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unreal homegame poker injury

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Habs fan: not sure if you have noticed what is going on with hockey here in my fair town of St. Louis, but it might be the most pathetic thing ever. The Blues currently hold the record for most consecutive playoff appearances by any team in any of the four major sports at 23 or so. That record is going to die a grizzly death this year. After the lockout they decide to cut costs some, so they trade Pronger, a former Norris and hart trophy winner and clearly a top five defenseman in the league and they keep Tkakajakksakjdsfkauchuck. So how does Tay-chuck reward them? By showing up at camp looking like John Candy (and might i digress, the best trick or treater that came to my door was an 8 yr old kid, wearing a tay-chuck jersey with six empty buckets of KFC glued to it). Anyway, my babbling point is I am ready to adopt a new team and I am thinking the tradition of the Habs is hard to beat.
Funny, I was just thinking about the blues earlier and how much they suck this year.Thing is, unless you move, and, even if you do, you can't turn on your team. That's treason.They'll turn it around. Not this year, but in 6 years they'll be great. Just you wait and see.
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I have a few chip throwers in my game. I've been hit several times when I slowplay my hand and they moved all in. One guy threw a card and it slid on my cheek just right to make a nice 1 inch cut (not much blood though).

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I won't abandon them, but it really is rather pathetic what is going on. Already only 4-5 k showing up at games, and people are starting to wear bags over their heads. This is a team that was in the western conference finals three years ago. Thanks for the pep talk, I can't wait for the 2011 season.And to answer the question. No we didn't beat the pulp out of the guy. He intentionally threw the cards, but he certainly wasn't trying to blind anyone on purpose. Stupid, yes, malicous, hardly.

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. Also, can open a beer with just about anything. It's a game we play at work.
Are you a bartender? Otherwise that is one cool job you got there.--RuffRidr
Boss buys beer Fridays and sometimes other days that end in y!
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One time a friend of mine threw a dictionary across the room just as I happened to be standing up to grab the bong. It hit me right in the eye.Moral: always keep the bong within reaching distance so you never have to stand
A lesson to live by.
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I have also been known to throw my student id card at/into one of our walls. It leaves serious slices in the wall.
Jesus wouldnt throw things.
It's not my position that He necessarily would, but I'm sure you're unable to make such a postulation.
yeah seeing as my great to the nth power grandad probably played a crucial role in his death, I see your point.
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He intentionally threw the cards ...This is why you should have beaten him to a pulp. Anyone who intentionally throws a weapon like playing cards in the vicinity of someone else's head deserves to get tonged on.

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He intentionally threw the cards ...This is why you should have beaten him to a pulp. Anyone who intentionally throws a weapon like playing cards in the vicinity of someone else's head deserves to get tonged on.
What's that? Sounds like a BBQ injury.
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Being the brilliant doctor that she is, she tells us she isn't very solid about giving medical advice over the phone without actually being able to observe the injury (that and she isn't an eye doctor)............so me and buddy proceed to take the victim to the ER. He ends up diagnosed with several broken vessels and a scratched cornea (or retina, not sure which).
1) Cornea2) Don't insult anyone with a medical degree ever again.-fop
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Playing in my weekly "cards with the tards" game a couple of days ago. We have a consistent group of 8-10, can generally get a game, play hold em tourneys. We have a couple of hot heads/spazzes in the game that think they are the third coming of Johnny Chan. Anywho, one of the aforementioned spazzes gets sucked out on in a pretty donkalicious sort of way. He proceeds to chuck his cards frisbee style, ala, Jesus Ferguson chopping veggies. One of the cards nails another player in the game right smack in the eye. Within a minute the corner of the guy's eye turns all red, I mean ugly red, not red like you get when baked, but blood vessel has popped red. The game comes to a screeching halt. One of the players is married to an internist, so we call her. Being the brilliant doctor that she is, she tells us she isn't very solid about giving medical advice over the phone without actually being able to observe the injury (that and she isn't an eye doctor)............so me and buddy proceed to take the victim to the ER. He ends up diagnosed with several broken vessels and a scratched cornea (or retina, not sure which).
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I have also been known to throw my student id card at/into one of our walls. It leaves serious slices in the wall.
Jesus wouldnt throw things.
Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. - Matthew 21:12He doesn't throw the cards, he flips over the table and throws the chairs...
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Playing in my weekly "cards with the tards" game a couple of days ago. We have a consistent group of 8-10, can generally get a game, play hold em tourneys. We have a couple of hot heads/spazzes in the game that think they are the third coming of Johnny Chan. Anywho, one of the aforementioned spazzes gets sucked out on in a pretty donkalicious sort of way. He proceeds to chuck his cards frisbee style, ala, Jesus Ferguson chopping veggies. One of the cards nails another player in the game right smack in the eye. Within a minute the corner of the guy's eye turns all red, I mean ugly red, not red like you get when baked, but blood vessel has popped red. The game comes to a screeching halt. One of the players is married to an internist, so we call her. Being the brilliant doctor that she is, she tells us she isn't very solid about giving medical advice over the phone without actually being able to observe the injury (that and she isn't an eye doctor)............so me and buddy proceed to take the victim to the ER. He ends up diagnosed with several broken vessels and a scratched cornea (or retina, not sure which).
one time in band camp. we were playing cards and someone made a full house on the river. one time in band camp...................
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wow there are seriously a lot of you that have card throwing stories. anyone else gonna share one with us?
at my buddy's house, we sit there and throw a whole deck up at the ceiling fan. it makes a mess, loud noise, and is funny as hell :Dnobody gets hurt though :club:
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