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Will Be Around More Soon

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Hey guys, as you can probably tell I've hardly been around in the last month or so. Been golfing everyday and hanging with friends at night, haven't even touched my computer. Well, the WSOP starts tomorrow so I'll be back in the "poker world" more and have more of a chance to be online at nights. I've had loads of fun leading up to the WSOP, but that time is basically over now. Now I need to get focused on poker and poker related stuff. I'll be bloggin', both video and written. I've also been working on some important "biz" stuff that's been taking up lots of time. All great stuff that I'm excited about and will be made public pretty soon. As always, can't spill the beans just yet, but you'll all know the dealio soon enough.

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"I haven't been online for more than 5 minutes in the last two weeks. Why? Watching MoviesReadingGolfing (not going to tell you how good/or bad I've become just yet)Playing PoolPlaying Nintendo Wii (big money games, no joke. Won over $200,0000 in bowling and tennis)Hanging with FriendsPlaying High Stakes PokerPlaying at Bellagio"http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-jour...&ucat=&It's great to feed your own soul with things you enjoy. Not knocking that at all.Just please don't forget or underestimate the kind of difference you can make in this world. The most hurting in the world are useless without God using people like you for greater things, and your posts show that you have that heart for great achievements.Best of luck in the WSOP!

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GL in WSOP....gl to all FCPers in wsop. :club:
Even more luck to those FCP'ers who STILL play at FCP. I'm sure there has to be a few going to Vegas. Enjoy the next month and a bit all. Wish I could be there but summer is my busy time and on the 18th-22nd I'm in Jacksonville playing TPC Sawgrass! WOOT!After the WSOP I expect all of you that left FCP to start playing there again. :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hardly a shocker, lol!I'm really happy for Daniel. I know the forums will never go away and this seems like a great fit. He talked to me several times at the WS about this "news" and was just giddy about it (although he never did say exactly what the "news" was).All the best to him. now, WIN A BRACELET! :club:
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