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About Donkinator

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    Poker Forum Newbie

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  1. Be afraid be very afraid.Linky to Obama interview from 2001.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iivL4c_3pck
  2. I can't belive you guys don't know this one. SO EASY it the 10 7 ..."Take your Aces Take your Kings I've got 10 7 .. the nuts"paraphrase from Daniel on ESPN when was all in with 10 7 and made Broadway.He said it was his fav hand?
  3. Well if you are already thinking NexGen chips then here is a good example of what can be done with them.NexGenYes they are good chips..very good for slug chips and have a very soft feel for being mold injection chips not hard like cheap dice chips.Again GL...
  4. Go to www.chiptalk.net and lurk there, check out their Marketplace of vendors, lots of info on chips as thats what that forum is all about.Lots of places you can orders samples and see what you like before you plunk down some money.Better off buying some quality chips the first time around instead of buying something cheap then not being happy with them then going and spending more money for a nicer set. GL on the search.
  5. So...has this become the biggest thread in record time 20 pages in 8 1/2 hours.Not sure what previous record was or if there ever was a record.
  6. Dinner break is 45 min and they would have been playing for 15 min now in real time. No way the other poster knows that Daniel got 2nd. The tourney is not over 15 min after dinner break. NO WAY....
  7. They have black curtains all aroung the final table so there is no crowd.
  8. It is one hour delay ... but yes I'm watching it "LIVE".....
  9. I just noticed that they are all at one end of the table seats 1 2 3 4.Other end of the table is empty.DN makes another straight....bets and gets called
  10. All the chip counts are of by 70,000 short it seems.There was 90 people to start level 2 with 30,000 which should be 2,700,000 in total chips.
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