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I Called In Sick Today

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i agree with speedz that it's probably best to wait until you no longer live with her before trying to make a move. if she's not into it, could be a really awkward couple of months.
and even if she is into it, a pretty easy way to kill a relationship before it really starts is to live together right away.**** the bears
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Oh, never mind, just saw there was some lemon juice sprinkled on your post. Carry on.
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Cooking dinner doesn't really mean anything. They're roomates. Unless she asked him the day before if she could cook for him, set up candles, and served oysters...this can't be read into too easily. As for the tv watching, I guess it's hard to tell without being there. If she's as hot as he says she is, I wouldn't be shocked if she likes having control over all guys in her life through cock-teasery.
While I agree with the cooking dinner thing, I just remember reading a flirty tone from her in his posts. I could be wrong or maybe that was just his perception. Either way, I agree that every nice gesture a woman does isn't a sexual advance. (it took me a while to figure this one out)I also agree that being roommates isn't the best sitchiation, I follow the simple rule of "the heart wants what the heart wants" and "there is no time like the preset" and "if she doesn't gag, marry her" but that's besides the point. If he waits 3 months without doing anything, you never know what could happen. She could meet Mr. Wrong, fall madly in lust and start telling her new boyfriend not to worry about the hairy, meat beating weirdo with a gross of kleenex in his room, he's most likely gay.
i agree with speedz that it's probably best to wait until you no longer live with her before trying to make a move. if she's not into it, could be a really awkward couple of months.
if he put that in the blog, I might actually read it. Probably not, but awkward is funny.
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While I agree with the cooking dinner thing, I just remember reading a flirty tone from her in his posts. I could be wrong or maybe that was just his perception. Either way, I agree that every nice gesture a woman does isn't a sexual advance. (it took me a while to figure this one out)I also agree that being roommates isn't the best sitchiation, I follow the simple rule of "the heart wants what the heart wants" and "there is no time like the preset" and "if she doesn't gag, marry her" but that's besides the point. If he waits 3 months without doing anything, you never know what could happen. She could meet Mr. Wrong, fall madly in lust and start telling her new boyfriend not to worry about the hairy, meat beating weirdo with a gross of kleenex in his room, he's most likely gay.if he put that in the blog, I might actually read it. Probably not, but awkward is funny.
I agree that there's a risk in leaving it alone for a while. I just think his best chance for success is to stay as friends with possible sexual tension now, and let her realize how much she misses him when she leaves. Good kleenex line.I also agree that awkward is funny, and I'm suddenly interested in how this all turns out.
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Proof that I am retarded.Im in a tourney, and the break rolls around, so I run upstairs to go to the bathroom. Im trying to hurry so I can make it back on time, so I whip down my pants, plop my ass on the toilet and start to pee. It is at this time, that I realize I only pulled down my PJ pants... and not my thong. So, I just peed in my thong. I never claimed to be smart.
hehe Niiiice
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I also agree that awkward is funny, and I'm suddenly interested in how this all turns out.
I'll take a shot at how its gonna turn out. channeling MDG:So, girl troubles again. I was considering putting it all in the blog, but everyone involved are the only ones who read it so I'll burdon you all with the what's what. So, one afternoon, I gathered my flock of friends and we all went downtown to the Jazz/Pan Flute Festival in the GTA. Zamphir was making his only Canadian stop on his world tour. While I'm not a huge fan of the Pan Flute, I figured this might be my only chance to see him before he retires for good. We all gather at my place and Meg (roommate) comes home from working out. She was glistening, as per usual, but I ignored the urge to ask if she has a twin brother. Anyway, she asked where we were going (I had 4 friends over, Billy, Tommy, Reggie, and Ricky) and if she could tag along. I really didn't want to co-mingle the friends with any outside vagina for fears that one of these guys might want to date her and get their own life. So, much to my dismay, we all headed to a pre concert mixer. Lots or wine, cheese, and deodorant less french Canadians. It was very trill and chill. From afar, I see my friends taking turns hitting on Meg. I figured she'd blow them off because deep down, she knows I'm the one for her. Now, if only she can realize that I won't be ready for a serious girlfriend until 2009, everything will be cool. Also, what's up with my friends? This was supposed to be boys night out. Mixer, Zamphir, possible a foreign film festival afterwards. We were gonna rock the shit and now she's ruining everything.Finally, at the concert, Zammy had such a stage presence. It was awesome. Nobody else was evening paying attention to the concert. They were just grab assing around. I got frustrated and decided to ditch them and move closer to the stage. Eventually, when the concert was over, I looked for them but they were nowhere to be found. I called all their cells and nobody was answering. I was getting concerned now. I admit, I wasn't happy with them but I was still worried. So I figured instead of searching all over town looking for them, I'd go back to the apt and wait for them their. So I sprint all the way home so as not to miss any phone calls to the home phone. It took me what seemed like forever. With all the confusion, I got lost on my way home and found myself at a 3/6 LHE table at Windsor. Played flawlessly, as usual. Only left down 19BB in 1/2 an hour. You know how it goes. Anyway, I get home, burst through the door and the place is empty. What was weird though was someone fired up my gang bang porn file. I honestly couldn't remember if I left it running before I left so I chalked it up to circumstance. Then, when I shut it off, I heard the same noises from somewhere in the house. I checked the computer to make sure two files weren't running at the same time. Sometimes I run two at once, to mix it up. You know. So, I start searching the apt and apprehensively open Meg's door. Inside I saw the specatcle of my life. There was Meg, riding Reggie reverse cowgirl style. Billy was standing on the bed force feeding her is johnson while both or her hands were full of Tommy and Ricky. I was stunned, shocked, dismayed, nearly heartbroken and sickened. I realize Jenna Haze does this on a bi monthly basis, but not Meg. Billy sees me first and screams out to me, HEY HOMO, GRAB THE CAMERA AND GET THIS ON FILM. Finally, Meg looks at me and we make eye contact. She sees the disappointment in my eyes. She lets go of Tommy and and Ricky's pricks, takes Billy out of her mouth and says, "You heard him homo, grab the fuckin camera, these guys are about to cum all over me."I ran out of there in horror, screaming all the way and never to return. Meg shipped me my stuff, minus 2 boxes of kleenex. Later, I came to find out that Meg got heavy into the Toronto porn scene and became somewhat of a local celebrity. Late in 2007 at the Adult Video News Awards, she won the Best New Starlet and All Anal Gang Bang awards and made sure to thank me first. I haven't been able to watch porn ever since. Oh well.MDGGosh I was bored. If anyone actually read that, I'm sorry. I always lose steam with those things.
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Billy sees me first and screams out to me, HEY HOMO, GRAB THE CAMERA AND GET THIS ON FILM. Finally, Meg looks at me and we make eye contact. She sees the disappointment in my eyes. She lets go of Tommy and and Ricky's pricks, takes Billy out of her mouth and says, "You heard him homo, grab the fuckin camera, these guys are about to cum all over me."
That is super trill.
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It was not that appealing, but i was pretty sure thats what was happening last night (i was watching dexter's lab until 4am btw), and i can only say its a lot better than her screwing pretty much any other guy. and she's not naive by any means, so no reason why she won't screw other guys.
I'm not commenting on all that other stuff cause you won't do what I say anyway but on this one...Why is it that you're quite okay with Dave banging every girl you like? You even seem to encourage it sometimes. It's almost like you're afraid to make the jump yourself so you push Dave into it to live kind of vicariously through him or something.I realize you didn't push Holly to Dave, but it did work out that way and you were okay with letting Dave have her and not "damaging" the friendship.
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Gosh I was bored. If anyone actually read that, I'm sorry. I always lose steam with those things.
I wasn't going to read it, but then I thought, "hey, he (says he) reads all of your long-ass posts, so you should read his. It's just common courtesy." (Yes, my mind talks to me as if we're different entities.)So I scrolled back up and read it.I'm glad I did; it was excellent. Well done.
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Finally, Meg looks at me and we make eye contact. She sees the disappointment in my eyes. She lets go of Tommy and and Ricky's pricks, takes Billy out of her mouth and says, "You heard him homo, grab the fuckin camera, these guys are about to cum all over me."
You are soooooooooooooooooo good looking.
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Wait a minute...what the hell happened to Randy Reed?
Yeah..I hate it when some quality posters just go away and you never hear what or why
Danny, here's the thing. If you put a tenth of the concern and effort you spend trying to get your friends laid into getting your own penis damp, you'd be the King Pimp of Ontario. JS.
QOYEdit: Ron your head is big enough but that is some quality stuff. Get yourself a Royale with Cheese for lunch.
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mex i would force feed you bored pills if i could. i'd hide them in your chicken nuggets.
Well, when I'm bored, I usually either choose to type a lot, or go into the bathroom and fist myself.Since I'm wearing a nice shirt with French cuffs today, I decided to wait to fist myself until I get home. Also, I keep my naked photos of you on my home computer, even though we both know that those images are burned into my mind's eye forever.
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