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Warning: Another Newbie Question

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I thought this would be the perfect book for me; being relative new to Hold 'Em and all.Not until I read the intro did I realize "Small Stakes Hold 'em" deals with LIMIT Hold 'Em as opposed to NO LIMIT Hold 'Em. Since I play exclusively NLHE, should I even be reading this book? And no, I don't have enough time to pick up a "new" game, so I would like to stick to NLHE as opposed to learning to play Limit (at least for now).What do y'all think?ThanksErasa

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I made a similar mistake by purchasing Hold'em for Advance Players by Sklansky instead of Small Stakes Hold'em. I am also strictly a NL player, but the book was a great read and it helped my NL game tremendously. Give it a read, if you're new to the game there will be some very helpful chapters in that book.I'm sure there are quite a few posters here that would argue limit is better than no limit. They're probably right.

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Well I suppose if you're only interested in NLH concepts then it's a mistake in that sense.However, it's a great book and learning different poker games is beneficial IMO.

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Same Thing happened to me but as fleung said, learning the difference is beneficial. I think this also.

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So I guess all the fish are going to NLHE these days... damn.
these days ?2003 called, it's moneymaker, he's muttering something about the cadillac of poker?
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big mistake from your point of view...not a mistake from ours.Learning other games is good, but since you don't want to yes, you made a mistake. Harrington on Holdem for tourneys..Super System is good for cash. There's tons of good no-limit books, just make sure it specifically says "No-Limit Holdem" on the cover/jacket. If it just says "Holdem" it will more than likely be for limit holdem.

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I thought this would be the perfect book for me; being relative new to Hold 'Em and all.Not until I read the intro did I realize "Small Stakes Hold 'em" deals with LIMIT Hold 'Em as opposed to NO LIMIT Hold 'Em. Since I play exclusively NLHE, should I even be reading this book? And no, I don't have enough time to pick up a "new" game, so I would like to stick to NLHE as opposed to learning to play Limit (at least for now).What do y'all think?ThanksErasa
huge mistake. keeping poker literature around that doesn't apply to you 100% is a HUGE LEAK. my recommendation:do not turn your back on book and slowly step away. careful, books are tricky, dangerous, and deceiving. as soon as you're out the front door, run. run like you never have before. don't make the same mistake Lot's wife did. do not turn around. you can be pretty sure the book is on your heels.when you think you're safe, your not, do not stop running. rabid books usually give up after two miles or so, so after three you can stop. get to the nearest phone and call your house. if no one picks up they're already dead and those are the breaks (hey it was your fault anyway). don't tell the insurance company it was you who bought the book, say it was kazinsky who sent it.if someone does pick up tell them to drive a silver fork through the book's spine. tell them not to rip the pages out, if you do they each grow into other books only this time even more worthless; they grow into "high-low split poker for advanced players", "theory of poker", "mathematics of poker", "stud for advanced players" and so on. you'll have a ****ing nightmare on your hands if this happens. while the fork is in the spine the book should be docile, and this will be the only window to burn the book. have them chant "hitler was right" as the book cries in hot fiery death.some are know to leave a slight poisonous residue so you'll have to be quarantine for a week or so, but from there on out it's all gravy. only next time be sure you buy the right book or everyone you know is in danger.sorry, LONG session last night at casino.we have a book forum. goodluck. :club:
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Has anyone read Esfandiari's book? I believe it is about NL cash games. If so, what did you think about it? Thanks.
BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA(seems like a flame but that is what I think of rocks and rings man)
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Has anyone read Esfandiari's book? I believe it is about NL cash games. If so, what did you think about it? Thanks.
i'm in the process of reading it right now.. it's not bad, but from what i've read so far it's not the greatest.. i've read better books before
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Has anyone read Esfandiari's book? I believe it is about NL cash games. If so, what did you think about it? Thanks.
I read it, and was surprised at how good it was, especially if you are new and into NL cash games rather than tourneys. Whatever anyone thinks personally, he is a surprisingly adept writer with some good insight. The DVD is a lame add-on, but I liked the book.
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huge mistake. keeping poker literature around that doesn't apply to you 100% is a HUGE LEAK. my recommendation:do not turn your back on book and slowly step away. careful, books are tricky, dangerous, and deceiving. as soon as you're out the front door, run. run like you never have before. don't make the same mistake Lot's wife did. do not turn around. you can be pretty sure the book is on your heels.when you think you're safe, your not, do not stop running. rabid books usually give up after two miles or so, so after three you can stop. get to the nearest phone and call your house. if no one picks up they're already dead and those are the breaks (hey it was your fault anyway). don't tell the insurance company it was you who bought the book, say it was kazinsky who sent it.if someone does pick up tell them to drive a silver fork through the book's spine. tell them not to rip the pages out, if you do they each grow into other books only this time even more worthless; they grow into "high-low split poker for advanced players", "theory of poker", "mathematics of poker", "stud for advanced players" and so on. you'll have a ****ing nightmare on your hands if this happens. while the fork is in the spine the book should be docile, and this will be the only window to burn the book. have them chant "hitler was right" as the book cries in hot fiery death.some are know to leave a slight poisonous residue so you'll have to be quarantine for a week or so, but from there on out it's all gravy. only next time be sure you buy the right book or everyone you know is in danger.sorry, LONG session last night at casino.we have a book forum. goodluck. :D
LMFAO :club:
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SSHE deals a lot with postion, equity, pot odds, value betting, protecting your hand...and since NL has nothing to do with any of that, why bother?
nothing to do with no limit?.. no limit takes all of those things into GREAT consideration.. the whole point is to figure out how to bet your winning hands versus your losing hands to make the most profit
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nothing to do with no limit?.. no limit takes all of those things into GREAT consideration.. the whole point is to figure out how to bet your winning hands versus your losing hands to make the most profit
I suspect he was being sarcastic and that a NLHE player could indeed benefit from reading SSHE. I thank you all for your input; I have already read HoH, SS II, the Theory of Poker and Positively 5th street (not really a strategy book but still a good read)... I figured I would slog my way through the "classics" when I'm away from home and can't play ... After that I got Sklansky's Hold 'Em for Advanced Players. Any other "classics" I am missing (thought about Chen's book "the math of poker" or something like that, but it has been many years since I have taken a math class :club: )?RegardsErasa
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