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About cwik

  • Rank
    Bully for you.
  • Birthday 09/07/1983

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    Monterey, CA

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  1. Hi Dustin. Lets be friends again!
  2. The fact of the matter is the 100/200 player pool basically IS the the 25/50 pool, outside of like maybe cts who might not waste his time sitting so low. So if someone is there to learn rather than max profit, 25/50 is probably the way to go.The biggest bummer is that Daniel doesn't care about the couple hundred thousand he's probably leaking, but also doesn't have the unlimited kinda money that it would take to break his Pokerstars contract so he can go play in the big game with the real guys he's trying to beat; durrr, ivey, and Patrick. To be honest Daniel is taking a lot of heat here and h
  3. Daniel, I'm assuming you didn't put too much thought into this and I am 99.9% this would never go down, but Dawn would still be getting a HUGE edge here. Even if durrr only beat you at 2bb/100, you realize that's two million dollars, right? But there is zero chance you guys would find time to put 100k hands in, so the point is null.As for a question. I know this is supposed to focus on Tom, but becuase everyone has been calling him the best NLHE player in the world and you mentioned that if you put in the time you think you'd at least have some sorta chance. You're already considered a can
  4. I think human, but voted ship.
  5. It could be that 1/5 of all FCP posts were made by rdog.
  6. This thread just got insanely funny.
  7. I doubt it be that hard we JC's post count is 0.
  8. I know TJ gets your action first, but I'll book this up to $1,000 (If TJ makes final table you owe me 75x, if he doesn't I owe you 1x).Edit: make it up to $5,000.
  9. It was a statement more so then a question.
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