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Just got a gym membership. I'm not fat though, hahahh fatties.
sure another loogie want to be
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My BMI = 20.5
there you go loogie, be proud of yourself! there are plenty of girls out there who think muscles are gross!
Oh hey Sal, I forgot to tell you when I stopped at the gas station the other day, they had a whole rack of muscle milk next to the register.Muscle_Milk_Lite_RTD.gif
FLEEEEEXXXXXXX(there is no way I would ever post a picture of myself without a shirt on. I am actually quite fat.)
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Not in a serious nature, but I know what works and what doesn't after trying many different diets and fads over the years. Also I keep updated on the current research on Obesity. Since I joinnied my weight clinic I have lost over 80lbs, I am supervised by a medical specialist who is specialize in what is now called Bariatric Medicine. I also go to a Hospital in Michigan that is only for bariatric patients, as I am planning to have surgery shortly to help me with my weight control. If anyone who looks at the Barix site the patient information area is helpfulhttp://www.barixclinics.com/program/index.jsp USA Clinichttp://www.whartonmedicalclinic.com/ Hamilton Clinichttp://www.drsharma.ca/ One of the top world specialist on Obesity has a Clinic in Edmonton
So are you dieting or are you getting weight loss surgery? You confused the heck out of me.. If you end up no longer 100 Lbs overweight then they will not do WLS on you.. so why are you dropping 80Lbs and more only to go get the surgery?You also need to speak with someone who has had the surgery.. Don't look at all the pretty pictures they show you in the clinic and listen to how great life is after surgery.. Speak to someone who knows what it is really like to live with the gastric bypass.. Someone who isn't going to lie to you and tell you that it is all fun and games.. The changes you make to your body and how they affect you will be with you the rest of your life..
i saved one from the blooper real. damn that James.loogieandrose2nm1.png
This had me LOOOOLing
I used to be kind of a big deal around here. I SAID GOOD DAY!
Awww you still are Mexi!
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wait a sec...... this is just a ruse to get more naked pics. Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
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Guapo, sounds like we are in very similar situations and I would be down for something like this. I am a thin looking guy but I am at a peak in terms of personal fatness. I tend to go the gym in spurts; I'll get really into it for a while and go regularly, but then if I stop for any period of time its hard to get back in the habit of going again. Over the last year or so I've really let it slide, and I'm at the point where something really needs to be done. My wife just started her own renewed fitness kick, so I am gearing up for my own, I just need to get myself to get started somehow.

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Underweight = <18.5 Normal weight = 18.5-24.9 Overweight = 25-29.9 Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater The BMI
So wrong 129 Lbs for a 5'10" is 18.5 or normal weight. I think not.
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GeneralGee...... wow... good for you. Great job....keep it up.Guapo.... you're not fat... 6 foot and 2 and change.... not fat. You could drop 20 pounds pretty fast I bet.I reached my peak at 196 and decided at the first of the year to drop back to 180 to fight one more time. I usually fought at 185 but that involved cutting the last 5 or 6 pounds...which isn't fun nor healthy. I've been eating nothing but granola, salad with tuna or grilled chicken and lots of fruit. Last night I weighed in at 189.It's slower but I am NEVER hungry and never feel weak.Cut out beer, soda and pasta/potatoes and I bet you hit your desired weight in no time.Now...to the gym. I do what GGW does...I got a 180gig iPod and I hit the stairmaster for 100-150 flights of stairs. I can usually watch half a movie in that time and it makes the time fly by. Stair master makes me sweat and gets my heart up faster than the treadmill...for what ever reason.

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2 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)2 Members: Smacciemac, goldie79Looks like we are on our Flamingo pool quest together here too lol lol
Haha yup. 6'-0" 207 lbs as of last night. Motivation has always been my problem. I have a Bowlfex that I bought for $500 that I finally assembled last night. I think over the last year since I had my tonsilectomy (lost 20 lbs in two weeks from not eating) I managed to hit 220 lbs. When I weighed myself that day, that's when I knew I had to change my eating habits. The only exercise I have been getting is from playing hockey 2-3 times a week since October.I know I am no where near my "ideal" weight and I probably will never get to 172 lbs (actually I think it's supposed to be less than that), but my main goal is to shed the gut and put on muscle.5 months to go.
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Just tell your wife you need more sex, and you're always on top. Seriously, there's no better cardio workout than thrusting back and forth on top of something for 12.4 minutes. You don't even need a wife.
Just a couple pillows, a rubber sheet, a bungee cord and some lube. BOOM! 10lbs just like that.
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From fitness guru Tom Venuto:The Little Thing In Your Head That’s Keeping You FatTom VenutoI have no doubt that a scientist somewhere just read the title of this article and said out loud, “YES! Venuto is right! That little thing in your head – the hypothalamus – it IS the thing that is keeping you fat! By George, that Venuto guy isn’t a dumb bodybuilder after all – he’s been doing his research!” At which moment, I will be shaking my head and thinking, “you need to get out of the laboratory and into the real world, with real people, buddy.” Okay, okay, to be fair, Neuro-endocrine control of appetite and body fat really is quite fascinating. But today, I’m talking about PSYCH-ology, not PHYSI-ology. The little thing in your head that’s keeping you fat is actually just a….Limiting belief!Self-limiting beliefs are among the biggest problems that people deal with in their struggles to achieve a healthy ideal weight. They’re also one of the reasons that so many people start to falter or fall off the diet and exercise wagon as early as late January or early February in their New Year’s goal pursuits.But beliefs are not only involved in the mind-body connection, they are unconscious programs that control your behavior. The most important factor in whether you achieve the body and the health you want is NOT what diet or training program you follow. It’s what makes you follow your diet and training program. And guess what? What you believe controls your behavior - whether you will stick with your program or sabotage it with cheating, bingeing or inconsistency.What to do about limiting beliefsSTEP 1: IDENTIFY LIMITING BELIEFSYou are fully aware of many of your beliefs. For example, beliefs about spirituality or politics are usually in the front of your conscious mind.But the beliefs that hold back your health and physical development the most are usually the ones you don’t even know you have. They are like unconscious “brain software,” running silently in the background.So the first step is to bring those unconscious and potentially damaging beliefs up to the surface so you are aware of them. You can’t fix a problem if you don’t know you have one.2 Quick Questions That Will Help Draw Out Your BeliefsBeliefs can go back to childhood, but don’t worry, you don’t have to go to a psychotherapist and be regressed back to kindergarten. It’s simpler than that. But it does pay to do this questioning process as a formal “exercise” with serious quiet time, with pen and paper (instead of just thinking about it).Question #1: What causes me to be overweight (or unhealthy, or not having the body I want)?Question #2: What’s preventing me from getting leaner? (or healthier?)Spend some time with it and see how big of a list you can create. Ask yourself whether each belief helps or hurts you. Does it move you forward or backward. Does it empower or disempower you? The ones that hurt you or hold you back will be obvious. You may come up with beliefs such as:“I’m overweight and I can’t get leaner because”:I have no timeI’m too oldI can’t stop eatingI hate exercise You just can’t do it when you have 4 kidsIt’s impossible after having a hip replacementBut the million dollar question is; Are these beliefs actually true?Beliefs are not facts. You may hold your beliefs as absolute reality, but when you deconstruct them and challenge them, you may see that they don’t hold any water.Self limiting beliefs are false interpretations (negative thought patterns) that hold you back. And you keep holding on to them because making excuses and staying the same is a lot more convenient than changing isn’t it? Change requires hard work, effort and leaving your comfort zone.Your mission now: weaken the limiting beliefs and get rid of themSTEP 2: CHALLENGE THOSE BELIEFSHow do you challenge a belief? 4 ways:(A) Challenge it directly: Is the belief even valid at all? See if you can find a “counter example” that disproves your belief. For example; if you think that after you’ve had 3 or 4 kids, it’s impossible to get a nice flat stomach, what will you say after I introduce you to a dozen of my clients and readers who had 3 or 4 kids and went from bulging belly to rock-hard flat stomach? If they did it, then how could your belief be valid? Answer: It WASN’T! You believed something false and inaccurate and it was holding you back!(B) Challenge the source:Is it your belief, or have you been living what your parents, peers or culture handed down to you? Just the realization that a belief wasn’t yours to begin with is enough to shatter it.© Challenge the usefulness of the belief. Ok, so you believed something when you were younger. Does still believing it has any usefulness today? Does it help you move closer to what you want in your life today? If not, then when today would be a good time to get rid of it?(D) Challenging the belief by weighing the consequences. If you keep this belief, what is it going to cost you? What will the pain be like? What will you miss? And what will these consequences be if you don’t change it NOW?STEP 3: INSTALL A NEW BELIEFNature abhors a vacuum, as Spinoza once said. You don’t simply get rid of a belief, you also must replace it. What things would you want and need to believe instead that would create positive behaviors that would move you toward your goal? Write them down, then massage them into an affirmation. For example, if you’ve hung your hat on the belief that you didn’t have time to exercise, could you write a new affirmation of belief similar to this?“I’m a very busy person, so that means I must set clear priorities and I must keep my health and body on the top of my priority list. I always schedule time for my most important priorities, I am efficient with my training, and I use every minute of my day wisely. And if Barack Obama, the busiest person in the world, can train for 45 minutes a day 6 days a week, there’s no excuse for me. I can do it too.”Write down your new belief affirmations and read them, right along with your goals, every day.Then “activate” this affirmation by doing what Olympic and professional athletes do: engaging in mental rehearsal. Visualize yourself carrying out the behaviors that this belief would generate. Think about and feel what it would be like to take those positive actions steps and play mental movies of how your life would change by doing so. Involve all your senses: see it, hear it, feel it.Keep it up until you start to see your behavior change and your habitual actions come into alignment with your goals/intentions. If you’re diligent, you’ll see changes in attitude and behavior with 21-30 days. It may happen sooner. It may take longer if you’ve carried deep, lifelong limiting beliefs. But in less than a month, the roots of the new belief pattern will be formed.Then you can update your goals and affirmations to reflect your current priorities and move on to the next goal you want to achieve or the next limiting belief you want to change. Keep THAT up, and pretty soon, you will be LIMIT-LESS!BELIEVE ME, spending quality time understanding and working on your beliefs is a lot more productive than spending time in forums arguing about whether a low carb program is better than high carb program… or even whether the cure for obesity is found in the arcuate nucleus of the lower hypothalamus. It’s in your head allright… but most people have been looking in the wrong place.Train hard and expect success,

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No offence, but things like that ^^^ really over-complicate the whole issue, and is mostly waffle. I can see why, he's making money from it, but really to get in shape it's the most simple process ever... eat healthily, and train hard...whatever exercise it is, as long as you're active. That's it. No secrets, just plain common sense.

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Men's Health magazine has released its annual "Worst Foods" list. Scoring the top spot as the absolute worst food in the country? A large Chocolate Oreo Shake from Baskin Robbins. This bad boy has 2,600 calories, 135 grams of fat (59 of which are saturated), 263 grams of sugar and 1,700 milligrams of sodium.stay far away from these:http://www.menshealth.com/eatthis/20-Worst-Foods-2009/

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Men's Health magazine has released its annual "Worst Foods" list. Scoring the top spot as the absolute worst food in the country? A large Chocolate Oreo Shake from Baskin Robbins. This bad boy has 2,600 calories, 135 grams of fat (59 of which are saturated), 263 grams of sugar and 1,700 milligrams of sodium.stay far away from these:http://www.menshealth.com/eatthis/20-Worst-Foods-2009/
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No offence, but things like that ^^^ really over-complicate the whole issue, and is mostly waffle. I can see why, he's making money from it, but really to get in shape it's the most simple process ever... eat healthily, and train hard...whatever exercise it is, as long as you're active. That's it. No secrets, just plain common sense.
I got this from a message in facebook. I'm not sure if he's making money off the article.
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I got this from a message in facebook. I'm not sure if he's making money off the article.
Fair enough, but I just think that to the average person who wants to get fit/lose weight etc, who reads that will think 'Oh my, there's so much more to losing weight than there used to be... I have to know all that!'. Whereas the equation is as simple as it's always been: Eating more healthily + working up a sweat = getting in shape.I guess I'm just sceptical to all those kinds of articles, 'fat-fighting focus groups' and stuff, and generally over-analyzing the whole thing.
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This was not an attempt by me to figure out how to lose weight. I already know how and what I need to do. What I wanted is to get a few people in a similar situation to do the same thing and hold each other accountable. A little outside motivation.

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GeneralGee...... wow... good for you. Great job....keep it up.Guapo.... you're not fat... 6 foot and 2 and change.... not fat. You could drop 20 pounds pretty fast I bet.I reached my peak at 196 and decided at the first of the year to drop back to 180 to fight one more time. I usually fought at 185 but that involved cutting the last 5 or 6 pounds...which isn't fun nor healthy. I've been eating nothing but granola, salad with tuna or grilled chicken and lots of fruit. Last night I weighed in at 189.It's slower but I am NEVER hungry and never feel weak.Cut out beer, soda and pasta/potatoes and I bet you hit your desired weight in no time.Now...to the gym. I do what GGW does...I got a 180gig iPod and I hit the stairmaster for 100-150 flights of stairs. I can usually watch half a movie in that time and it makes the time fly by. Stair master makes me sweat and gets my heart up faster than the treadmill...for what ever reason.
thanks man! it feels good to get encouragement. :club:
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Men's Health magazine has released its annual "Worst Foods" list. Scoring the top spot as the absolute worst food in the country? A large Chocolate Oreo Shake from Baskin Robbins. This bad boy has 2,600 calories, 135 grams of fat (59 of which are saturated), 263 grams of sugar and 1,700 milligrams of sodium.stay far away from these:http://www.menshealth.com/eatthis/20-Worst-Foods-2009/
And people need to be told this?? Common sense, no?I wonder if there are people who actually have to read that, to know it.A large chocolate Oreo shake is bad for you.... no shit.
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Fair enough, but I just think that to the average person who wants to get fit/lose weight etc, who reads that will think 'Oh my, there's so much more to losing weight than there used to be... I have to know all that!'. Whereas the equation is as simple as it's always been: Eating more healthily + working up a sweat = getting in shape.I guess I'm just sceptical to all those kinds of articles, 'fat-fighting focus groups' and stuff, and generally over-analyzing the whole thing.
I tend to agree with that. But for some it's not as simple, it takes some supposed "revolutionary idea" to lose weight. I don't know if anyone in this forum needs that idea, but well, It's out there now, use it for what it's worth.
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FWIW. God knows if it's true or not, but I started working out a year and a half ago. I still eat the same way I did in July 2007, but I just eliminated drinking coke and drinks similar to it. Not sure if there is a correlation there. Yes, I began to workout. But I've had periods where I don't workout for a month or two and notice no change or don't gain any weight even when I eat the same way. But I just don't drink caffenated beverages. I know the same worked for my mom as well. She's 53 and has lost 10 pounds in 5 months simply because she doesn't go for the 2 P.M coke everyday.

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And people need to be told this?? Common sense, no?I wonder if there are people who actually have to read that, to know it.A large chocolate Oreo shake is bad for you.... no shit.
My wife worked at Starbucks while in school. She would always come home with her Al Bundy "A fat lady came into Starbucks today" story. My favorite one ever was a really obese woman, like 300 plus who help up a line of 20 customers to find out the nutrition content of a Chocolate Frappacino and Blueberry muffin. Total was about 1,000 calories and about 40 grams of fat.Was there any chance, she was going to not get them once she read that? No of course not. Why the hell was she looking at it then?
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