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With one that big, you'd think there'd be a lot more in itArms stretched over a strong envious crowd. "Sorry. Sorry. Sorry" uttered on a seemingly endless loop which makes Canadian Bacon seem like the

LOL are you fucking serious dixie? I know countless people who played online for a living and made the transition to live or some other form of employment very easily. In fact, most of the people I know (which is A LOT more in comparison to you), barely even touch a computer anymore but are still very successful. They've moved on with their lives, because they have the necessary social skills to adapt into live poker or the working world. I think almost everyone that's supposedly was a "know-it-all" on this forum hasn't played online since Black Friday and they don't appear to be homeless or struggling to survive. lol@ judging our social skills from a poker forum you ignorant asshole. Rose asks for everything she gets, she craves attention, be it good or bad. Learn the English language and quit posting shit that's asking to be flamed. But as I said, Rose enjoys it because it keeps the forum focused on Rose. I'm sure it's the same in real life as well.Oh but of course this post is probably just going to be proving your point since I'm acting like an asshole!!!edit: and it's a bit funny how you call out the "young internet kids" struggling to make the transition, when you're the one who constantly complains about not having pokerstars, who goes out of her way to find other sites to play on, who makes screen names "FU2DOJ". You're accusing us of not being able to adjust? Look at yourself.

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Y'all are hilarious! I barely have over 600 post to your almost 3000 Max I doubt I account for 5% of the post on here and you love me and you know it! LOL at DN PMing any of you fools! Poker forums other than the biggest ones have all pretty much died. A lot people attempt to make valid posts but get turned off quickly by some of the same douchebag, know it all bull shit like some of the stuff in this very thread. You have to have a thick skin to stick around on these forums, or just be a masochist, and most people don't have thick enough skins and they quickly leave after being flamed one too many times. How can you expect anymore from a bunch young, smart guys with the social skills of a garden slug? That's the problem in a nutshell, it was never more obvious than when online players tried to start playing live after Black Friday, they were so ridiculously socially awkward they could barely function out from behind a computer. It's also the reason so many of them (some of you all, not you Kobe) can't do anything but play poker online since it takes a certain amount of "normal" social skill to function in the normal working world. You try behaving in person the way to do on forums and you'll find yourself knocked out on the floor somewhere. Maybe if some of you would stop going out of your way to be so God Damned nasty to everyone it might help!
sufb, jesus
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What category does trying to support a child by grinding micro MTTs fall under on the social skills/responsibility spectrum? Have you fully recovered from the loss of poker yet?

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I'm guessing someone pm'ed you to help you realize that DN wasn't really pm'ing us.oh and everyone left because of your psycho ass! I know because everyone pm'ed me about it.Merry ****in Christmas.
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Poker always was a magnet for the worst kind of scumbags. It was funny, when Joan Rivers made that abstract comment about knowing 'poker players' from all her years in Vegas, and what sort of dirtbags they were. The most amusing part of the whole "poker boom" show was watching these completely naive Cul-De-Sac kids wander out of the subdivision into that world, then wring hands and gnash teeth when they got their asses scalped.
and didnt the scumbag poker player evolve from the hustle of $20 games of 8 ball / race to 7. didnt Daniel start out playing pool? would he be thrown into the scumbag description? \
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LOL are you fucking serious dixie? I know countless people who played online for a living and made the transition to live or some other form of employment very easily. In fact, most of the people I know (which is A LOT more in comparison to you), barely even touch a computer anymore but are still very successful. They've moved on with their lives, because they have the necessary social skills to adapt into live poker or the working world. I think almost everyone that's supposedly was a "know-it-all" on this forum hasn't played online since Black Friday and they don't appear to be homeless or struggling to survive. lol@ judging our social skills from a poker forum you ignorant asshole.
Jesus Christ, take things personally much? I don't even think you crossed my mind when I said what I said, odd that you just assumed I was referring to you when I wasn't. I mean you can be a know it all ahole at times but I have no idea how you function in real life, good, bad or otherwise. I actually wasn't thinking of anyone in particular but there are plenty of guys like the example I gave, be they on this forum or not. Functioning in real life is difficult for some people and it's a shame they've been forced to try because of our f'd up government.
Rose asks for everything she gets, she craves attention, be it good or bad. Learn the English language and quit posting shit that's asking to be flamed. But as I said, Rose enjoys it because it keeps the forum focused on Rose. I'm sure it's the same in real life as well.
Rose has a thick skin and can put of with a lot of BS and abuse. There is also a lot of history between many of you all and Rose that goes back way before I ever made the first post here but sometimes I think some of you (not even you necessarily) are just way too cruel to her than there is ever any excuse for. Flaming is one thing but outright mean cruelty is never necessary, nor should it ever be acceptable.
edit: and it's a bit funny how you call out the "young internet kids" struggling to make the transition, when you're the one who constantly complains about not having pokerstars, who goes out of her way to find other sites to play on, who makes screen names "FU2DOJ". You're accusing us of not being able to adjust? Look at yourself.
I haven't complained in ages actually and I've adjusted fine. I don't have the option of playing live or moving so I had no choice but to adjust. I made my username one month after Black Friday, so yeah I was still pissed off then. Yes I still play online because I can and as long as can and as long as I find it reasonably enjoyable and I can manage to not go broke I'll probably continue to play online. If I don't play online I don't get to play at all, I'm not as lucky as some of you. I honestly didn't mean to make anyone go all apeshit but getting frequently flamed on forums is a reason that many forums are struggling now with participation in general down so much. FWIW, I post some on 2p2 (mostly legislation stuff) and Pocket5 and I've never been flamed on either of those forums but I have on this one, more than once. Admittedly I've posted a bit more here and about different type of things but still... You guys are fine and I either posts or not, tbh this forum means very little to me, I can take it or leave it. Bob's a nice guy, as are some others on here, and he does a good job of keeping us updated on what's going on and that's the main reason I stick around at all, well that and so many of you guys have such magnetic charisma :-)
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it's also the reason so many of them (some of you all, not you Kobe) can't do anything but play poker online since it takes a certain amount of "normal" social skill to function in the normal working world. You try behaving in person the way to do on forums and you'll find yourself knocked out on the floor somewhere.
I think when you start mentioning names it gets a little more personal.
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Pretty sure 95% of the people that left just don't care about DN anymore. Any other reasons for staying here (strat talk, tight community, etc) are also much stronger on other forums.

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I think when you start mentioning names it gets a little more personal.
Only mentioned Kobe since he's the only who has posted in this thread who has left the country and I wasn't referring to him at all. I want to say that I actually envy and admire the guys who moved out of the country to play, as well as the guys who have successfully transition to live games.. It takes balls to up and move out of the country and making money live isn't easy either. It's the guys who didn't move and who can't seem to make the transition to other means of supporting themselves and wouldn't even attempt to try playing on the sites left to us who I don't have a lot of sympathy for. I honestly don't know if anyone who posts here fits this description or not but there are plenty of them out there. Stupidhead makes a very good point as well, I think since Black Friday poker pros in general have lost some of their interest due to the situation, DN included and strategy discussion and such are better on other forums. Maybe consolidating and re-formatting this forum would help that as someone else said.
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AmScray posted this is the "is it over" thread and it's all you need to know about why the FCP forum is dying.FCRetard.jpgThat's all there is to it really, it's not ever going to be what it once was. Larry Bird isn't walking thru that door.

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DiamondDixie said:
Y'all are hilarious! I barely have over 600 post to your almost 3000 Max I doubt I account for 5% of the post on here and you love me and you know it! LOL at DN PMing any of you fools! Poker forums other than the biggest ones have all pretty much died. A lot people attempt to make valid posts but get turned off quickly by some of the same douchebag, know it all bull shit like some of the stuff in this very thread. You have to have a thick skin to stick around on these forums, or just be a masochist, and most people don't have thick enough skins and they quickly leave after being flamed one too many times. How can you expect anymore from a bunch young, smart guys with the social skills of a garden slug? That's the problem in a nutshell, it was never more obvious than when online players tried to start playing live after Black Friday, they were so ridiculously socially awkward they could barely function out from behind a computer. It's also the reason so many of them (some of you all, not you Kobe) can't do anything but play poker online since it takes a certain amount of "normal" social skill to function in the normal working world. You try behaving in person the way to do on forums and you'll find yourself knocked out on the floor somewhere. Maybe if some of you would stop going out of your way to be so God Damned nasty to everyone it might help!


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Derailing again....Yes there are plenty of sleazy low lives in poker but I spent years in the corporate world and more years in the academic world and I've seen as much dishonestly and backstabbing and angle shooting in both those worlds as I have in poker. Many people by nature are lazy ass douchebags who had rather cheat to get ahead than work hard or they just have no talent or ability to get ahead any other way. In the poker world these days cheaters get called out and as a rule once that happens it's pretty much over for them, at least most of the time but in the corporate world they usually get rewarded for their underhanded illegal shit. I live in a small town and I know of several people who have been arrested for embezzlement, fraud and other illegal crap and I know plenty more who've done it gotten away with it, continue to get away with it and profit from it. Moral of the story, people are generally lazy, backstabbing, underhanded sleazebags but plenty are not! The poker world is no worse than any other world. Trust no one and never be disappointed. I do think some legislation or intrastate poker at least will happen, I think it's pretty much inevitable. Too much money for our grubby government to give up. When it does, things like this forum will improve. As for Jesus and Howard, no I didn't know them personally and I was pretty much being facetious. I have no faith in anyone so I'm never disappointed :-)
There is this sort of self-fancied "cynicism" people kick around now, I think to rationalize being complete, wallet-dangling suckers, or to trying to mask lazy beliefs with a facade of glib worldliness. When someone notes what a rube people are for taking some kind of bait, the "cynic" responds with vague, blanket distrust of everything, creating a false equivalency, as if somehow finding shreds of principally similar nature on one side can cancel out the titanic degree of corruption on the other. I really don't feel like I have to make an argument for how business doesn't come close to the gambling world in how well your association with it can predict that you are the sort of scumbag whose disconnect from reality has bred an antisocial degeneracy, whose character has either been corrupted by his lifestyle, or whose lifestyle was selected by by his social and moral defects. You can say that people in any setting are sleazy, but to take it to the level where you act like it's an equilibrium is utter nonsense. I've seen it used to claim that Fox News is no worse than CNN. I've seen it used to claim that acupuncturists are no worse than drug companies, and it's an irritating fallacy.
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