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Everything posted by ricker

  1. that's the only thing keeping my belief alive that there are hot women who date fat balding guys.
  2. nobody better be makin fun of my Jimmy James. He's my hero
  3. 71%Have fun being zombie food losers!
  4. you know I'm here for you baby...why aren't you on AIM?
  5. Bump cause I went and saw it tonight at a sneak peak.One word fuckers....BADASSThat is all. Go see it...Or don't....kinda up to you really...
  6. ricker

    Awesome Video

    I loved this video....just fantastic work by all...
  7. I knew Adrian Grenier wouldn't be able to pull off Escobar. Everytime they showed a clip of him as escobar, I wanted to laugh at his hammy overacting. He was so terrible...it distracts you from the show you know?
  8. Some of you might have already recieved this, but I felt it should be put out there to shame this guy as much as possible. Don't fall for this doucheclown's little PM. It's glorified spam, not to mention illegal AND readily available already on the net for free through various torrent sites.
  9. I just finished watching last night's episode, and I got so frustrated with thatstupid fat asian cowboy again, I DEPISE when producers interfere with who they want to kick off. Obviously, they know Aaron is ratings gold, and they want him along for a few more episodes, because there's absolutely no way that one guy thought Eddie was worse than Aaron, I mean, he just isn't.Some early front runners, Melissa, Rock and that douchebag with the goatee.
  10. To hear that everyone else had the same experience makes me even madder. I was hoping I could blame Cox for that **** ending, but apparently that's what David Chase had in mind. Tony maybe going to trial, AJ producing movies, and Meadow becoming a lawyer.WORST ENDING EVER
  11. well...at least you're a happy person...
  12. I'm going to see it tomorrow night...I'll let ya know what I think...
  13. untrue...It's all the weed we smoke.
  14. ricker

    Icky Thump

    Look man, I don't tell you how to flip burgers....Actually that's pretty standard for most new songs. Start 'em in the overnights for a few weeks, testing it with audiences. Depending on the research, it moves up or down depending on what it says.
  15. ricker

    Icky Thump

    one of the quickest songs to go from overnights to regular rotation at my station
  16. interesting how there was no Mathew Perry or Bradley Whiteford last night. Cost cutting maybe?
  17. And the indians who we conquered came and conquered those who were there before them, and those guys conquered the ones who were there before...it's a cycle.
  18. someone needs to recut office scenes featuring Pam and Karen with a Brokeback mountain theme...too easy?Yeah I know
  19. Now that's just mean.... The problem with the above two statements is this: XM and Sirius hire radio personalities like this PRECISELY for speech like what O&A uttered. It's satellite radio, where speech is unregulated, free and unfettered. This suspension is simply a gut reaction first strike against special interest groups who care more about advancing their political agendas dictating what people should think/act/feel rather than protecting the actual audience the speech is directed at. The first amendment was crafted exactly with the idea of protecting unpopular speech back in t
  20. FUCK YOU CBS, FUCK YOU IN YOUR STUPID ASSES!!!!So, lemme get this straight...they cancel a pretty bad ass serialized Drama, yet they're keeping the televised abortion that is Julia Loius Dreyfus's show on the air? At least they finally put a bullet in King of Queens...they got one cancellation right
  21. ricker

    Polish Pride!

    What's a polish??
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