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Yoda About To Make Bigtime Ft

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Hi all,Big FT for Yoda; he's getting married this weekend...........yikes, someone actually was willing to get hitched to that little green jedi master! :D lolWoohoo! Good Luck tomorrow and have a blast! :D:club: Leo + Jen = + EV :D:D

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Hi all,Big FT for Yoda; he's getting married this weekend...........yikes, someone actually was willing to get hitched to that little green jedi master! :D lolWoohoo! Good Luck tomorrow and have a blast! :D:club: Leo + Jen = + EV :D:D
Good Luck Yoda, and congrats.
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Best of luck. Did it back in Sept. (my wife would say finally) and it's great. Enjoy the day, it will be over before you know it.

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but what about all the lesbians of the world??(but seriously) our 6 yr anniversary is on the 21st.gl and congrats

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Alright, there's got to be one...RUN, RUN...As fast as you can. What are you doing? Are you crazy? J/K.Good luck and enjoy. I had a blast at my wedding.

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Get married in Vegas (I did), Play poker the next day (I did & won $400!!). Show her the money and have a happy life. I wish you both the best.

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Hi all,Big FT for Yoda; he's getting married this weekend...........yikes, someone actually was willing to get hitched to that little green jedi master! :D lolWoohoo! Good Luck tomorrow and have a blast! :D:club: Leo + Jen = + EV :D:D
Yoda says: Size matters not.Congrats!Mark
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Hi all,Big FT for Yoda; he's getting married this weekend...........yikes, someone actually was willing to get hitched to that little green jedi master! :D lolWoohoo! Good Luck tomorrow and have a blast! :D:club: Leo + Jen = + EV :D:D
We've talked alot these past several months and still she says she wants to go through with it! :PHope your day is great Yoda. May your Lightsaber not run out of batteries Sat. evening! Talk to you later bud.
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