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The Official Obama Scorecard Thread

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I'm not sure what fraction of what Obama says was written by him, but I'm sure that it's larger than the fraction of what George W wrote himself. After all, above original job was as an author.
Speaking skillzOn teleprompter: Obama>most speakers including BushOff teleprompter Obama<most people who do not have a serious stutter from childhood
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President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.   I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to

So my finances were spinning out of control, so I declared a family spending freeze. I announced it to great fanfare at a family meeting.When pushed for details I told them that fiscal responsibility is important, which is why we needed to take this difficult step.The plan is to freeze spending at Cheesecake Factory. It shall be no higher than last year. The freeze doesn't apply to Ruby Tuesday, Macaroni Grill, McDonalds, Chipotle, or any other restaurant. In fact, spending at those will probably increase. Also, we will be taking an expensive vacation, buying new furniture, and getting a new car (even though our old ones are fine).I just felt that I had to do something about my family's deficit spending.Please, hold your applause.

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So, Obama met with congressional republicans in a televised event and single handedly engaged them on issues in an attempt to clear the poisonous air that has plagued Washington recently:http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01...r-divisions/?hpMore evidence that Obama is indeed interested in open debate, reconciling differences, and moving this country forward. It's becoming more and more difficult to believe some of the characterizations that people make of him.

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More evidence that Obama is indeed interested in open debate, reconciling differences, and moving this country forward. It's becoming more and more difficult to believe some of the characterizations that people make of him.
Not trying to be snide, but more? I didn't realize there was initial evidence.Note: Most of my political news comes from here, so I'm not really the most informed person.
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So, Obama met with congressional republicans in a televised event and single handedly engaged them on issues in an attempt to clear the poisonous air that has plagued Washington recently:http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01...r-divisions/?hpMore evidence that Obama is indeed interested in open debate, reconciling differences, and moving this country forward. It's becoming more and more difficult to believe some of the characterizations that people make of him.
After a year of completely shutting down ANY Republican input into the process, he has a meeting where he tells them it's all their fault. It's better than nothing, but if where we are is 0, and we're trying to get to 100, this is 0.0000001.Up to this point, this has been the least cooperative administration in my lifetime.
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So, Obama met with congressional republicans in a televised event and single handedly engaged them on issues in an attempt to clear the poisonous air that has plagued Washington recently:http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01...r-divisions/?hpMore evidence that Obama is indeed interested in open debate, reconciling differences, and moving this country forward. It's becoming more and more difficult to believe some of the characterizations that people make of him.
“Both sides can take some blame for a sour climate on Capitol Hill,” Mr. Obama told the Republicans before leaving. “What I can do maybe to help is to try to bring Republican and Democratic leadership together on a more regular basis with me. That’s I think a failure on my part.”Well NO SHIT Mr President ... what a noble idea. Bring BOTH parties together and try to solve problems. Seems like a much different approach now that the Dems lost a seat and are set to lose even more in the upcoming elections. Sure wish he wouldn't have wasted all that time trying to PUSH through his crazy health care initiative and maybe listened to what BOTH sides had to say on the issue. Would have probably worked out a bit different and we would probably be well on the way to a good health care bill.
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From his meeting with the Republicans, Obama said, in regard to earmarks:"Now the challenge, I guess, I would have for you as a freshman is, what are you doing inside your caucus to make sure I'm not the only guy who's responsible for this stuff"Yeah, it's not like you worked your whole life to become president, and said at least a dozen times on the campaign trail that you would never sign a bill that contained earmarks, and now are the only single individual in the world who now can prevent earmarks. You're right, Obama, it's up to the freshman in the party that is out of power.

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I'd give it a +1. It's a step in the right direction, but instead of using taxpayer money to give to corporations, why don't we just remove the obstacles and let the corporations do what we want. This notion that if we want it done the government must force or bribe us to do it is the root of our trillion dollar deficit.
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After a year of completely shutting down ANY Republican input into the process, he has a meeting where he tells them it's all their fault. It's better than nothing, but if where we are is 0, and we're trying to get to 100, this is 0.0000001.Up to this point, this has been the least cooperative administration in my lifetime.
I was just about to reply when I see HB has summed it up perfectly
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I'd give it a +1. It's a step in the right direction, but instead of using taxpayer money to give to corporations, why don't we just remove the obstacles and let the corporations do what we want. This notion that if we want it done the government must force or bribe us to do it is the root of our trillion dollar deficit.
We don't disagree, but I'm just giddy that we might actually be moving toward nuclear.
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Maybe it's a good thing that Obama's been humbled so much over the past year. With a majority in the House and Senate, including 60 Senators at one point, Obama felt compelled, he felt it was his duity as a liberal, to pass many years worth of legislation that Democrats have wanted for a long time.Much to his chagrin, the incompetence of congress and some failures on his part slowed his efforts, if not stopping them all together.So, he now knows that he must work hard on those things that can get support from both sides. Since he no longer feels that it is his "only chance" to push through a liberal agenda, he can now focus on Nuclear Power, improving our rail system, the budget, etc etc
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Maybe it's a good thing that Obama's been humbled so much over the past year. With a majority in the House and Senate, including 60 Senators at one point, Obama felt compelled, he felt it was his duity as a liberal, to pass many years worth of legislation that Democrats have wanted for a long time.Much to his chagrin, the incompetence of congress and some failures on his part slowed his efforts, if not stopping them all together.So, he now knows that he must work hard on those things that can get support from both sides. Since he no longer feels that it is his "only chance" to push through a liberal agenda, he can now focus on Nuclear Power, improving our rail system, the budget, etc etc
What a tragedy it is that we tore up 80% of our rail system and installed bike paths everywhere. Trains are so much more efficient than trucks. It's really just a shame that we didn't realize that 30 years ago.
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He's gotten so used to bowing to foreigners, that he now has begun bowing to leaders of local US communities who happen to have foreign ancestry:http://www.ma.rr.com/news/topicdl/photogal...t/09gbbwTcc160lU.S. President Barack Obama bows to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio at MacDill Air Force Base on Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010 in Tampa, Fla.Cartoon-Courting-Disaster-LFS-990.jpg

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This thread, and this whole section of the forum, is a treasure trove of opportunity. So. Much. Subjective. Blind. Ignorance. And. Cognitive. Dissonance. And. Hypocrisy. Right wing or left, democrat or republican, conservative or liberal... haha.Awesome.

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This thread, and this whole section of the forum, is a treasure trove of opportunity. So. Much. Subjective. Blind. Ignorance. And. Cognitive. Dissonance. And. Hypocrisy. Right wing or left, democrat or republican, conservative or liberal... haha.Awesome.
Thank you for that constructive input to this forum.
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Thank you for that constructive input to this forum.
Actually, out of every thread in this forum, he's probably the most correct about this one.
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Credit where credit is due, +[positive integer value]:http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/di...visitor-recordsAs part of President Obama's commitment to government transparency, we are providing records of White House visitors on an ongoing basis online. In December 2009, we will begin posting all White House visitor records for the period from September 15th onwards under the terms of our new voluntary disclosure policy. In addition, as part of our new policy, we will post records dating from January 20th that are specifically requested on an ongoing basis. For more information, read the White House blog post announcing the new policy.

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Credit where credit is due, +[positive integer value]:http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/di...visitor-recordsAs part of President Obama's commitment to government transparency, we are providing records of White House visitors on an ongoing basis online. In December 2009, we will begin posting all White House visitor records for the period from September 15th onwards under the terms of our new voluntary disclosure policy. In addition, as part of our new policy, we will post records dating from January 20th that are specifically requested on an ongoing basis. For more information, read the White House blog post announcing the new policy.
What about the visitors they don't know about?
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-1Former lobbyists in senior Obama administration positionsAlthough Barack Obama promised lobbyists would not serve in his White House, and issued executive orders restricting former lobbyists, more than 40 ex-lobbyists now populate top jobs in the Obama administration, including three Cabinet secretaries, the Director of Central Intelligence, and many senior White House officials.Below is our working list of ex-lobbyists in the Obama administration.Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics...l#ixzz0eVObmYyBList cont'd at link.

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Obama, the self-focused president

I got a letter -- I got a note today from one of my staff -- they forwarded it to me -- from a woman in St. Louis who had been part of our campaign, very active, who had passed away from breast cancer. She didn't have insurance. She couldn't afford it, so she had put off having the kind of exams that she needed. And she had fought a tough battle for four years. All through the campaign she was fighting it, but finally she succumbed to it. And she insisted she's going to be buried in an Obama t-shirt.
Link to storySo let's think about this Mr presidentThis lady worked hard for you to get elected. She put lots of time in and 'worked hard' and was 'very active' as you put it.Now she was either a paid worker, or she was a volunteer.If she was a paid worker, than you are admitting that with a $600,000,000.00 war chest, you couldn't part with enough for her to afford the ~$900 a month to get health insurance. Isn't that what you deride Walmart for? Isn't this a shameful thing when a company doesn't pay it's employees enough to afford their own insurance, or better yet, aren't they supposed to pay for their insurance?Or she was a volunteer. Which means that rather than tell this woman to quit working for free and instead go out and get a job so she can take care of herself and get insurance, your staff felt that it was more important that she ignore her medical condition and instead spend the last year of her life working for free so you could become the president.And you also point out that 'she had put off having the kind of exams that she needed', meaning that she didn't get her mammograms I guess. Now under your new health care, didn't the age for these exams extend? Meaning that the woman who get this early will not receive mammograms because the plan you want to force on us will not allow it for because it's not needed, as the government report said.Now which of those examples are you 'bragging' about because you fooled a woman so badly that she died helping you and yet was still so completely full of your kool aide that she is going to be buried in a tee shirt with your picture on it?Either the president's staff is lacking seriously in brains, or the president is seriously lacking in heart. Either way this rates a -3 in my book.
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