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Dear Nikki

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Thought of that... what I want to say is something to the effect of "Not for me but I have a girlfriend and I just dont want to put her in danger. I know its uncomfortable to talk about but I already made the mistake, I dont want to put her at risk."Im really not this sneaky but I really need to know because ...the above ...may ...be ....true (maybe in the future). Bad idea? Any thoughts?
Again, if there is some reason for you to be worried, she's not likely to tell you the truth. Girls who knowingly engage in unprotected sex while they have an STD aren't really hanging out at the top of the "doing the right thing" scale.But, it's starting to seem like you just need to hear "I am clean, you have nothing to worry about." so go right ahead. In a few days, you'll realize that what I'm saying is true and what she tells you doesn't really change anything in the long run.
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Dear Nik,First Id like to start off by saying that I am pure scum. Last week I was on a business trip in another town and got totally wasted and had some crappy sex. Im not lying when I say I NEVER do that, in fact earlier in the night I caught and released. Im just not a fan of the one night stand. In any case, I guess I broke down. The problem is that I went unprotected. :club: We had sex for maybe 10 minutes, it was kind of dry and I didnt even cum.... we were bought pretty wasted. I just got checked out by my doctor right before this all happened and I was clean. Do you think it would do any good to call this girl up and ask her if I should be worried? I know that if I am in danger I wont be able to get an accurate test for months anyway.Thanks,
Even if you should be worried, she's not likely to tell you the truth anyway.
Thought of that... what I want to say is something to the effect of "Not for me but I have a girlfriend and I just dont want to put her in danger. I know its uncomfortable to talk about but I already made the mistake, I dont want to put her at risk."Im really not this sneaky but I really need to know because ...the above ...may ...be ....true (maybe in the future). Bad idea? Any thoughts?
So you don't or do have a gf? If I were you, I would watch for obvious symptoms of your standard stds (itching, burning during urination, rash, blisters on the genitals mouth?, fever...) for the next couple of months. If you have symptoms, get your butt to the doc. If you don't, just make sure you engage in condom protected intercourse should the opportunity arise and in a few months go ahead and get tested for aids and hepatitis and maybe syphilis. This may be overkill, but really, in this case, you can't be too careful. Also, because it was dry, you might inspect the skin on your penis for any abrasions or tiny tears (if it was particularly dry, rough) and if you find them, call the doc, just in case. He's heard it all so there's no need to be overly embarrassed. If you have a girlfriend (or a fuck buddy) and are doing her and aren't using protection, you will have to start using it. This will be hard to explain and you're likely to be in a heap of trouble (if she is/thinks she is the only one) unless you already have an open relationship.So you didn't cum, but did the scout team get loose to do recon? If so, you may be hearing from her. It's unlikely, but possible (you wouldn't have me around to ask for advice if not for the scout team). I think Renae is right about calling her. You're going to insult her, either way and the chances of her being honest are slim. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying consider these things before deciding.In the future, CARRY A CONDOM. You aren't scum. You made a drunken decision. If you are single, your only "sin" is the lack of protection. If you are not single, that's between you and your girl. She may call you scum, but I am certainly not judging you. You and this business-trip girl were consenting adults. Just be honest with yourself about your inhibitions and judgment calls when you are drinking and be prepared for the possibility of putting it to various hotties you meet in bars.
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There's really no logical reason to speak to her about it at all.1. She's not likely to be honest if she is dirty.2. Even if she's not dirty and is honest when she tells you this, how on earth are you going to know she's being honest? You don't know her at all. She could lie to your face and you don't know her well enough to know if it's a lie or not so asking her really gives you no more information at all than when you started. You're betting into a calling station. Check it down. Act as if it's a possibility that she gave you something and proceed as Nikki suggested. Even if you ask her you still have to follow that plan so what's the point in asking?

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Do they do this in America? could be standard, but anyway in Ireland, if you get an std, they make you give them the names of the last 10 people you slept with and they ring you up anonomously and say someone that you have had sex with in the past 6 months has an std and you should get yourself checked by a doctor.My friend came back from being in Holland for a year, after a month he got the phone call. He'd slept with one girl since being back, she got busted bad.

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Darling Nikki,Will I be seeing you in October? And if so, can we make out?Sincerly yours,Lolli
If I can make it...Oh Yeah!
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Darling Nikki,Will I be seeing you in October? And if so, can we make out?Sincerly yours,Lolli
What is this about October? You making a trip somewhere?
I'll be at the same place you'll be. Can we make out too?
OH HOLY CRAP! I had to think about it for a minute but I'm with ya now. Awesome. I would be honored to make out with you.
If I can make it...Oh Yeah!
For the right price gentleman I can arrange a webcast of this event... PM me your bids, proceeds will go to the purchase of substances that reduce inhibitions for the broadcast.
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For the right price gentleman I can arrange a webcast of this event... PM me your bids, proceeds will go to the purchase of substances that reduce inhibitions for the broadcast.
Sheeet, I got a personal invite from Lolli as long as I bring my wife, no webcam needed!Slap Hands, Guys, Slap Hands!
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Sheeet, I got a personal invite from Lolli as long as I bring my wife, no webcam needed!Slap Hands, Guys, Slap Hands!
Ha! Wrong venue, darlin. See:
She is passing out invites to my place... wtf?
Nope. He has his orgies mixed up.
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Sheeet, I got a personal invite from Lolli as long as I bring my wife, no webcam needed!Slap Hands, Guys, Slap Hands!
I would make a snide comment about lolli being more attracted to your wife than you.....but I would probably earn the same accolade. It's good to marry up.
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I would make a snide comment about lolli being more attracted to your wife than you.....but I would probably earn the same accolade. It's good to marry up.
Lets see a pic.. maybe I'll invite your wife to join us as well!! (I suppose you can come watch.)
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Lets see a pic.. maybe I'll invite your wife to join us as well!! (I suppose you can come watch.)
slow down lady. I am an old-fashioned guy.And you would have to see pics of both of us to determine if I married up.....and I am not ready for that yet. For now, you will just have to take it on faith. Balloon Guy would approve.I dont know if you want me watching. My wife kissed a friend (with tongue) in college and my head asploded.
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slow down lady. I am an old-fashioned guy.And you would have to see pics of both of us to determine if I married up.....and I am not ready for that yet. For now, you will just have to take it on faith. Balloon Guy would approve.I dont know if you want me watching. My wife kissed a friend (with tongue) in college and my head asploded.
By college, most of us had figured out to have a kleenex ready before exploding, js.
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slow down lady. I am an old-fashioned guy.And you would have to see pics of both of us to determine if I married up.....and I am not ready for that yet. For now, you will just have to take it on faith. Balloon Guy would approve.I dont know if you want me watching. My wife kissed a friend (with tongue) in college and my head asploded.
Doesnt balloon guy have a really hot wife? I cant remember who it is, but people in genpo posted pics of their wives around halloween time and I thought it was balloon guy that had the hottie for a wife that everyone was drooling over. I cant be sure though.I'll take your word that your wife is a bona fide hottie and then ill assume you have a big bank account to keep her happy.
By college, most of us had figured out to have a kleenex ready before exploding, js.
puh-lease. like any of you guys even had a box of kleenex in your rooms in college. You know you used whatever was nearby. Tshirt, dirty sock, term paper..
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Doesnt balloon guy have a really hot wife? I cant remember who it is, but people in genpo posted pics of their wives around halloween time and I thought it was balloon guy that had the hottie for a wife that everyone was drooling over. I cant be sure though.I'll take your word that your wife is a bona fide hottie and then ill assume you have a big bank account to keep her happy.
yikes. FCP members are really good at predicting things today. Venus must be in retrograde with Mex's anus.My wife likes to travel so I spend a lot on trips. Buenos Aires in November, cruise to Bahamas, Aruba and Curacao in late December, and a trip to Madrid, Barcelona and Amsterdam in early April (we might go to vancouver in April instead, not sure yet). the bank acct is gonna feel some pain. The balloon guy comment was actually a subtle jab at his religiousness. I am sure given his wealth and sense of humor that he did well for himself. Chicks dig balloons.
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yikes. FCP members are really good at predicting things today. Venus must be in retrograde with Mex's anus.My wife likes to travel so I spend a lot on trips. Buenos Aires in November, cruise to Bahamas, Aruba and Curacao in late December, and a trip to Madrid, Barcelona and Amsterdam in early April (we might go to vancouver in April instead, not sure yet). the bank acct is gonna feel some pain. The balloon guy comment was actually a subtle jab at his religiousness. I am sure given his wealth and sense of humor that he did well for himself. Chicks dig balloons.
Well, it was either you had a big bank account or a big package in the pants.. and given that you spend alot of time posting on a poker forum rather than romancing the wife between the sheets, it was easy to rule out the latter.
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Well, it was either you had a big bank account or a big package in the pants.. and given that you spend alot of time posting on a poker forum rather than romancing the wife between the sheets, it was easy to rule out the latter.
I've been told that for a Jew, I'm huge. So there.
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