $200 ++Up to $1200 --Down to $800 and cash out. 2) Interspersing some long and short periods of TAG playkeeps the opponents guessing3) Expect more bad beats (if you can't lose a huge pot to a 4-outer, this style is not for you)4) LAG play in not effective: (i) With short stacks (your stack or your opponent's stack (ii) At loose tables (play oppos
  6. I read the HH and agree with the OP: moti1128 should not be able to reraise here.p.s. what site is this, I'll have to avoid it from now on...Cheers,Merby
  7. Fold.I was going to say more, but after reading all the replies, I have nothing to add.Cheers,Merby
  8. Man I love this post... It sure made my day! I know this is a jopke post, but I'll bite anyway:Let's follow the OP's flaw-gic:Given: Choosing not to burn a card changes the probability of winning a hand by the river Then: Not burning a card will change the odds of of making a flush by the river after flopping four to a flushAlong the same line of thinking: The number of players dealt into a hand will also change the probability of making your flush (because each of the cards dealt to other opponents play as much a role as a burn card in any probability calculations.)Therefore: If you flop fo
  9. I like your play. There are only two hands that I like to get all my money in pre-flop: The krabler, and greek-style (8 T-offsuit).It sucks when the all-in sucks out on you like that, but that'll happen from time to time.Just be happy you got all your money in as a huge favourite.Cheers,Merby
  10. I'm betting around 3/4 of the pot on the turn because I want to induce a mistake by getting a weaker hand to call when he doesn't have the correct odds. If we overbet the pot, we will only get callers/raisers from hands that probably beat us (eg: A8 or a slow-played 79, or a set), although the occasioual 78 or 89 might stick around with top pair and a straight draw.Yes, the worst hand going into the river ends up winning, but so long as we don't give him (or any other reasonable draws) the right price to stick around, we've done all we can. I don't like committing too much money to pots that
  11. I would bet more both on the flop and on the turn.On the flop: there is $1.75 in the pot: I like a $1 to $1.50 bet: this flop is a good flop for a BB to bet, but there are a lot of possible draws, and I think you must narrow down the field, weed out some draws.On the turn, I am putting in a 1/2 to 3/4 pot bet (the 5 really doesn't scare me, and I want to give the incorrect price for draws to follow). That means, in your case where you bet $.50 on the flop, you should bet $1.50 to $2.50, but if you had bet $1 on the flop, I would follow this with a $2.50 to $4.00 bet.Then again, I am a little
  12. I disagree with the general concensus: I am calling here, no doubt. Remember that he thinks you are blindly aggressive, I think he puts in another raise pre-flop with KK as well as AA... in fact, based on your read of his read of your play, he's probably reraising with JJ through AA and AK (I would against a player like you in this situation). Let's look at the possibilities:On the flop, with his all-in, you are faced with the decision of calling 4,000 to win 20,000. So you are getting 4 to 1 on your money.What possible hands could he have here? I see him having: a) AA or KK B) JJ, TT c)
  13. I'm sure this is semantics, but generally I consider a value bet a bet made when you don't hold the nuts or close, but when you hold a moderate hand that you think is better than what your opponent has. So in that scenario, I'd disagree with the previous statement. Its good to get the max value out of any hands you have.I don't disagree with your opponent value betting that river. He has the nut flush and is trying to extract value from someone holding an A or a T. But sometimes you misread the strength of you opponent and you need to reevaluate when he moves all in over you :)MarkA value bet
  14. I like TJ's argument. Here's some more "food for thought" on the subject as to why I think calling pre-flop is the best option:Portcityplayer, you said that you have a good read on your opponents as being weaker players who call too much (calling $100 with AQ, "hoping" you had KK for instance). Let's look at what we know pre-flop: 1) You have position on the SB 2) You have a good read on him as having two big face cards 3) You know he has a poker blind spot: he tends to call too often.Given the above, why not maximize? Based on (1) and (2), you know you should be able to outplay him pos
  15. I agree with all the replies so far. In NLHE cash games, I love TPTK -- when my opponent holds it. Probably the most common holding of an opponent I bust in NLHE cash games is TPTK. It tends to get overvalued in NLHE. Generally (against decent or unknown opponents) I will not commit my entire stack to a TPTK situation.Unlike LHE, where this is a strong hand, you generally don't want to risk your entire stack with TPTK, so you must play the hand defensively. That is, be the initial bettor/raiser, and try to push the other hands out. If someone smooth-calls me on a draw-free board --depend
  16. Awww shucks! Thanks DrawingDead. Sorry I haven't been around lately, I went back to Winnipeg over the holidays to visit family, and was too preoccupied with the visit to play any poker (or check out the forum...) I should be around again now that I am back to the grind and need a distraction...Wow that's a shiitty story... Losing an entire bankroll to one hand (that was a one-outter, no less...) I'm glad you reconsidered your suicide options: you still owe me $47 (just kidding) I have gone broke before... just never in one hand (ouch!)Cheers,Merby
  17. NH, Well played.I cannot think of anything I would do differently. Good job sending him packing with his tail between his legs.Cheers,Merby
  18. You cheap bastard! In this situation you must tip at least one black chip (if not two...)(sw)A lucky result to a bad call (whew!) We've all been there.BTW, good form with the good tip: I would do the same.Cheers,Merby
  19. Oh ... I didn't notice. My real first name is %%FIRSTAME%% (yes, with the '%'-symbols), so I was rather impressed that was addressed to me personally.Pity.Cheers,%%FIRSTAME%%(my friends call me %% for short)
  20. A set is possible, but I still think it is faaaar more probable that he had a big spade and was drawing. He only raised the minimum here -- while this is often a sign of a big hand, in this situation and the way this hand played out, I think it is your opponent trying to buy a free card. He has position, and often a small raise will lead to the out-of-position opponent checking the turn, hence giving him "two cards for the price of one".There is no way I fold here without supporting evidence, too often, you are giving up the winning hand.Cheers,Merby
  21. Should raised, donk. Everyone knows the continuation bet's just a sign of weakness. Yeah, I could've seen it to the river (it was only a 1/2 LIMIT HE table) so I certainly could've donked off that hand and not batted an eye......But then again, I didn't realize he would leave the VERY next hand, so I thought I could wait for a nicer moment.Cheers,Merby
  22. I got to play DN when he sat down at the 1/2 table! I played exactly one hand (my post):He raised, I called with T4 (soooooted)... just to see a flop with him...He bet a blank flop, I folded...My 5 seconds of a brush with poker fame!Cheers,Merby
  23. He's playing on the $250/500 LHE table now...Go DN!
  24. I agree that the correct play is to push, but I don't think it is the easy choice that some of the other posters make it out to be. I would have probably sat on this decision for a few moments before pushing.You're sitting on 140k chips with 5k/10k blinds, so it's not like there is a time pressure yet... Before the play gets to you, both players have shown interest in the pot: Huish may be on the steal, and may fold, but Nevin has definitely committed to playing for all his chips (or rather, for all his opponents chips). If you fold here, one of the following plays out: 1) Huish folds and
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