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This next blog I write (when I calm down) is going to blow your mind. Man am I fuming mad... goooooooosefraba. I need some serious goosefraba right about now or I'm going to blow.
Anybody got any spare goosefraba they can send quick to DN?
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heh, he's probably upset that perry friedman challenged him to a 500k HU roshambo match.
Not only Perry - _Any_ of the Tilt Boys. I know that would intimidate me. :-) Patrick
my horse busted Andy Bloch in the 50k on saturday :club: i get half that tshirt!!
LOL, wear that sleeve with pride. :-)I would love to get one of the shirts they give out at the Bay 101 Shooting Stars event when you bust a pro. I heard a story a while back where one of the pros (can't remember who) paid an amateur player like $2k for the shirt because it said 'I busted Phil Helmuth'. Classic. :-)Patrick
I heard they were handing those out as sign up bonuses for UB....dunno :-)
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heh, he's probably upset that perry friedman challenged him to a 500k HU roshambo match.
Not only Perry - _Any_ of the Tilt Boys. I know that would intimidate me. :-) Patrick
my horse busted Andy Bloch in the 50k on saturday :club: i get half that tshirt!!
LOL, wear that sleeve with pride. :-)I would love to get one of the shirts they give out at the Bay 101 Shooting Stars event when you bust a pro. I heard a story a while back where one of the pros (can't remember who) paid an amateur player like $2k for the shirt because it said 'I busted Phil Helmuth'. Classic. :-)Patrick
LOL. that is classic. any clues as to who jerrod is on stars? you answered HOSS for me already :D
Jerrod Ankenman - http://www.livejournal.com/users/hgfalling/You are the one who asked about HOSS and Gank?Patrick
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heh, he's probably upset that perry friedman challenged him to a 500k HU roshambo match.
Not only Perry - _Any_ of the Tilt Boys. I know that would intimidate me. :-) Patrick
my horse busted Andy Bloch in the 50k on saturday :club: i get half that tshirt!!
LOL, wear that sleeve with pride. :-)I would love to get one of the shirts they give out at the Bay 101 Shooting Stars event when you bust a pro. I heard a story a while back where one of the pros (can't remember who) paid an amateur player like $2k for the shirt because it said 'I busted Phil Helmuth'. Classic. :-)Patrick
LOL. that is classic. any clues as to who jerrod is on stars? you answered HOSS for me already :D
Jerrod Ankenman - http://www.livejournal.com/users/hgfalling/You are the one who asked about HOSS and Gank?Patrick
thats me :D internet anonymity is cool. i read his blog, i was wondering what his PS name is, because there was a guy called 'jerrod' tearing up the final table on sunday.
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heh, he's probably upset that perry friedman challenged him to a 500k HU roshambo match.
Not only Perry - _Any_ of the Tilt Boys. I know that would intimidate me. :-) Patrick
my horse busted Andy Bloch in the 50k on saturday :club: i get half that tshirt!!
LOL, wear that sleeve with pride. :-)I would love to get one of the shirts they give out at the Bay 101 Shooting Stars event when you bust a pro. I heard a story a while back where one of the pros (can't remember who) paid an amateur player like $2k for the shirt because it said 'I busted Phil Helmuth'. Classic. :-)Patrick
LOL. that is classic. any clues as to who jerrod is on stars? you answered HOSS for me already :D
Jerrod Ankenman - http://www.livejournal.com/users/hgfalling/You are the one who asked about HOSS and Gank?Patrick
thats me :D internet anonymity is cool. i read his blog, i was wondering what his PS name is, because there was a guy called 'jerrod' tearing up the final table on sunday.
For a second I thought, 'Was that Smellmuth who posted that question?' lol...But yeah, I *think* that is the jerrod you are talking about. By the hand histories in his blog, it looks like jerrod is his handle on 'Stars.Patrick
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AAAACcckkkkk! I hate Cliff Hangers. I hope this has absolutely nothing to do with Lori. I would think that would be more of a depressed post, not angry.Crap, I'm actually worried.

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For a second I thought, 'Was that Smellmuth who posted that question?' lol...But yeah, I *think* that is the jerrod you are talking about. By the hand histories in his blog, it looks like jerrod is his handle on 'Stars. Patricksmellmuth has a lot of connotations associated with it, i decided i wanted a little more anonymity when i started posting here. Thanks for the jerrod tip, makes me feel a little better that i busted out now :club: BTW, pokertrails.com is awesome, keep up the good work.

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It's a bad airport story -- nothing to do with Lori. I have a VERY reliable source. Daniel had a layover in a horrible airport and that is what he is going to report on when he has the opportunity.Breathe easy for now!! :shhh:

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It's a bad airport story -- nothing to do with Lori. I have a VERY reliable source. Daniel had a layover in a horrible airport and that is what he is going to report on when he has the opportunity.Breathe easy for now!! :shhh:
Thank God! And thank you for relieving my stress. Why do I have stress over this? Because I am a girl, and matters of the heart concern girls. I know, it's sometimes silly. I am a silly, silly girl. But thank you again.
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For a second I thought, 'Was that Smellmuth who posted that question?' lol...But yeah, I *think* that is the jerrod you are talking about. By the hand histories in his blog, it looks like jerrod is his handle on 'Stars. Patricksmellmuth has a lot of connotations associated with it, i decided i wanted a little more anonymity when i started posting here. Thanks for the jerrod tip, makes me feel a little better that i busted out now :club: BTW, pokertrails.com is awesome, keep up the good work.
Awww, no lunch reports here? :-)Thanks regarding PokerTrails.com...I'm sure if Jon reads that he'll get all warm and fuzzy inside. :-) I sent him the report for the PartyPoker tournament, now I need to sort through the UB hand histories and put that one together. Patrick
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AAAACcckkkkk! I hate Cliff Hangers. I hope this has absolutely nothing to do with Lori. I would think that would be more of a depressed post, not angry.Crap, I'm actually worried.
Chill. If it had to do with Lori he'd be depressed or upset or really sad. He's angry. I'm guessing he had a fight with a friend or something dispicable happened while he was playing poker or something.Feel better DN. :club:
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Have a shot and a beer...that always works for me.
If you really want to take your frustration out go kill a bum
I can't let this line go unappreciated. So again, for your reading pleasure...
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Have a shot and a beer...that always works for me.
If you really want to take your frustration out go kill a bum
I can't let this line go unappreciated. So again, for your reading pleasure...
That's just wrong, dude. I laughed, and then I felt really bad about it. And then I laughed. I am not a nice person. I thought I was, but apparently not.
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It's a bad airport story -- nothing to do with Lori. I have a VERY reliable source. Daniel had a layover in a horrible airport and that is what he is going to report on when he has the opportunity.Breathe easy for now!! :shhh:
Oh. :shock:
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Because I am a girl, and matters of the heart concern girls. I am a silly, silly girl.
A large part of me says you are a guy.JMHO. :?
Would that part be your ass?
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This next blog I write (when I calm down) is going to blow your mind. Man am I fuming mad... goooooooosefraba. I need some serious goosefraba right about now or I'm going to blow.
Hang in there Daniel!!
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as your attorney I advise three shots of Jameson, some Kate Rusby (her voice drives demons away), and then sit down and tell us all about it.paxRB

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