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Wsop Event #21 No-limit Hold'em Shootout $1,500 (final Table)

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Michael Wehner Eliminated in 5th Place ($36,855)Hand #86 - Daniel Negreanu raises from the cutoff, Michael Wehner moves all in from the big blind, and Negreanu considers the call, saying, "You must have ace-four." He thinks for a bit and says even if Wehner has an ace, he's priced into the pot, and Negreanu calls with {K-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}. Wehner smiles and shows {A-Hearts}{4-Hearts}. Negreanu laughs and says, "I called his hand! I finally got one right!"The flop comes {K-Hearts}{7-Spades}{5-Diamonds}, and Negreanu takes the lead with a pair of kings. The turn card is the {3-Hearts}, giving Wehner a heart flush draw, a gut-shot straight draw, and an overcard.But the river card is the {K-Clubs}, and Negreanu wins the pot with trip kings.Michael Wehner is eliminated in fifth place, earning $36,855. The next player eliminated will receive $68,796 for fourth place.

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Michael Wehner Eliminated in 5th Place ($36,855)Hand #86 - Daniel Negreanu raises from the cutoff, Michael Wehner moves all in from the big blind, and Negreanu considers the call, saying, "You must have ace-four." He thinks for a bit and says even if Wehner has an ace, he's priced into the pot, and Negreanu calls with Kd Qh . Wehner smiles and shows Ah 4h. Negreanu laughs and says, "I called his hand! I finally got one right!" The flop comes Kh 7s 5d, and Negreanu takes the lead with a pair of kings. The turn card is the 3h, giving Wehner a heart flush draw, a gut-shot straight draw, and an overcard. But the river card is the Kc, and Negreanu wins the pot with trip kings. Michael Wehner is eliminated in fifth place, earning $36,855. The next player eliminated will receive $68,796 for fourth place.

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The flop comes , and Negreanu takes the lead with a pair of kings. The turn card is the , giving Wehner a heart flush draw, a gut-shot straight draw, and an overcard.
Should say double gutshot.And then there were 4. So close now!
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Michael Wehner Eliminated in 5th Place ($36,855)Hand #86 - Daniel Negreanu raises from the cutoff, Michael Wehner moves all in from the big blind, and Negreanu considers the call, saying, "You must have ace-four." He thinks for a bit and says even if Wehner has an ace, he's priced into the pot, and Negreanu calls with Kd Qh . Wehner smiles and shows Ah 4h. Negreanu laughs and says, "I called his hand! I finally got one right!" The flop comes Kh 7s 5d, and Negreanu takes the lead with a pair of kings. The turn card is the 3h, giving Wehner a heart flush draw, a gut-shot straight draw, and an overcard. But the river card is the Kc, and Negreanu wins the pot with trip kings. Michael Wehner is eliminated in fifth place, earning $36,855. The next player eliminated will receive $68,796 for fourth place.
This is sweet
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He had a bet with a guy called admo on 2p2 for 50k, dunno if he has any other ones tho....
If I'm reading things right, admo would owe DN $250k for this bracelet win. Add that to the prize for first place and DN could be looking at a night worth $500k. Not too shabby.
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