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Alot Of Money, Losing Job.

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Why is the option of going to college not mentioned? Sure it will set you back monetarily, but it will easily pay off. If you are into business, get a degree and you can easily find a job paying 50K+ somewhere. You can have a regular undergrad degree done in 3 years if you kill yourself. Sacrificing 3 years of your life is not that bad when you are only 26. Heck, now that I think of it, you can have that degree done in 2 1/2 years. Take 18 credits a semesters for 5 semesters. That's 81 credit hours. Take full time summer school for 3 summers and that's 126 credit hours. Think about it.

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College has crossed my mind . I have about 2 years completed of General studies from a community college that I could transfer. My whole thing with college is .. Looking at the national studies of what college graduates with a 4 year degree right into the business world .. with what they initially start out at , and how much debt theyve accumulated from school ... makes me stray from that option , as Im making more than the national average (well .. was ) and without all the debt of school loans. Ive toyed with the idea of going back to school ..

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As someone with a business degree, who works as a tennis instructor, I'd say do the networking and searching thing before the college thing. Considering the volatility of the business world, you could end up 4 years older, 37K poorer because of tuition, and still because of the economy, NO DARN JOB. Then again you could end up getting hired at a great firm and make great money. But with a fiance and kid, you have to ask yourself is that a risk your not only willing to take, but able to take?

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Does that dude Mark still run his game? The Matterhorn still open for business? I don't think starting an underground club is such a great idea. The Blackhawk/Central City people DON'T like any competition and the word will spread.I don't know man. Go sell patio furniture at Broadway Furniture.I really like how you equate money to the ME buy-in. I used to think in terms of BB's.
I wouldn't start a card room. Haven't you heard of the local games getting busted lately? There was one in Denver that got busted last year, a room in either Larkspur or Monument before that, Kafeneo got busted also last fall.Like others have said, network your *** off these next 25 days and hope for the best.I have a couple of contacts in the finance industry (Mass Mutual, Lincoln Financial), you can PM me for details if you would like, but I'm in employee benefits, not finance, so I may be of limited assistance. I don't know enough about your job and your present situation.Good luck. I do know of a couple of NL games in Littleton if you are interested. Pretty soft one or two, sometimes three tables, I could make a phone call.You don't think you could play 5/5 up at the Hill and make mad mobneys? Yes, there is an implied sw.
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Buy yourself a Masters from the University of Guatamala for two grand. :club:
When you get this degree is "Guatemala" spelled correctly on the certificate or is it spelled "Guatamala?"Take a look at yours and let us know.
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I wouldn't start a card room. Haven't you heard of the local games getting busted lately? There was one in Denver that got busted last year, a room in either Larkspur or Monument before that, Kafeneo got busted also last fall.Like others have said, network your *** off these next 25 days and hope for the best.I have a couple of contacts in the finance industry (Mass Mutual, Lincoln Financial), you can PM me for details if you would like, but I'm in employee benefits, not finance, so I may be of limited assistance. I don't know enough about your job and your present situation.Good luck. I do know of a couple of NL games in Littleton if you are interested. Pretty soft one or two, sometimes three tables, I could make a phone call.You don't think you could play 5/5 up at the Hill and make mad mobneys? Yes, there is an implied sw.
I appreciate the the offer , and I shoulda put my (SW) warning up for the card room ... I just gotta be smart right now, but its hard. a million ****in things going thru my mind ...and I would like to hit u up for a contact to a card room ... I used to play at med / greek , but dont like it anymore .. thanks again
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Good luck buddy, I say you take all the money and start a balloon business. I know a guy. You might know him too.Another option is real estate agent, they make a ton of bank in a college town.

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Think I might start a carpet cleaning company , or buy into one . Service industry is huge. One of the clubs I used to play at had a carpet cleaning owner/operator ... that dude was loaded. mmmmm ballonguy!

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the fact that your job was so slack was not a good sign for the long run. If you are not busy, I can't see you keeping that job forever. Eventually they'll figure out that they don't need you, which is what happened. i'm sure that you will be able to find another job. The fact that you are 26 and have that money, house and all that is pretty good. Don't go blowing that lump sum 30k on something stupid. That's your lifeline until you find another job. I wouldn't go to the WSOP this year if I were you unless you have found a job by then. Scared money is dead money. Good luck.

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A couple thoughts... mortgage lenders don't sell homes so you don't have to worry about that :-PLosing the job sucks, but if money gets tight you know you could easily get a crappy job making 25-30K/yr to at least pay the bills (the mortgage on a 250K house is not that bad even if you put little to nothing down payment). Not to mention your wifey is the breadwinner.3rd it's never too late to get a degree.4th I'm a recruiter so I was gonna help, but I have no clients in Colorado and you already admitted to being a slacker :)5th The guy that thought a 401K means 401 thousand dollars... :club: wow. Just wow.

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Oooh, I thought of something else. You said fiance...36K will barely pay for your wedding depending on where you live. I know because mine is in 16 days. Better not go spending that!

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As other people have said, networking is the absolute best thing you could do. Don't be embarrassed to stick your neck out and flat-out ask for work, either: as someone once said, the worst that can happen is they'll say no. "If you don't ask, you don't get." Unless you get lucky, nobody's going to hand you the perfect job on a silver platter: if doors aren't opening for you, get creative and kick a few down. Some of the best jobs I've ever had were for positions that didn't even exist before I showed up-- resume in hand--and convinced people why they should hire me. As in poker, aggression can often be +EV.In addition to all your job-and-education plans, something else that will help is to sit down with your fiance, make/revise a budget, and cut the fat out of your daily expenditures. If you're like most people, chances are you're spending a lot more than you need to...you'll be surprised at how much farther your money will go if you figure out where your leaks are, so to speak. Google the word "frugal" for all sorts of newsletters, tips, etc. It won't be much fun, but it's 100% guaranteed to cut down on the stress. Good luck!

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Balloons have been very good to me.But even better is the idea..find something nobody wants to do, become good at it, work hard and pay your dues, and you will be successful.I don't see the big deal, you got yourself a sugarmomma, I'd kill to have me a sugarmomma.

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Good luck buddy, I say you take all the money and start a balloon business. I know a guy. You might know him too.Another option is real estate agent, they make a ton of bank in a college town.
I should probably admit that I don't make my entire income from balloons, I do have alot of props, lights, linens and we do flowers etc. Balloons only net me about $60K a year, so it's just a portion.Of course I don't advertise or do deliveries, so I am probably missing out on some good money, but hey, a guys got to play golf right?
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So .. I love my job. I basically sit at my desk and post on forums all day and make 1k a week for doing so. I come in Late, and leave work early. I take 2 hour long lunch breaks. I get all National holidays off paid. This is my third year here , and I have 3 weeks of untouched vacation. I had a pension .. more to that later. I now have a 401k . Paid healthcare. Damn good job . Recently .. I inherited about 3 1/2 buyins to the main event. My pension was returned fully on my behalf , as a refund , not a cashout .. due to a discrepency when my employer originally enrolled me into it. So , because the contributions were paid on my behalf , the refund was sent to me , without penalty . Lump sum .. about 37 grand. Im 26 .. 37 grand is alot of dough. Anyways .. So that happened .. back to the job portion ... I was told today that I have 25 more days before my company merges with another company. The other company doesnt want to bring me on. So im getting laid off .. My severence? nothing ... cashout 3 weeks of vacation, no sicktime cashout. I dont have a degree .. Im 26 , and got to this position by working hard and moving up the scale. I figured this to be a life long career. Im pretty bumed out about this. Yes , while I did recieve alot of cash upfront .. Im losing my ****ing job. I just bought a 250 thousand dollar house , new truck and car .. I have a fiance and a 6 year old . (She works thank god, and actually makes more than I do) , but .. Im still losing my job. My cake as job .... Anyone ever been laid off and it totally come out of the blue? Im getting really depressed as the last time I was in Vegas was wsop 06 , and we were planning on going in 2 weeks ... but now its probably not a smart move since I dont have anything lined up. Oh , and yea I can rollover my cashout my 401k .. but its not that much either .. half a buyin to the main event ... Fiance tells me I need to find a job (doing whatever) that pays what I make now ... how the hell does someone find a job without a degree , making what I make? Im screwed ... Sigh , maybe take all the money Im getting and open an underground poker room in Denver with a rake. Who the **** knows ... **** IT ALL .
I think your financial troubles stem more from you chasing than anything else. I mean if your not playing your A game every 10 dollar sit and go you are never going to make it in this game. So if your name was TAGJim I think everything would be ok. you probably ruined your life taking a shot at 1/2 NL did'nt you? If only NHLfan could read your story and take note.
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Oh , and yea I can rollover my cashout my 401k .. but its not that much either .. half a buyin to the main event ...
I am not entirely sure what you mean by this line but my suggestion would be that you take your 401k money and put it into a ROLL-OVER IRA. That way when you get your next job with a 401k plan, you can roll that money back into your new 401k plan without penalties. Although I am sure you are very concerned about the short term, please don't lose sight of the long term either. I think it is great that you have started a 401k; at your age it can become quite large without you killing yourself with contributions month to month.Good luck on the job hunt. Like peeps have said before; it happens to everybody but it still sucks...RegardsErasa
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Get a degree now, and work while in school too. If you don't do it now, you'll wish that you did, fifteen years from now.
QFT Im there now! Sounds like I'm a little older wish I had the degree now....Im not out of a job though
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Good luck on the job search.Just a suggestion, but when discussing salary with potentail employers, you might not want to speak interms of ME buyins for units :club: I understand how frightening this must feel to you, with a new home and a son to support, but please realize this is just a small setback in the grand scheme of things. Your fiance has a steady job and you now have a $35,000 security blanket "just in case". A really bad beat would be if you, your fiance or (god forbid) your son had a terminal illness or a fatal accident. Anything else is a challenge meant to make you take nothing for granted. You can get through this one.Take the weekend to drink too much and feel sorry for yourself. Monday morning get going on the resume. Good Luck !

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So .. I love my job. I basically sit at my desk and post on forums all day and make 1k a week for doing so. I come in Late, and leave work early. I take 2 hour long lunch breaks.
I hate to be the ball buster here but could this be why the new company isn't interested in keeping you on?I wish you luck in your new job search but maybe this is a good time for some soul searching about your work ethic and what you offer your employer also.
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Either keep taking it ease and have your fiance get another job or put that tail on the streets turning tricks. I hear theres a big interest in young children too now a days. (easy job, fast money) Good luck

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