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Wsop Event #21 No-limit Hold'em Shootout $1,500 (final Table)

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Updated Chip CountsSeat 1 - Don Baruch - 210,000Seat 2 - Daniel Negreanu - 450,000Seat 3 - Jared Davis - 460,000Seat 4 - Thomas Fuller - 270,000Seat 6 - Brendan Lee - 465,000Seat 7 - Michael Wehner - 350,000Seat 8 - Doug Baughman - 240,000Seat 9 - Erick Lindgren - 200,000

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Is it me or is that structure terrible. They started with a M of 16? Now the blinds are up for the 1st time and Eric already is under an M of 10. This should be over fast...
It's a very cool event, other than the blind structure. Especially at the final table, you'd like to see people start with an M of 30-40. The starting blinds are probably the reason you're going to see "I like to see the flop" pros go allin with AK preflop.With people like DN and Erick at the final table, I imagine this will be addressed for next year. Maybe...
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I seriously think pokernews is just estimating the chip counts half the time they dont even add up right!

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Updated Chip CountsSeat 1 - Don Baruch - 185,000Seat 2 - Daniel Negreanu - 485,000Seat 3 - Jared Davis - 410,000Seat 4 - Thomas Fuller - 285,000Seat 6 - Brendan Lee - 465,000Seat 7 - Michael Wehner - 380,000Seat 8 - Doug Baughman - 235,000Seat 9 - Erick Lindgren - 195,0002 minutes ago | Posted by BJNemeth Daniel's Point of View on Televised PokerDaniel Negreanu is working on a sandwich right now, relaxed and easing the tension with more table chatter. He's praising the live coverage of these final tables, because they show *all* the hands, rather than just the big ones.All these updates are on www.pokernews.com

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What a nice surprise! I've been putzing around the house, getting dinner, putting laundry in, etc. ... delaying my usual practice of turning on my computer and checking to see the WSOP news as soon as I get home from work. So, I finally get online and find DN at the final table! Yipee! :club: I love a good evening of rail-birding -- especially when Daniel wins.

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Updated Chip CountsSeat 1 - Don Baruch - 310,000Seat 2 - Daniel Negreanu - 460,000Seat 3 - Jared Davis - 425,000Seat 4 - Thomas Fuller - 175,000Seat 6 - Brendan Lee - 550,000Seat 7 - Michael Wehner - 285,000Seat 8 - Doug Baughman - 225,000Seat 9 - Erick Lindgren - 160,000

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They are off by 3 or 4 k with 3 million chips in play. It is not exact, but it is darn close. Give them a break.
Actually, there were only 9 players to start with 300K in chips, that would be 2.7 million in play
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Updated Chip CountsSeat 1 - Don Baruch - 185,000Seat 2 - Daniel Negreanu - 485,000Seat 3 - Jared Davis - 410,000Seat 4 - Thomas Fuller - 285,000Seat 6 - Brendan Lee - 465,000Seat 7 - Michael Wehner - 380,000Seat 8 - Doug Baughman - 235,000Seat 9 - Erick Lindgren - 195,0006k short

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Updated Chip CountsSeat 1 - Don Baruch - 185,000Seat 2 - Daniel Negreanu - 485,000Seat 3 - Jared Davis - 410,000Seat 4 - Thomas Fuller - 285,000Seat 6 - Brendan Lee - 465,000Seat 7 - Michael Wehner - 380,000Seat 8 - Doug Baughman - 235,000Seat 9 - Erick Lindgren - 195,0006k short
What are the blinds at? That might be where some of the missing chips are.
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Hand #49Hand #49 - Jared Davis has JdJs against Michael Wehner's AsKc . The flop comes jc 6d 2s , and Davis flops a set of jacks. Davis bets to win the pot.Does anyone else think this is a terrible bet....You flop top set on a non connected rainbow board.... ya i think ill bet just in case he has a jack?? What can you hope he has made there that you have to worry about? Let him bet the turn then re raise him, you have the current nuts and there are no turn cards that are really gonna kill you.Why bet that?

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With DN with the chip lead and E-Dog hurting, I would bet on Daniel winning with the 5-1 odds he stated at the beginning of the FT.
ya think?
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With DN with the chip lead and E-Dog hurting, I would bet on Daniel winning with the 5-1 odds he stated at the beginning of the FT.
I'd give him even better than that at this point.
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lol those latest chip counts are the same as 2 before that... lol
Don't know why pokernews would do that. It is the best we got though, so I guess we roll with the punches. Cardplayer has nine players with 300k each when I checked in the past few minutes.
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