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Everything posted by djrobo

  1. Ok... It isn't right to provoke someone when they take a bad beat for their tournament life. Can't say either was in the wrong without knowing more context either.Also, it is well known that Phil was not "kicked" off CPS. He left on his own accord, as he felt that he has outgrown commentating for bonehead players. I can't say I blame him one bit.
  2. Railing ya Hoosier. Seems like you have a crowd already.
  3. I was there, and the OP was being a total ***. Phil asked nicely several times for him to leave / find a purpose in life. Eventually he was perfectly right in getting his chat banned.
  4. http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/payMyWebATM.phpExcerpt: "Please note that you can begin using your new MyWebATM account immediately and do not have to wait to receive your card in order to start playing at Full Tilt Poker."
  5. This sounds very promising... Anyone else use it yet and have opinions to share?
  6. Sounds promising. I look forward to hearing the specifics.
  7. Too bad no new US customers can start click2pay accounts.
  8. It sounds like Click2Pay at Full Tilt is the best of the current options. Set up direct deposit with your account and there are apparently no fees then. Sounds good to me.
  9. You do not win over 1.5 million in poker by accident. The guy has been to 5 WSOP final tables and has had countless other deep cashes. You are mistaken I am afraid.
  10. They are supposed to be implemented sooner rather than later I believe.
  11. All of the non-pros should be cut. I like the idea of having the past main event champions invited, so Gold can come, if for no other reason than I want to see him get destroyed. I would definitely vote Phil Gordon in, as well as a few others that the OP mentioned. Honestly, if they can't fit all these guys into 64 slots, why not expand the field a bit (Even doubling the size to 128 would be very possible) and allow for all of the real talent to enter.
  12. I know he is well ahead in cash games on Full Tilt.
  13. If you meant it sarcastically, then my bad. Carry on.
  14. 5 WSOP final tables, WPT wins, and 1.6 million in total tournament winnings. Yeah, you are right.. he just writes about poker.
  15. Nice! The last one began with 3k in chips I am almost certain. This is going to be an amazing tourney.
  16. I heard he was hit by a bus.
  17. Gordon is just very sure that he played the heads up match as a whole with the correct strategy. He wanted Daniel to state his supposed problem he had with the play so he could refute it.
  18. Stars has resizable tables, and FullTilt is set to get them sometime in January.
  19. I laughed to myself when Hellmuth said that UB has the best software and that was "undisputed".
  20. So I was doing a little railing of Phil Gordon this evening, and he said that resizable tables are finally coming to FTP, and soon. He said January. I already considerd FTP to have the best software available, and they keep making it better. Good stuff.
  21. Where do you all fall on the nature vs nurture debate?
  22. Full Tilt. Best software, plenty of traffic, and new mixed cash games.
  23. The best software gets even better. Great stuff.
  24. Ask Hoosier. He sounded charitable earlier today
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