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Fame, Fortune, And Paparazzi

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Hello everyone. I go by the nom de plume of Galactic Ray Jetworn. I love science fiction and superheroes and my dream is to make it in Hollywood writing movie scripts. I believe I have some truly unique ideas for the genre and I’d like to know what you think.My first script will probably be a superhero movie where the heroes have this ability to hang upside down from ceilings or trees. Many a time throughout this film we will see a shot of two or more people discussing their plans for evil. They will either be a.) in a room with a ceiling, or b.) in a forest (with trees). Then, as the camera zooms out a fantastic surprise awaits the viewer! For you see, the superheroes that I previously mentioned were hanging there the whole time, upside down, and at a height slightly above eye level, but still well within earshot of the conversation. Now, this would be a boring movie if it weren't for the fact that these three "dangling" heroes have the ability to alter people’s thoughts. Or, ahem, to "modify" their thoughts? Yes. But only whilst dangling. They are the Dangling Modifiers. This is so funny and exciting simultaneously.Now, I have a couple of scenes written already, but following movie tradition, I will not share these with you yet. First, I will share with you a preview of the movie. After sufficient buzz has been created, the first scene will be leaked. Then, as the audience clamors for more, a second scene will make its way to the public eye. I believe this is called a viral marketing campaign. Ok, without further ado, The Dangling Modifiers teaser trailer…The following preview has been approved for all audiences.Narrator: “In a world where crime is order…”Scene: Montage of various gangsters and villains ruthlessly controlling the streets. Guns firing, a strange toxin being created, innocent people on the streets powerless to do anything as they watch in fear.“Three men will attempt to turn the establishment…”Scene: Shot of the three superheroes in uniform, standing next to each, arms folded defiantly across their chests. The music and sound then goes silent.“Upside down.”Scene: The shot of the three superheroes standing begins to rotate clockwise while the camera slowly pulls out revealing they weren’t standing at all, they were hanging by their feet from the ceiling. Fast paced music kicks in at the final reveal.“This Friday, let three superheroes modify…”Scene: Various shots of the villains being thrown into a state of confusion, their eyes looking everywhere, guns being pointed at each other interspersed with various shots of the superheroes hanging from different locales.“The way you think about how things should be…”Scene: Various shots of the superheroes in action, taking advantage of the villains' bewilderment.“And let confusion be the new order.”Scene: Shot of the three superheroes in their base. One says, “The Dangling Modifiers will end the ways of the crime syndicate.” Another replies, “Violent, unjust, and destroying the world, we are the answer.” The third superhero looks at them both and raises one eyebrow.“Opens this Friday at a theater near you.”Scene: Shot of title screen: The Dangling Modifiers.Thank you in advance.

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A true Hollywood writer would be boycotting all forms of writing to honor the strike
You came all the way to a off topic forum on a poker website to post that?Wow.Sorry to hear that.
/thread. Nothing else left to say.
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You came all the way to a off topic forum on a poker website to post that?Wow.Sorry to hear that.
Thank you for your condolences. In fact, the journey was both more arduous and more effortless than you understand. For you see, I visited many a forum, not solely this one, to share my story. (Remember, this is a marketing campaign.) But while traveling to forums far and wide I was actually able to do so from the comfort of my own home. There is this magical invention called the "world wide web" in which I can visit all of these places in no time at all!
A true Hollywood writer would be boycotting all forms of writing to honor the strike
Indeed now is the time to strike!By strike, I mean, of course, to strike at the hearts and minds of Hollywood with this phenomenal idea and to hit them with it while they are still vulnerable.Opportunity is knocking and I intend to answer and answer with vigor.
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You came all the way to a off topic forum on a poker website to post that?Wow.Sorry to hear that.
Staying on the super hero topic:If there was something like a Justice League for forum posting and the forum superheroes were Superentertaining, Original-Man, Wonder Funny, and Captain Interesting, you’d be their arch-enemy.
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Staying on the super hero topic:If there was something like a Justice League for forum posting and the forum superheroes were Superentertaining, Original-Man, Wonder Funny, and Captain Interesting, you’d be their arch-enemy.
my eyes are watering.
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Staying on the super hero topic:If there was something like a Justice League for forum posting and the forum superheroes were Superentertaining, Original-Man, Wonder Funny, and Captain Interesting, you’d be their arch-enemy.
Sweet! I am going to go design a costume. Be right back.
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