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Jared Hamby More Viewed Than Daniel Negreanu On Cardplayer.com

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hi steve
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The FCP 'Jared Hamby' is obv a fake If this was the real 'TheWacoKidd' he wouldn't be working so hard to defend himself on FCP. His turf is P5's, I doubt seriously he gives a crap what FCP posters think. This guys ego is inflated beyond the capacity to accurately measure right now.The real Jared Hamby is a total douchebag who is rude to pretty much everyone on P5's with the possible exception of the star struck noobz who eagerly kiss his *** on P5's in the OT section.I can't think of anyone who I would rather see crash and burn than this guy.

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The FCP 'Jared Hamby' is obv a fake - falseIf this was the real 'TheWacoKidd' he wouldn't be working so hard to defend himself on FCP. false His turf is P5's, I doubt seriously he gives a crap what FCP posters think. false This guys ego is inflated beyond the capacity to accurately measure right now. TRUEThe real Jared Hamby is a total douchebag who is rude to pretty much everyone on P5's with the possible exception of the star struck noobz who eagerly kiss his *** on P5's in the OT section. jealous maybe?I can't think of anyone who I would rather see crash and burn than this guy. you? assuming you ever "fly"
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if this 'Jared Hamby' on FCP is indeed who he is posing to be (unlikely)Id like to ask him where he got the gank he did right before this cardplayer interview. Looks like it was some pretty good sh1t. Nice head 'bob and weave' superstar. The entire interview must have stressed out the cameraman trying to keep his bobbing head in the center of the frame. When does the Jared Hamby turbo bobble head go on sale on Ebay ? count me in for a gross or so...give or take.http://www.cardplayer.com/players/videos/Jared_Hamby/44650second question is why the hell are you even bothering to cater to the FCP crowd when you have a massive surplus of n00bz worshipping you on P5's ?warm regards

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The FCP 'Jared Hamby' is obv a fake If this was the real 'TheWacoKidd' he wouldn't be working so hard to defend himself on FCP. His turf is P5's, I doubt seriously he gives a crap what FCP posters think. This guys ego is inflated beyond the capacity to accurately measure right now.The real Jared Hamby is a total douchebag who is rude to pretty much everyone on P5's with the possible exception of the star struck noobz who eagerly kiss his *** on P5's in the OT section.I can't think of anyone who I would rather see crash and burn than this guy.
seriously can you ban this guy mods? the last thing we need is clowns like this hating on good guys who have brought nothing but good things to the forum and possibly driving away said poker ballers. clearly he has some ridiculous agenda against waco, let him ***** about it elsewhere
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hi steve
Hahahahaha. Nice.I think this has the potential to be a superthread.Carry on.
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seriously can you ban this guy mods? the last thing we need is clowns like this hating on good guys who have brought nothing but good things to the forum and possibly driving away said poker ballers. clearly he has some ridiculous agenda against waco, let him ***** about it elsewhere
lol dude you can't be seriousWaco is a baller obvHe's killing it live and onlineBut he contributes basically ZERO in the forums other than condescending, insulting crap and self serving attention hound bs. The guy is a major d1ck. Some pros are willing to discuss strat and have some sense of humility. Jared Hamby is nothing more than a flash in the pan who is going to eventually fall prey to his own over-inflated ego. I respect guys like Bax and Sheets and NSXT and Leggggggy because they display a certain measure of CLASS win or lose.....Jared Hamby (despite his recent success) is a rude jerkoff win or lose. I haven't seen anything to prove otherwise. Skill or no skill....results or no results...TheWacoKidd has a lot to learn. 10 bucks and my left hairy nut says this clown is a memory in the poker world before you can say 'miracle suckout'Bax and Sheets rolled this guy...not difficult to dominate when you have 7 figure backers. Waco is a pale faced nerd with a borrowed roll...not much more.....stop worshipping this guys 'ability'...he's just another ****** with a borrowed roll. His ability as a poker player is not as superhuman as you might think.But 'ability' aside....his demeanor is foul. The guy has no sense of humility or class. I have yet to see him offer another player anything other than 'GTFO noob' or chiming in on some sweat thread for another one of the P5 fanboys.Jared Hamby sucks....that is all
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lol dude you can't be seriousI respect guys like Bax and Sheets and NSXT and Leggggggy because they display a certain measure of CLASS win or lose.....Jared Hamby (despite his recent success) is a a ******' win or lose.
I think you care too much about others, all of the P5's leaderboards and all different forums and how everyone else is doing.You need to just concentrate on yourself, and enjoy 'your' game.
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lol @ leaving me off your fcp friends listdie in a fire
It's obv not waco anyway, if it is this just proves what an *** clown he really issw
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oh and as several other posters on this board can verify, it's me... I've got a lot of FCP friends including looshle, prtypsux, PMJackson, AlSmooth, GetSprung and several others I am leaving out...
Phil, is that you? Name dropper.Oh, read line 1 of my sig.
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uhh i dunno if everyone is trying to level the people who don't know any better but that is 100% without a doubt THE jared hamby

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uhh i dunno if everyone is trying to level the people who don't know any better but that is 100% without a doubt THE jared hamby
I think there is only one person here who thinks it isn't.Oh, btw, I bought an 8 ball last night.
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I think there is only one person here who thinks it isn't.Oh, btw, I bought an 8 ball last night.
I think you are a fake because you don't look anything like your avatar. Busted !!
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I think you are a fake because you don't look anything like your avatar. Busted !!
You caught me!Normally I never have any panties to take off.
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im so hungry right now, and rab, take a shower, your vagina smells funny
lol howd you know i hadnt showered in days
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