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About Deltha

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    Poker Forum Regular
  1. I would wait for a better situation. Hilm is obviously a much better player and capable of getting Yang to put his chips in as a big dog. Absolutely no point gambling with the guy.
  2. I've tried to bluff donkeys on A high boards before, it doesn't work! lol
  3. Yang made it 2.5million from the cutoff with blinds 100,000, 200,000. lolSo maybe he didn't have KK or AA in the other hand.. They need to just let this guy blowup. Showing him a hand would be my strategy.
  4. I was thinking if Lee had KK or AA the preflop call and weak lead is golden to get Yang to raise on the flop, but he had QQ, not KK or AA.He obviously has to call preflop and i think leading like that against a weaker player is almost always gonna induce a raise. However, i do think Yang had Lee.
  5. After multi-tabling online for so long i don't think i could EVER play at this pace without tilting.
  6. hahahahahaha the dude that lost the pot is freaking out.
  7. Same thing just happened to me and i also emailed FTP support. Good to know its not a isolated incident. Maybe FTP decided to stop servicing US customers and forgot to give us a heads up...lol.
  8. Dags used to own the 25-50 and 50-100 NLH tables on FullTilt. Couple months back his wife or girlfriend had a kid and he seemed to cut back in time played and limits. Since then i haven't seen him playing much NLH, but he occasionally plays Omaha HI/LO.
  9. Anyone know approximately how much Daniel has coming to him in side bets if he wins this bracelet?
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