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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Maybe you guys should start believing in Jesus, because it's pretty obvious that Tebow shouldn't have won that game.
Yeah, I heard they are thinking about ditching Xmas in Denver and celebrate Tebow's birthday. I mean, it is tempting to think God is helping Tim Tebow win until you remember that Newt Gingrich is winning, too. And not to rain on the Tebow parade, but it could be that God just hates the Bears, ya know. Anyway, there are people who think that God shouldn't be so totally preoccupied with helping NFL QBs win, and should spend a little more time on things like preventing tsunamis and such, but well, I guess he does work in mysterious ways. :smileyface?:
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Ok I'll bite. I assume, probabaly wrongly, that strat is kinda like me and the thought of approaching somebody, anybody, is almost downright terrifying. It's probabaly why I don't have many friends outside of my frat. The idea of just starting talking to a random at the bar is almost panic inducing and I just pretty much avoid it. I know it doesn't make any sense so don't tell me "just get over it" because it's not that easy. With that in mind, how am I supposed to approach somebody who I only want to get to know so I can use them as a connection. I feel almost bad approaching it like that. I'm so confused as to how I'm supposed to network.

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Anyway, there are people who think that God shouldn't be so totally preoccupied with helping NFL QBs win, and should spend a little more time on things like preventing tsunamis and such, but well, I guess he does work in mysterious ways.
Because an omnipotent being needs to prioritize.
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i'll take a break from studying 351 exchanges to tell a little networking story. i'm at an estate planning society lunch. i'm being walked around by my step-mother becuase she is a member. she is introducing me to this lawyer and that one. most are polite, shake my hand and move on. some are overly nice and interested because they are probably good people. step-mom takes me over to a guy, she says to me, this is a good guy to know. he and your father used to work together at (insert bank) when they got out of law school. (side note my dad couldnt be there that day). so anyways, i get to this guy and am introduced and he gives me a look of utter disgust. he doesnt want to know me, doesnt care who i am or give two shits about helping me with anything. my step-mom picks up on this too and she leans in and tells him i'm papa suited's son. the guy does a one-eighty and brings me in for a half shake-half hug type embrace and makes it super awkward. he then gives me his card and tells me to call him when i graduate. we chat and i move on to the next blowhard.i guess i mention that becuase of what napa said about approaching rando's. i hate doing it, it's so awkward and they so rarely care who you are or what you're selling. it's the same convo every time. name, school, worked there, good, very interested, no positions, get card, move on.

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Ok I'll bite. I assume, probabaly wrongly, that strat is kinda like me and the thought of approaching somebody, anybody, is almost downright terrifying. It's probabaly why I don't have many friends outside of my frat. The idea of just starting talking to a random at the bar is almost panic inducing and I just pretty much avoid it. I know it doesn't make any sense so don't tell me "just get over it" because it's not that easy. With that in mind, how am I supposed to approach somebody who I only want to get to know so I can use them as a connection. I feel almost bad approaching it like that. I'm so confused as to how I'm supposed to network.
That is what I assume about Strat as well. I'm the same way, but you just have to get over it. My first two PE interviews were from:1. My flight was delayed coming back from teaching excel class at national intern training (not a bad way to spend a day of work) in Orlando. I'm at the bar slamming beers, about to start going through a report we were about to issue. Guy next to me sees the name of my firm on the front, makes a comment, asks what I do. I tell him we do due diligence for M&A mostly for PE clients, he says interesting, we were just bought by a PE firm. He's the COO of a restaurant chain, on the same flight as I am. We keep drinking until it's time to board, he gives me a card and then I sent him an email a few weeks later and he set up an interview for me.2. Cold-emailed an MD at a PE firm that went to IU and had worked in the Big 4. Essentially "Dear MD, I saw that you went to IU, started in accounting then transitioned to PE. I graduated from IU and started at XXX firm, but am looking to get into PE. Could we meet for coffee or lunch to discuss your experience in private equity?" We met for coffee, then 6 months later he sent me an email saying they were looking for an associate and invited me in to interview.Neither one of those led to a job offer, but both led to interviews before they had seen my resume. I've faced similar situations (PE firms requiring 3.7+ GPAs, or 1400+ SAT scores, etc.), so I had to network to get interviews before I could get turned down because of my resume. FYI, I did not want this to turn into me ranting about you kids networking more, or me telling stories about my networking, because all of that is kind of gay. But it works, and somehow that's how my posts have turned out, so whatever.
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i'll take a break from studying 351 exchanges to tell a little networking story. i'm at an estate planning society lunch. i'm being walked around by my step-mother becuase she is a member. she is introducing me to this lawyer and that one. most are polite, shake my hand and move on. some are overly nice and interested because they are probably good people. step-mom takes me over to a guy, she says to me, this is a good guy to know. he and your father used to work together at (insert bank) when they got out of law school. (side note my dad couldnt be there that day). so anyways, i get to this guy and am introduced and he gives me a look of utter disgust. he doesnt want to know me, doesnt care who i am or give two shits about helping me with anything. my step-mom picks up on this too and she leans in and tells him i'm papa suited's son. the guy does a one-eighty and brings me in for a half shake-half hug type embrace and makes it super awkward. he then gives me his card and tells me to call him when i graduate. we chat and i move on to the next blowhard.i guess i mention that becuase of what napa said about approaching rando's. i hate doing it, it's so awkward and they so rarely care who you are or what you're selling. it's the same convo every time. name, school, worked there, good, very interested, no positions, get card, move on.
sounds to me like you're not sucking the right dude's dicks.strategy, have you tried sucking dude's dicks yet? that might work.
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I was minding my own business inside a bar in Elko one afternoon when I heard an old man say..."I never did suck a dick.... (long pause for everyone to turn toward him).... but I did put one in my mouth one time....just long enough fer it ta get soft!"The next thing I heard was the sound of a hundred and three inch Harley engine toting me the hell outta there...

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This special, if it explodes, cause really it's only been up for 2 days, more like a pre-sale. If it really tears an asshole into the money monster who then shits dollars into my mouth (oh my god what's wrong with me) [...]
incredible AMA from louis ck on reddit today.http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/n9te...his_is_a_thing/
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in my corporate tax final i was in the goddamn zone. so in the zone i didnt notice that this lady apparently had a panic attack. she went out into the hall and collapsed and the paramedics came and took her to the hospital. i didnt see any of this and didnt even notice that she left during the test or wasnt there when it ended. but that was the talk afterwords. no worries though, she's a bitch.

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Oh, I'm sure he works hard and is very good at his job, I was just saying that we don't know how he got his first job in the industry. He could have "earned" it, he could also have been handed it. I suppose we could ask him how he got his first job out of school. HEY DAWSON!
Obviously threatened to tell that the HR Rep had pissed his bed until he was hired.
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Will you take reg for me? I assume you're going to get your CPA eventually. Might as well practice on my dime.
I don't ever want to get a CPA, CFA, etc. honestly hope to never have to get an MBA. I'll do series licenses at some point for sure, but the rest is in a career path I want no part of.assuming you were talking to me
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incredible AMA from louis ck on reddit today.http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/n9te...his_is_a_thing/
I'm going to be honest with you. I don't 'get' Reddit. Why are most of the comments hidden? Are they voted on and then hidden if they get too many down votes or something?
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