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I Am Not Racist

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What do you call a Mexican hitch-hiker???Elpaso...AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!HAHAHAHAHA!!!(COUGH COUGH COUGH COUGH)HAHAHA!HAHAHA!!hahaha...ha...meh...
I really laughed hard at this. Timing is everything.
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"It's that you have absolutely NO right to bi.tch about the way this country is run, or the decisions made by this country's government when you enter it illegally. If you are not a citizen, you have NO RIGHTS UNDER OUR CONSTITUTION--SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DO YOUR JOB AND HOPE TO HELL YOU GET AMNESTY."maybe you missed where i agreed with that exact point in my post. simply put, DD, you have too much anger. every thread you post in youre angry, take it down a notch. peace and love. this issue means nothing to you except its something else to get mad about.
1. No, dumb people just bring out the best in me.2. It means nothing to me? Am I not an American citizen? You proved your ignorance. Goodnight.
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1. No, dumb people just bring out the best in me.2. It means nothing to me? Am I not an American citizen? You proved your ignorance. Goodnight.
I agree with you. Also, I will be moving to Ames in about 2 months time to live with my brother, do you know of any home games in the DM area that would welcome a new guy?
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I agree with you. Also, I will be moving to Ames in about 2 months time to live with my brother, do you know of any home games in the DM area that would welcome a new guy?
Eh..most are sporadic and you need to know the people well enough that they'll just call you at random...and realize that Ames is a good 30-40 minutes from Des Moines.
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ok all the kids in school walked out again this sht is just so rediculous im getting real pissed off the keep blocking the strip , earlier when i came home i bombarded the news with a hundred emails asking them to quiz these kids and see if they know what they are protesting ,sure as sht on the news today they asked a crap load of kids what the bill was about and not one of these idiotic kids knew what is was about they kept saying they want their rights not mexican rights WHAT THE FK ARE WE TEACHING THSE KIDS THESE DAYS??

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Hard to get real world perspective from Des Moines, however :club:
I love people who make generalizations about the midwest, your clueless even if your just joking.Des Moines has a high population of mexicans and bosnians, legal or illegal. Hell we have a place thats refered to as the bosnian ghetto, you go there and not one person speaks english and it feels like your not in the US anymore. But I bet you think everyone in Iowa just grows corn and raises pigs to feed the rest of the country right?
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  • 4 weeks later...

I feel like I should chime in considering illegal immigration probably affects me more than 98% of the posters on this forum.What many of you fail to realize is that the children of many of these illegal aliens are American citizens, because they were born in this country. Shipping off all of their parents back to Mexico is not a feasible solution. Amnesty is also not a good solution. There is going to have to be some sort of compromise whether the majority likes it or not.

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im all for a comprimise and im sure our government is also i just dont get the marches and a walkout at work when they want into this country to go to WORK
Seriously?It's to show how much the US economy depends on them. They walk out, White America loses money, and they get more consideration for their cause.
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"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"They're protesting because they're being treated as second-class people. I'm pretty sure that this country has a long history of that...starting with the Revolutionary War and running through the Civil War, Women's Movement, and Civil Rights Movement. In many cases, those "protests" were illegal and sometimes violent. I'd say that these protests are pretty peachy compared to what happened in France not too long ago."We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."In other words, we're in the business of extending human rights to everyone...not just those that happen to be citizens of this country. It astounds me that in this global climate, the US sentiment seems to be getting more and more isolationist. To put it in tangential terms, the legality of online poker is murky in this country. If it was made completely illegal, would you continue to play it and protest to have its illegality overturned? Or should you just sit down and shut up and be glad for what you get by living in the US?Can you honestly tell me that you never break the law? Occasionally, I drive over the speed limit. Despite that, do I feel that I'm entitled to drive on roads that my taxes paid for? Yup.For more on US immigration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_t...e_United_States

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I think Cobalt's post represents the tangible difference in opinions between some in this country...a lot of it is lib. vs. conservative.Liberals (And/or those opinions voiced by Cobalt) tend to look at the United States as a vessel for greater world freedom, peace and prosperity...and its existence needs only to justify that end, and nothing more. Cobalt fails to note that the immigrants who passed the Statue of Liberty were stopped at Ellis Island, inspected, booked, and either let in or turned back for medical or other reasons. Conservatives (or any true patriot) look at it different..the United States is a STATE, a REPUBLIC. An independent republic must look after its own interests. Those who oppose the presence of millions of illegal immigrants in this country do so because A. It is a very large, visible violation of our law and B. It is endangering our republic's infrastructure. The argument that "hey we all break the law" is fallacious because if indeed we break the law to the extent that we begin to cost taxpayers notable amounts of money and become very visible breaking the law, our society will in fact punish us. This has not happened as of yet to illegal aliens.Very few of us here have said we do not sympathize with these aliens. We understand their desires, their wish to enhance the lifestyle of their families. We cannot accept, however, that they are breaking our laws, smashing our sovreignity, to do so. I heard the argument that "if we tell Mexico about our interests, how do we have the right to tell other countries that they are dangerous".. blah blah blah.We have the right to do anything we want. Those countries have the right to oppose us. No one would argue that Iraq didn't have the right to defend itself when we invaded; thus, we have the right to defend OURSELVES. If we do not defend our language, our borders, our distinctly American culture, we will eventually cease to exist. Worse case scenario? Civil war, and a division of our nation. Best? We will dissolve into a loose federation of peoples that are so dissimilar that the central state will have little power to govern itself or affect change for good internationally. The argument that we may take a bit of an economic hit for enforcing our laws misses 2 points: 1st, it's worth a little money out of our pockets to maintain our sovreignity, and 2nd, if our state is rendered impotent, the economy WILL follow suit. The minute we are viewed as weak or unable to control our own state, the foreign investors will flee, not the aliens.

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Liberals (And/or those opinions voiced by Cobalt) tend to look at the United States as a vessel for greater world freedom, peace and prosperity...and its existence needs only to justify that end, and nothing more. Cobalt fails to note that the immigrants who passed the Statue of Liberty were stopped at Ellis Island, inspected, booked, and either let in or turned back for medical or other reasons. ...The argument that "hey we all break the law" is fallacious because if indeed we break the law to the extent that we begin to cost taxpayers notable amounts of money and become very visible breaking the law, our society will in fact punish us. This has not happened as of yet to illegal aliens....If we do not defend our language, our borders, our distinctly American culture, we will eventually cease to exist. Worse case scenario? Civil war, and a division of our nation. Best? We will dissolve into a loose federation of peoples that are so dissimilar that the central state will have little power to govern itself or affect change for good internationally.
I actually consider myself a moderate Republican, but I do have a very global perspective and think that the US is blessed to be in a position to help the rest of the world.The importance of Liberty is her message as opposed to her application. We used to have racist immigration quotas. Those weren't right. I'm not opposed to regulating immigration, but the current quotas aren't big enough, and some compromise must be reached with illegals that are currently living in the country. Mass deportation and walls are impractical at best and xenophobic at worst.The argument that illegal immigrants are costing taxpayers money is extremely open to debate. They pay taxes and actually don't derive all of the benefits of legal citizens. There are also plenty of "freeloaders" that are legal.Our language? Our language is constantly evolving and it's extremely democratic. We've taken plenty of useful words from a plethora of different languages. That's actually one of the strengths of "American" English and English in general. If we "defend" it too strongly, it becomes stale and out of touch with real word application. Ever heard of the Academie Francaise? They "regulate" the French language. It's a really dumb idea. Linguistically, I'm descriptivist as opposed to prescriptivist.And that distinctly American culture that you're talking about is a constantly evolving melting pot of cultures. Like our language, that openness and willingness to accept other ideas is what makes and will continue to make our country strong.If the anti-federalists or South had prevailed in the nation's history, we would've dissolved into an ineffective confederation of states. However, I don't foresee such a threat any time in the near future. The governmental power in the US is very centralized and most residents are much more attached to the country than their specific state or original country of origin.
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most residents are much more attached to the country than their specific state or original country of origin.
I'll chalk up most of our disagreement to difference of opinion; I wasn't trying to impose what France does, but if we lose our "unifying" characteristics, we will cease to unite. "Evolution" is very different from "dissolution", which is what I fear may occur.The quote above though is why I believe many single out the latino illegals, although they are also the most noticable group as well. You saw a TON of Mexican, Guatemalan, etc. flags out there...along with the American flags, but still they were there in numbers. These people identify themselves as Americans only inasmuch as you would identify yourself with your work (assuming you work for a corporation or institution), i.e.: "I am an FBI agent." That's who you are "at work" (in America), but is that truly where your alleigence lies? The more assimilated, the better..especially the children. Assimilated does not mean "white", because surely, that does not seem to be the cultural trend in America today. But it does mean learning English, having a real social security card, paying taxes, etc.
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Conservatives (or any true patriot) look at it different...
Seriously, this is really funny. Your political posts are so comical.
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Seriously, this is really funny. Your political posts are so comical.
Thanks MK for contributing to the discourse.I think what you're missing is that "I like living here" doesn't make you a "patriot", nor does not being a patriot make you a bad person. Well, not the only part you're missing....
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I think what you're missing is that "I like living here" doesn't make you a "patriot", nor does not being a patriot make you a bad person.
The implication that conservatives have a monopoly on patriotism is what makes it funny. Shrouding oneself in the flag does not a patriot make. I also found it hilarious that the irony of this was lost on you: "Liberals (And/or those opinions voiced by Cobalt) tend to look at the United States as a vessel for greater world freedom, peace and prosperity...and its existence needs only to justify that end, and nothing more." It perfectly describes the administration's stated intentions for the current nation-building debacle in Iraq, which you support whole-heartedly, I'm sure.
Well, not the only part you're missing....
Also, you would do well to not condescend. I will crush you. hulkhogan.jpg
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The world didnt end yesterday, eh?Absolutely nothing happened, eh?Well, I guess they just showed how much we really don't need them.All that happened yesterday is that they decided to block streets in a bunch of cities. Glad you could contribute to the economy.I'm pretty sure that nobody protesting understands that we know that we do need immigrants, we just want them to go through the proper channels to become citizens.

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The implication that conservatives have a monopoly on patriotism is what makes it funny. Shrouding oneself in the flag does not a patriot make. I also found it hilarious that the irony of this was lost on you: "Liberals (And/or those opinions voiced by Cobalt) tend to look at the United States as a vessel for greater world freedom, peace and prosperity...and its existence needs only to justify that end, and nothing more." It perfectly describes the administration's stated intentions for the current nation-building debacle in Iraq, which you support whole-heartedly, I'm sure.
Yeah, I said "or", meaning opposite, not "and", implying that conservatives and patriots were always one and the same.Regardless of whether I support/ed past, current or future involvement in Iraq, it is/was not an action purely to spread "freedom". George W. believes our foreign policy should be this and only this, but at the time of the invasion, this was not the reason. This was an offensive war for our defense..whether ill-conceived or not..and your judgement on the morality and consequence of the action is your own. My point was that you would have American society only exist for some social cause in the world...and when that cause has been realized, America needs not exist as an independent state of a single people until there's another cause. Our freedom is our own...we earned it. Are we a great example for the world? Yes. Is it in our own interest to promote democracy and freer societies around the world? Yes, there are statistics to prove that governments closer to democracy war less. Is it our obligation to somehow give everyone the rights, freedoms, and privileges afforded to American citizens? Certainly not.Do we thus have open borders, no aim, no purpose to our society, but to just "exist"? No. Because if we do, we won't.
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