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The Official Obama Scorecard Thread

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true story:doctor: what year is it?jeff's grandma: 1996doctor: and who's the president?jeff's grandma: obamadoctor: how's he doing?jeff's grandma: VERY BADdoctor [to jeff's mom]: she seems fine to me
that is awesome. My Grandfather died this past fall...he was 96 lived a great life...one of the last things he said to me was he couldn't believe he was going to die with this guy in the Whitehouse!!!
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President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.   I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to

They just keep voting themselves more money. 290 Billion to get through the next 6 weeks.I don't even know what to say anymore. We start to turn the corner on this economy. Businesses cut back, lay people off, cut expense to get profitable and what does the governement do? Spend more. And more. And more. And guess what? More.This is the issue when these Senators and Congressmen and have no fiscal responsibility to the money they spend. You have people like Harry Reid saying "It's only a Billion" I know I sound like a broken record, but when Did a Billion Dollars become an insignificant sum of money?Wal-Mart - the largest private employer in the world, net income was 13 Billion last year.That should put that in prospective for you.

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george stephanopolous don't care if I spelled it right was laughing about how clinton's stimulus package was $14b and they couldn't get it passed. remember how all three candidates made a big deal about the budget, and then we had a surplus for a time*? that must have been great to live through.*I would prefer not to argue about this
Remember when the republican presidents got their make believe surplus...they spent it by giving everyone a check.What do the democrat ones do? Increase spending
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A refund isn't spending.
it is his lie, let him tell it as big as he would like.
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it's not saving.
Well it still shows a fundamental difference in philosophy between the left and the right.The right thinks that taxes are our money and when there was extra they should give it to the people who paid it. They also believe that the best way to stimulate the economy is to give the money to the people and let them choose what to do with it.The left thinks that this is their money, and once they take it from us it no longer belongs to us. And they believe that in order to stimulate the economy they are much better at knowing the best things to do that just so happen to coincide with giving large amounts of cash loyal too and recently on the top donor lists of the DNC.
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the stimulus checks were just as terrible as any of the little pet projects you guys picked out of obama's plan. it's all awful and shouldn't find any defense here.
Is this the thread I am pro-Obama?Cause if it is I got something for your above post.I think it was the healthcare one thoughNevermind
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Is this the thread I am pro-Obama?Cause if it is I got something for your above post.I think it was the healthcare one thoughNevermind
We should do a Role Reversal thread in here too.
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They just keep voting themselves more money. 290 Billion to get through the next 6 weeks.I don't even know what to say anymore. We start to turn the corner on this economy. Businesses cut back, lay people off, cut expense to get profitable and what does the governement do? Spend more. And more. And more. And guess what? More.This is the issue when these Senators and Congressmen and have no fiscal responsibility to the money they spend. You have people like Harry Reid saying "It's only a Billion" I know I sound like a broken record, but when Did a Billion Dollars become an insignificant sum of money?Wal-Mart - the largest private employer in the world, net income was 13 Billion last year.That should put that in prospective for you.
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I'm in love with this poster.
Are you playing the role reversal game??Or you really want me to look you up when I'm next in the US??
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Listen dick wasn't perfect and i don't really care for him a whole lot but you are off base with him. You also forgot to mention he is a bad guy to hunting with!!
All in all a great post. Especially:
and they have been effective for us...i don't give a damn about perceived public relations or a bunch of terrorists.
According to the Media, the rest of the world seems to like us more with BHO. Not sure that is always a good thing. And we'll just see what happens the first time he show some back bone and doesn't bow down to everyone's demands on America paying our "fair share" or taking blame for their woes. If it ever happens his (our) popularity will plummet as it has here in the US.
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...Like mk used to say, the comment was entirely apolitical... just an observation intended to stimulate some conversation...
Riiight.Because MK is such a good example to follow in the Political threads of how NOT to troll.
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obama_approval_index_december_22_2009.jpgThe Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -21 That’s the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President.On George Bush's last week in office, he had a 43% Strongly Disapprove.
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