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I Called In Sick Today

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I agree with my brajes. The test is a priority for the next three months.


Although, I can't help but laugh thinking about what your girlfriend thinks of this relationship.



Bought my first "you earned it" gift this weekend. A proper case for my rifle (that promptly dropped in price $2 the next day). Got a few other things saved in the amazon cart for when I actually start getting paid more. I also got a $250 refund check from my dentist this weekend so that was a nice surprise.

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are we considering a new watch? a nice new time piece could really make a good impression on the folks up in the twin cities.


Hmm...that's a good idea. I did run my favorite watch through the wash last year.

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Do it Tilt.


I think not, but thanks for responding.


Between most of the posts napa posted when I was MIA and the lack of interest here I've been wondering why I bother. For whatever reason, caused by me I am sure, I apparently just don't fit here. So be good, I truly hope for the best for ya'll and maybe I'll check in from time to time.

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Mostly, just try to say goodbye before the end.










I'm sure you'll suck up just enough to keep going. Come back soon.

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In all seriousness though Tilt, I hope you stick around or at least keep us updated on how you're doing occasionally. I'm truly sorry if I ever said anything that made you feel like you weren't welcome here. Especially years ago when I was an even dumber kid than I am now. Not to mention, not that you don't fit in or that I don't want you around (id say we but i don't want to speak for that degenerate bigd), but, uh, we're not exactly the cool kids.


But, I mean, I totally get not wanting to be around this cloud of negativity but if you could just do us a favor and let your next of kin know about this place in case the worst were to happen they could let us know? We've got a pretty big pool going and would like to be able to pay it out.

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Hmm...that's a good idea. I did run my favorite watch through the wash last year.


So, this was my favorite reasonably priced watch I've come across in all my searches but it was discontinued a few years ago and I'm afraid mine is beyond repair, although I still might send it into the manufacturer to see, but irregardless, I found a very good used model on eBay for not a lot of money so what the heck, I bought it.

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Napa's post was good. Perfect. "...we have a pool going...". So good



Tilt,you have every right to feel sorry for yourself, but most everyone here appreciated that you posted here. Everyone here is a weirdo in their own way. Come back, don't, whatever works for you, as this place is a shell of its former self, but I'm sure everyone would enjoy an update from time to time.

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Strat, if you marry this woman, she's going to immediately want kids, to become a stay at home mom, and spend every penny you've ever saved in the name of the family.


I wouldn't suggest this course of action. You will be miserable. I agree with you that you shouldn't go off and spend your salary on baller vacations, but could rock out a 4 day weekend at a beach somewhere, or whatever it is you and she like to do. Just a thought. As you stated, balance.


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twister is a movie haven't seen in a long time. i have a feeling it doesn't hold up.


there was some kind of protest in downtown KC today. bunch of losers chanting about something. funny thing is they broke at an intersection so they could cross with the light. so by the end there were three battalions, marching towards defeat, hand in hand until the very end.

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we're not exactly the cool kids.


speak for yourself


but not in a queer way.


speak for yourself.

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what really sucks is if tilt never comes back he'll never know what kind of watch napa ends up getting. i'd be up nights if i missed out on something like that. plus, i'm liable to pop for a tag heuer on my birthday. it could happen and you DO NOT want to miss that.

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There are some damn fine looking Tag Hauers out there. Would be a nice gift for yourself. Little bit out of my price range for the time being but maybe one day.

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Ron, I know you are just laying out what you think is my nightmare scenario, but that's pretty close to what's actually happening. She basically has stopped trying to advance in her career, but spends every dime, and complains to me about how her comp is inadequate/unfair.


Once, she was complaining to me about how there's too much work for the number of people in her department, and I laid out a plan for her to build a list of responsibilities, and take it to management, asking for a more involved, salaried position. She says to me, "I value my time outside of work."




Drives me nuts. She must just think it's random chance, I just lucked out and now make good money for... reasons. Not because I worked my ass off, or that I built great rapport with all the decision makers, or that I developed a few crucial hard skills over the last five years.

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. Not to mention, not that you don't fit in or that I don't want you around (id say we but i don't want to speak for that degenerate bigd),


That was an uncalled for shot! If I was trying to run Tilty off, you'd know it. Now Tanner.. him I was trying to run off. Tilty fits in here better than I do.

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