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The Official Obama Scorecard Thread

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Yep, World War II was just FDR's Republican side.
We agree, since he kept us out of it until Europe was totally overrun and the war had been raging for 3 1/2 years.
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President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.   I'm so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to

We agree, since he kept us out of it until Europe was totally overrun and the war had been raging for 3 1/2 years.
This is not even close to factually correct ('at the top of the list of most ignorant things you have said'). After WW One, the people of the United States were adamant about not going to war in Europe again. FDR spent much of the period between 1939 and Pearl Harbor trying to convince people to go to war. Pearl Harbor was the catalyst that got us there.Saying FDR was keeping us out of the war is nonsense. Now, if you wanted to accuse Woodrow Wilson of trying to keep us out of World War one......that would be much more accurate.In fact, if you go check out Chrozzo's thread about Pearl Harbor in Off-topic general, you will find that many conspiracy theorists believe that FDR "let" the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor so he could finally get support to go to war.
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This is not even close to factually correct ('at the top of the list of most ignorant things you have said'). After WW One, the people of the United States were adamant about not going to war in Europe again. FDR spent much of the period between 1939 and Pearl Harbor trying to convince people to go to war. Pearl Harbor was the catalyst that got us there.Saying FDR was keeping us out of the war is nonsense. Now, if you wanted to accuse Woodrow Wilson of trying to keep us out of World War one......that would be much more accurate.In fact, if you go check out Chrozzo's thread about Pearl Harbor in Off-topic general, you will find that many conspiracy theorists believe that FDR "let" the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor so he could finally get support to go to war.
Damn it, I hate it when I agree with Cane.
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Damn it, I hate it when I agree with Cane.
The feeling is mutual, Cronkite hater. But, on this point, history has kind of verified it over and over. No big deal, we (as a country) used to have a prominent isolationist streak. Honestly, there are times these days when I think we should consider going back to that.
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This is not even close to factually correct ('at the top of the list of most ignorant things you have said'). After WW One, the people of the United States were adamant about not going to war in Europe again. FDR spent much of the period between 1939 and Pearl Harbor trying to convince people to go to war. Pearl Harbor was the catalyst that got us there.Saying FDR was keeping us out of the war is nonsense. Now, if you wanted to accuse Woodrow Wilson of trying to keep us out of World War one......that would be much more accurate.In fact, if you go check out Chrozzo's thread about Pearl Harbor in Off-topic general, you will find that many conspiracy theorists believe that FDR "let" the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor so he could finally get support to go to war.
You can find the same thing about 9/11...does that make them correct?do figure if they were "going let it happen" you would tie up all the ships and aircraft and put them in the worst positions possible to surrvive the attack you want to happen? or would you minimize the damage as much as you can by spreading out the equipment...go spend a day in Pearl Harbor and see how things were and you think slightly different. Upon more thought FDR was a Democrat so there is no telling how much he could have screwed it up. BTW if you are HA you should really spend one day there. the whole thing is an awesome exhibt and memorial. if you enjoy history it is a must see spot.
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You can find the same thing about 9/11...does that make them correct?do figure if they were "going let it happen" you would tie up all the ships and aircraft and put them in the worst positions possible to surrvive the attack you want to happen? or would you minimize the damage as much as you can by spreading out the equipment...go spend a day in Pearl Harbor and see how things were and you think slightly different. Upon more thought FDR was a Democrat so there is no telling how much he could have screwed it up. BTW if you are HA you should really spend one day there. the whole thing is an awesome exhibt and memorial. if you enjoy history it is a must see spot.
whoa there, space cowboy. I dont actually think FDR did that. It was an example portraying the fact that FDR clearly was pro going to war far before the general populace was. Some people think that FDR may have done that. I think it is ridiculous....just like your third paragraph.The people who think 9/11 was done by the US govt are retarded. Did you ever invent a jump to conclusions mat?I am going to take the 100 dollars I win from you and donate it to the ACLU for funsies.
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you think the USA is going to come out ahead with all of this bad debt.I did not say this.
From your earlier post:"I think the debt obama's issuing today will actually start to show positive real returns for the US in a year or two."Yeah, guess you did say that... oops
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read this:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_versus_n...%28economics%29I should have just linked it from the start, since everything I say is Obviously librul hippy shit
You know.... you're right... why stop with the debt we have now? I think we should just keep spending even more money we don't have... that makes real good sense.
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I'm literally the last person you'd get to agree to the above.Like mk used to say, the comment was entirely apolitical... just an observation intended to stimulate some conversation.We prattle on about the merits of this or that program while massive sums of money are borrowed at some rate that is recorded on a treasury webpage no one reads. A difference of a few basis points (1/100th of one percent) sounds tiny, but consider that it's multiplied by over a TRILLION DOLLARS according to this year's deficit estimates. Maybe I'm just being a finance nit, but it seems like it ought to be a big, newsworthy deal when the government gets away with highway robbery on its borrowing rates.But like I said, I'm with you. We're fucked long-term if we stick to this gameplan.
Ok, we agree :club:
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This is not even close to factually correct ('at the top of the list of most ignorant things you have said'). After WW One, the people of the United States were adamant about not going to war in Europe again. FDR spent much of the period between 1939 and Pearl Harbor trying to convince people to go to war. Pearl Harbor was the catalyst that got us there.Saying FDR was keeping us out of the war is nonsense. Now, if you wanted to accuse Woodrow Wilson of trying to keep us out of World War one......that would be much more accurate.In fact, if you go check out Chrozzo's thread about Pearl Harbor in Off-topic general, you will find that many conspiracy theorists believe that FDR "let" the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor so he could finally get support to go to war.
You guys are all wrong. He was the president. Hell, even George W. Bush got us engaged in an unpopular war. FDR was a pussy.
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whoa there, space cowboy. I dont actually think FDR did that. It was an example portraying the fact that FDR clearly was pro going to war far before the general populace was. Some people think that FDR may have done that. I think it is ridiculous....just like your third paragraph.The people who think 9/11 was done by the US govt are retarded. Did you ever invent a jump to conclusions mat?I am going to take the 100 dollars I win from you and donate it to the ACLU for funsies.
I laughed!! Lucky i didn't have a sip of coffee when i read that. Hell I think FDR was one of the worst Presidents ever...maybe at the top of the list and i don't even think he did it on purpose!!ACLU...WTF that is cold man. I would rather it go the National Democratic party!!!
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Not sure why we are keeping score - the messiah himself has done the work for us

US President Barack Obama has awarded himself a B plus for his first 11 months in office, stressing in an interview with talk show queen Oprah Winfrey that there was still much to be done. "A good solid B plus,'' Obama said during an hour-long, intimate soft-focus ABC network Christmas at the White House special, when Oprah asked what grade he would give himself.
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obama-socialist.jpgThe Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
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obama-socialist.jpgThe Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 23% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-two percent (42%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19.
This is not a great suprise to anyone living in the real world.
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