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Everything posted by Booface

  1. and i know theres all kinds of threads about music and poker, but if youre blazed try listening to sigur ros and playing poker. Oh and when I play high I always put on my sennheisers. I reccomend them to all smokers.
  2. a friend of mine grows... its suprisingly easy to dowhat i do when i smoke is play one sit and go to see what kind of mood i'm in... if i win the first im usually on my game for hours after that. id say regardless though toke up cause it can make poker real fun. I agree with all previous posters about what it does to their game. That means its scientifically proven.
  3. Booface

    beer challenge

    I don't drink much because I prefer THC but tonight I am drinking with 15 russianswish me luck
  4. Im about to go drinking with 15 Russians
  5. Booface 30+3 5-person sngs pacific
  6. Daniel's pic looks like he got high about two hours previous
  7. Booface

    a puzzle

    So say there are 100 people in the world. We rank them in order of IQ, 1st being the dumbest and 100th being the smartest. Define smart as smarter than average. Define the average as the mode - the 50.5th person. So all people ranked 51-100 are "smart." Define most as the majority. Smarter than most smart people is then people ranked 76-100. That is, the top 25% of the population (ranked by IQ) are smarter than most smart people.
  8. Walk in the rain from cowboy bepop is one of the greatest songs ever
  9. I found a local card room that doesn't require a license, you just to have pass an audition. I think I'm going to go for it - at least for a couple months.Anyone ever dealt professionally?
  10. Anyone know how much poker dealers make?
  11. http://www.cafepress.com/theleaf/629526New Jersey: where the buffahos roamDid anyone see that Daily Show where one of the guys is in Atlantic City. He goes, "Atlantic City, one of the classiest cities in America" and then he coughs, hacks up a loogie, and spits.Maybe you had to see it.
  12. When I want to win, I'm focused. Only play when you really want to win. Or play higher limits - that helps me focus.
  13. i think theres no typo here
  14. Thanks for you help guys, I need just a couple more reponses and I'll shut up.
  15. SUMMARY:For less than 5 minutes of your time, you have about a 1/5 chance of winning a referral (estimated value $30).I have to collect data for my game theory class. I set up a simple "game" that will take you literally 2-5 minutes to play. As an incentive to participate, I will randomly select two of the volunteers and reward them with a referral. I have already signed up for Pacific Poker, Party Poker and PokerStars, so it would have to be a different poker site (or an affiliate, see pokersourceonline.com, which I have not yet signed up for). Depending on the site, this referral is probably
  16. Chicago, ILby way of Hightstown, NJ
  17. SUMMARY:For less than 5 minutes of your time, you have about a 1/5 chance of winning a referral (estimated value $30).I have to collect data for my game theory class. I set up a simple "game" that will take you literally 2-5 minutes to play. As an incentive to participate, I will randomly select two of the volunteers and reward them with a referral. I have already signed up for Pacific Poker, Party Poker and PokerStars, so it would have to be a different poker site (or an affiliate, see pokersourceonline.com, which I have not yet signed up for). Depending on the site, this referral is prob
  18. I think the random-table seating for SNG's would fix the problem nicely - except that I'm not sure how many high-limit SnGs run at a time. Also, I believe the story about the coworkers, but I'm very surprised the online sites have not caught them yet, seeing as they have software that raises flags whenever players frequently play together.
  19. I sell a mousepad with a chart of Texas Hold Odd's on it (www.cafepress.com/theleaf). I find repetition is the best teacher - especially if you aren't that good at mental math and memorization comes more easily. Once you get good at counting outs, then you can just consult the chart for what the pot needs to be offering you in order to call.
  20. ill be honest, i have no idea what jopke is - could someone explain it to me? thanks
  21. youre a sick man if you are not attracted to that girl because shes asian
  22. I'm not too tough to wear sunglasses.I just got myself a pair of Rayban aviators last week.
  23. I have experience designing poker Tshirts (www.cafepress.com/theleaf).Jason, do you want to narrow it down to two-three designs, and I can make some samples today?The "It was sooted" one I can do with no problem. I don't think the vendor that I use has black t-shirts, however, so it would have to be on white (or pink or green).If you want the bunny rabbit, I'm sure I could make something nice, I would just need a couple images of the bunny to start. The lion from the FCP logo might be a little tougher (and a little more copyrighted).
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