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Aren't you a skinny mojambe as it is?I always pictured you as around 5'8", around a buck seventy or so. Of course, I mostly picture you from behind with the lights off, so I digress...
5'8" 170 isn't as skinny as you might think.I'm 6'1" and was 185-190. I should be about 170-175.edit: I know that seems ridiculous, but i really don't want to be the lanky guy with a huge beer gut, which is what i was becoming.
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Avoid the dehydrated eggs at all costs, my dog seems to like them but they're not fit for human consumption. I'm told the pancakes and the packaged entree's arent's too bad, but I haven't tried them myself (Casey is on it for the wedding, she's dropped quite a bit of weight so far). As long as you stick to the plan and don't cheat very much (it's impossible to say you'll never deviate, but as long as it's a sometime thing you're ok) you'll absolutely drop 20 pounds in 8 weeks. Probably more.
Oh now you tell me, now that I have at least 5 boxes of dehydrated eggs. Congratz to Casey! Is she really strict with it? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cheat in the alcohol department at the very least. There's no way I'm not gonna drink for 8 weeks.
Sounds like you'll actually be saving money. FWIW to you fuckers, I've lost 8lbs this month. 1250-1500 calories during the week, 1750-2250 on the weekend. Some working out. Cut down from about 15-18 alcoholic drinks per week to 5-8. Moderation. Counting calories is really strange for me, since I've always been a horrible eater (no breakfast, huge dinners and latenight snacks, all fatty foods), but it's actually not that bad. 10 more pounds and I'm done...then I plan on eating badly until I gain 10, then lose 10 back, rinse and repeat./kindofbraggingaboutstuffnobodycaresabout
Congratz on your weight loss too but like Adam said, you don't appear to have a weight problem. Girlfriend pressuring you to get down to the weight she desires now? (again, I keed, I keed)
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Joe Cole is a british soccer player i think.and yes, having her wrap both hands around the shaft does it for me, every.single.time.
yes, he is a English footballer. He plays for both chelsea and England(as in he generally starts on the national team)and man, she certainlly suck a mean dick
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Yep, he plays for my team (Chelsea Football Club) as well as for England's national team. He is injured right now though, some metatarsal bullcrap.
please don't tell me you started supporting them when abramovich came in
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I remember being 6' and 175. Hell, I remember being 6' and 135. Now I'm neither.
Good memory...close. I just posted it, it's the last post on the previous page, in case you didn't notice.
Congratz on your weight loss too but like Adam said, you don't appear to have a weight problem. Girlfriend pressuring you to get down to the weight she desires now? (again, I keed, I keed)
Yeah, no weight problem. Just trying to keep it that way.Again, when I gain weight it's not in proportion. I hate when I gain weight in my face and gut but the rest of my body stays long and thin. Ok, that's enough. Boobs, beer, sports, homosocial behavior, etc.
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Oh now you tell me, now that I have at least 5 boxes of dehydrated eggs. Congratz to Casey! Is she really strict with it? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cheat in the alcohol department at the very least. There's no way I'm not gonna drink for 8 weeks.
You can return the food you don't like for a credit on future purchases, give them a try but I think they're pretty universally reviled. She's very strict about it, cheats maybe once every two weeks when we're eating out with family or something like that. She almost never drinks anymore, but she's not really a big drinker as it is. "Empty Calories", her line. She bought her dress yesterday so maybe she'll lighten up a bit, I don't really know. I'm probably going on it at the 6 month mark, so I'll look good in the monkey suit and the pictures. Keep in mind that you're much more likely to cheat with the food if you're already drunk, Taco Bell or a bag of Doritos is almost impossible to turn down while inebriated, at least for me.
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what the hell is with people losing weight when in relationships? damn speedz, I'm losing faith in you. me? the only reason in the world I'm looking forward to getting marries is completely letting myself go, getting retardedly fat, probably getting diabetes, and dying in my 50's mid blowjob.Also, in high school I wrestled 145 and didn't need to cut weight. A good 170 now while working out, and if I didn't work out, I could probably get to well over 200. and I'm 5'8" on a good day.But I did just get finished riding the bike for 20 minutes and boxing for 10. Go me.

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Good memory...close. I just posted it, it's the last post on the previous page, in case you didn't notice.Ok, that's enough. Boobs, beer, sports, homosocial behavior, etc.
I was talking about me own little hot self there, gorgeous. Now my manboobs (no doubt a result of too much beer) jiggle when I'm getting into the pool to do my syncronized swimming routine, and all the other swimmers don't like me anymore. But you still do, right snookums?
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what the hell is with people losing weight when in relationships? damn speedz, I'm losing faith in you. me? the only reason in the world I'm looking forward to getting marries is completely letting myself go, getting retardedly fat, probably getting diabetes, and dying in my 50's mid blowjob.
I'm not married, and won't be any time soon, but that's no the point. She actually thinks it's ridiculous that I'm losing some weight. One reason is looks...the skinny/fat guy thing. The other is that I love drinking a lot and eating a ton of gross ****. I'm ok with dieting one month, pigging out the next month. I feel like that's better than just pigging out until I really do need to lose weight, and then being on a diet and miserable for a long time straight.
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I got big when I played football and hockey in high school, then when I stopped playing I kept eating the same way and it all went to fat. Basically struggled with my weight ever since, mostly because I love bad food and hate exercise for the sake of exercise.

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what the hell is with people losing weight when in relationships? damn speedz, I'm losing faith in you. me? the only reason in the world I'm looking forward to getting marries is completely letting myself go, getting retardedly fat, probably getting diabetes, and dying in my 50's mid blowjob.Also, in high school I wrestled 145 and didn't need to cut weight. A good 170 now while working out, and if I didn't work out, I could probably get to well over 200. and I'm 5'8" on a good day.But I did just get finished riding the bike for 20 minutes and boxing for 10. Go me.
You really have no clue what marriage is like if you think you're gonna get a blowjob in your mid 50's.
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I was talking about me own little hot self there, gorgeous. Now my manboobs (no doubt a result of too much beer) jiggle when I'm getting into the pool to do my syncronized swimming routine, and all the other swimmers don't like me anymore. But you still do, right snookums?
Wait, everything isn't all about me? I...I don't get it.I like the routine, but I'm going to insist that you start doing it in a thong. The speedo just isn't doing it for me anymore.
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But I did just get finished riding the bike for 20 minutes and boxing for 10. Go me.
YOU, wanna piece of ME?????oh, and I keep this lifting up, the guns are gonna be harder than speedz at a construction workers convention.
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I got big when I played football and hockey in high school, then when I stopped playing I kept eating the same way and it all went to fat. Basically struggled with my weight ever since, mostly because I love bad food and hate exercise for the sake of exercise.
Me too. That's why the thing Mex is doing with the going to the gym everyday or the stuff Andrew does would just kill me. I cannot stand exercise when there's not a point to it. I love to play sports or engage in any kind of physical competition. That doesn't seem like exercise, it's a game. But walking a treadmill or lifting weights just bores me to the point that I won't do it. I cannot bear the thought of it.
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YOU, wanna piece of ME?????oh, and I keep this lifting up, the guns are gonna be harder than speedz at a construction workers convention.
That's no joke. The guys that work on high beams had a contest to see who could balance on my erect member for the longest...while being tickled by a club-footed midget.I think I might make tonight a drinking night. Anyone want to play a Horse S&G or two later tonight?
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I'm not married, and won't be any time soon, but that's no the point. She actually thinks it's ridiculous that I'm losing some weight. One reason is looks...the skinny/fat guy thing. The other is that I love drinking a lot and eating a ton of gross ****. I'm ok with dieting one month, pigging out the next month. I feel like that's better than just pigging out until I really do need to lose weight, and then being on a diet and miserable for a long time straight.
you know why I lose weight? I'm fucking cheap. Eat like a pig, pants get tight, lose weight. Its pretty sad and awesome, I know.I feel you on the proportion thing though. Although, I generally get proportionally fat. But the beer gut definitely protrudes the most.
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You really have no clue what marriage is like if you think you're gonna get a blowjob in your mid 50's.
oh, did I mention I plan on being rich?
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Me too. That's why the thing Mex is doing with the going to the gym everyday or the stuff Andrew does would just kill me. I cannot stand exercise when there's not a point to it. I love to play sports or engage in any kind of physical competition. That doesn't seem like exercise, it's a game. But walking a treadmill or lifting weights just bores me to the point that I won't do it. I cannot bear the thought of it.
My big problem exactly, I've had gym memberships at three points in my life, and it's the same drill every time. I go religiously for a month or so, then I pay the bill for 11 months without going once. I enjoy playing sports and being physical, but just walking in place for the sake of health is the lamest thing in the world. Doesn't mean I won't do it, but I'll hate every moment. What I need to do is start taking MMA lessons or something like that, so I can get exercise in an environment where physical fitness, agility, and conditioning actually mean something.
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Me too. That's why the thing Mex is doing with the going to the gym everyday or the stuff Andrew does would just kill me.
I can't speak for Andrew, but I'll try. I'm sure he doesn't get all geeked up about going to the gym (or his garage) and abusing his body for an hour but once you get going, the adreniline rush of lifting the weights and the cardio high you get is pretty good. That, and the spent feeling afterwards is very good. Then, the soreness that comes in the following days is pretty cool as well. Then, as time passes, when you reach for something, you can feel your muscles flex and that is the payoff. That, and when a girl grabs your arm, you flex subtly, she's impressed how hard your arm is. Then she pokes and prods a little, sees you're in shape then you hit her with this gem:You think my arm is hard, just wait. BAAAZINGdon't say the baaaazing part
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The "once you get going" part is the hard part. At least for me. Talking myself into going to the gym rather than going/staying home relaxing is difficult for me, always has been. None of my friends or family are big workout people either, so I have no peers to push me into it or keep me motivated. I like being at the gym, but I hate going, if that makes any sense.

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Howdy yall.Im either coming down with the flu or this is the worst case of PMS Ive had in a while. My entire body feels like I got hit by a mack truck, and I have no energy whatsoever.I tried working out this afternoon, but that was short lived. The couch was calling my name. I think Speedz girlfriend was onto something with her eating disorder, seems so much simpler than actually working out. Either that, or I'll just do blow fulltime and never be hungry.Meh, Im too worn out to even think about any of this anyway.Anything new around here?

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The "once you get going" part is the hard part. At least for me. Talking myself into going to the gym rather than going/staying home relaxing is difficult for me, always has been. None of my friends or family are big workout people either, so I have no peers to push me into it or keep me motivated. I like being at the gym, but I hate going, if that makes any sense.
Yeah, I can't ever get into lifting weights without a buddy (to flex naked in the mirror with). The most I do now is swimming laps and lifting for a short period of time until I get bored.
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I gotta help you guys before all of this diet and excercise crap gets outta hand...Heres the Beans Easy Anytime Non-diet System to lose weight.....fastFirst... eat the same things that you usually eat..... only half of it though. Half of a cheese burger...throw the rest away (or feed to the dog...ours are way overweight as it is). Switch to light (awful) beer...only drink half of the usual quanity... for me a 1/2 caseSecond... walk a couple of miles a day. I get up most every morning and stroll around Fremont or down the strip. Depending on the type of vagrants in my path, I throw in a quick sprint once in a while.It works way better than anything else... and you get into the habit quickly.

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