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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Not that anybody asked but it's been a rough week so while the wife goes in to work this afternoon/evening, I'm going to go out for some poker therapy.


Not much else going on this weekend other than that. Boss couldn't figure out how to do part of the budgets for 2014 so she asked me to do it. So there's that too.

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Not that anybody asked but it's been a rough week so while the wife goes in to work this afternoon/evening, I'm going to go out for some poker therapy.


Not much else going on this weekend other than that. Boss couldn't figure out how to do part of the budgets for 2014 so she asked me to do it. So there's that too.


Don't forget about craps therapy.


Also, I doubt your boss would notice if you built a substantial personal cocaine per diem right into that budget.

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I just drank a boulevard wheat. local grocery store had it. wasn't that impressed.




soooo, I bought a zero turn mower today. it was a lot of money, but I got it for $700 less than sticker and a 4 year 0% loan. I also mowed twice the amount of grass I normally do in half of the time I normally do. the thing is a beast. really a good purchase. I know you're all thrilled.

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so napa and essay have the best lives of everybody in the thread? is that... is that what we're saying here?


Wow. I guess I need to post more.


The real question is how low does the guarenteed money have to be before I choose the coin flip?


100k is still an easy take. 50k too.


Now at 20k I hesitate.


Have some self respect. You're a lawyer dammit. $100k should have a minimal impact over the span of your lifetime, but $5M changes things. Ladies like guys with $5M.


i've never spent more than 90 for a dinner.


How is this possible? On yourself, or including dates? Not even drinks and dinner with friends?


If you were offered a job with a huge company that had offices in every major city in every state and it paid $75k annually regardless of which location you were in, which city would you choose?


For someone right out of college? I'd say Chicago. Much better cost of living than NYC and SF.


I got the title and the raise today. The title now, the raise starts November 1. It's 15% more. I had asked for 25%, so this is good, and we agreed to discuss the remaining money at the end of our fiscal.


To look at it another way, I will be making 50% more than what I was making a year ago. This feels awesome.


Congrats. I need to have the comp discussion with the partners. I will probably be looking again soon.


like, I showed the entire conversation to Cha! Cha! yesterday. he certainly didn't seem to think it was a definite no.


I still don't know who Cha Cha is.

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I just drank a boulevard wheat. local grocery store had it. wasn't that impressed.


c'mon, you know better than to drink a wheat beer. Boulevard does tons of other better stuff than that


Do your self a favor, and try Boulevard's smokestack series. Double Wide IPA is the joint.



Part of this is correct, the other, not so much. Double Wide is solid, but pales to other awesome DIPAS. Saison Brett, Rye-On-Rye, and BBQ are easily their best smokestack beers.




Is this a comeback or a drive by?

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c'mon, you know better than to drink a wheat beer. Boulevard does tons of other better stuff than that





Part of this is correct, the other, not so much. Double Wide is solid, but pales to other awesome DIPAS. Saison Brett, Rye-On-Rye, and BBQ are easily their best smokestack beers.




Is this a comeback or a drive by?



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This weeks client was the worst audit I've been on by far. Just awful. Went and had a few drinks at BC's bar last night because I'm weak and my roommate was gone and my other drinking buddies were gone as well. Left once my roommate got home from around 9 and hung out with him.


Went in to work this morning. Was sitting at my desk and boss man comes in and goes oh, good, you're here, let's do your performance review.


It was mostly positive. Said he would have thought id be doing mode advanced stuff but also said that it's partially there fault for not really giving me the opportunity to. He asked if I would be interested in moving to a Minnesota office if they opened one and then said it'd probably be 3-5 years before they did. Said they're planning on sending me to Arizona end of the month if I still want to. Was mostly painless. Did a few hours of work, congratulated one of my favorite managers on making partner and went home.


Watched some football. Went over to BC's and ended up taking a nap and drinking a bottle of wine. My roommate and I had plans to go to the casino so I left. (Nothing happened because of course it didn't).


Went to the casino with my roommate. I won about $350. He won a little, too. Now we're sitting at a bar having a few drinks. Nice little Friday/Saturday.

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