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December Goals

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These limit games on Bodog are going to be my salvation. I've been playing 8/16 and 10/20 and I must be up 150 BB the last two days. It's like the golden days of Party, only with really shitty software that makes it hard to play more than 2 tables, and with games that are only going strong half the day. Most relevant of all to the thread, I hit my "high end" goal for the month, as the BR's now back over $5,000.
Congrats on reaching your goal. I totally agree with you on the Bodog limit games. Great, great games, but I find the software really frustrating, plus I can't use pokertracker and there's not a lot of volume on Bodog. But, all that aside, definitely the softest games out there right now.
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Congrats on reaching your goal. I totally agree with you on the Bodog limit games. Great, great games, but I find the software really frustrating, plus I can't use pokertracker and there's not a lot of volume on Bodog. But, all that aside, definitely the softest games out there right now.
Actually, you can use PokerTracker with Bodog now. DogWatch This is a handgrabber, and the people at PT have now incorporated Bodog into PT. All the info you need to set it up is on DW's website. If you have any questions, check the forums on the PT website.
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well im at 150BB at .25/.50 limit...yeah thats a massive 75 bucks...but the bodog games are ultra soft at most limits and a nice plo score helped out...bodog is still unsure on if they are going to do their end of the year bonus..if they do man it will help me out as id make a decent amount from that

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I've come in to my own lately in tournaments and finally seem to be getting a grasp on the 180's. My goals for December are...1) Play 20 180's, Final Table at least 4 or 5, win one, at least two top threes.3) Increase bankroll to 1500-2000 from current 900.
Well, I have yet to play the required 20 180's. I think I'm between 5-10, but I did end upwinning one yesterday for $1080, which pushed the bankroll over $1600, so hopefully I can play either break even or a bit above poker for the rest of the month, thus accomplishing the two goals. I missed the forum being down to not be able to make an FT thread...lolMy sharkscope looks pretty decent now, small sample size still, but it takes time.What do you guys consider to be a "good" sample size? 200-300 tourneys?
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200-300 should give you a good idea anyway. If it was 1-table SnGs, I'd say it would be enough to give you a pretty accurate winrate, but for MTTs (even 180s), you need a ton to really know where you're at.As for me, my BR rebuilding project's going awesome. I've been playing almost exclusively 10/20 on Bodog, and I've just been hammering the games. BR's now up to $7400 after taking out $400 for bills/Christmas shopping.

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question....how are the low limits on AP? once i start gettin paychecks from my new job i am going to look to deposite enough to start at .5/1 limit and work my way up...site any good? ive never deposited but had an account for several years...also is rb still possible?

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ONly if you've never held an account there in the past.Im not sure how bonus works at .50/1 - ive never tested it below 1/2. I imagine that it is quite slow, because the pot needs to be 10 bets in order to quality as a raked hand.If you are at a loose aggressive table, the bonus can get pretty crazy in terms of BB/100. Assuming half the hands get to 10BB's, that is 5BB/100. If the table is tight passive, you will clear almost nothing because the pots will almost never get that big.

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waawsi8.jpgPlay NL, its easy.And ahhhh this one hurt.E CARDS ***Dealt to kingsofcards [7h 7s]Gith: folds kingsofcards: raises $30 to $40silvan: raises $80 to $120kcb1904: folds outdrewsyou: folds cumicon: folds kingsofcards: calls $80*** FLOP *** [Jh 7d Qc]kingsofcards: checks silvan: bets $210kingsofcards: raises $390 to $600silvan: calls $390*** TURN *** [Jh 7d Qc] [6c]kingsofcards: bets $1198 and is all-insilvan: calls $876 and is all-in*** RIVER *** [Jh 7d Qc 6c] [5d]*** SHOW DOWN ***kingsofcards: shows [7h 7s] (three of a kind, Sevens)silvan: shows [9c 8c] (a straight, Five to Nine)silvan collected $3204 from pot*** SUMMARY ***Total pot $3207 | Rake $3
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well i am up 84BB in the past few days on bodog at the lowly .25/.5 limits...I have dominated the game just need to avoid the plo tables and ill be fine...do have a few brags though from my day:Brag: Graduated from collegeBrag: shook the hand of the new Secretary of Defence (Robert Gates)Brag: opened a graduation card from my grandpa and found a nice $200 dollar checkSo overall it was one heck of a day and so far a good poker month...im up like 150BB this month but unfortunately my leak of plo hurt me

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Coincidentally my worst day ever (two days ago) happened to occur in one of my best weeks.+3,000 despite a -$1,100 day. Played about 8k hands. Basically already reached my december goals. I expect to double that by the months end.

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Taking shots is fun. I tried the 5/10 PLO game the other day with half a buy-in and I won $800, so I decided to try it again tonight.After losing one short ($500) buy-in as a 60/40 dog with a big draw, and another one all-in on the turn with 2 pair + nut straight against a naked flush draw, I got kinda pissed and decided to buy-in full. A couple rotations later, this hand happened:(5 handed on Bodog)Hero is CO with: 6 :club: 6 :D 7 :D 3 :club:Preflop: UTG calls, Hero calls, Button folds, SB calls, BB callsFlop ($40): 9 :club: 2 :P 4 :spade:SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $40, SB calls, BB calls, UTG foldsTurn ($160): 5 :DSB bets $160, BB raises to $620, Hero raises to $1,089 (all-in), SB calls $929, BB calls $165 (all-in)River: J :diamond:SB shows: A :) 3 :P 2 :) 9 :club: (straight, five high)BB shows: A :heart: 7 :club: 3 :club: T :heart: (straight, five high)Hero shows 6 :heart: 6 :) 7 :club: 3 :heart: (straight, six high)Hero wins $3,121.01Yeah, I know. I'm the worst BR manager ever. To be fair, the game was super juicy when I sat down, and there were no good 10/20 limit games going, and no 2/4 PLO games whatsoever. Also, I've been pretty good lately for the most part, putting in a bunch of hands at lower stakes. Anyway, I played another rotation at the table before realizing that someone at the table had me covered and 30% of my BR was in play if I got into a big pot, at which point I left. On the bright side, my BR's back over $10K. Hooray!

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so you guys are all crazy rich ppl at the 200/400 blinds... i dont get the point in playing those crazy high stakes if u are allready loaded... and could just go crazy for a couple months and loose it all..... not saying play for play money... but doesnt it seem like there no point?im only 18.. and do $25-50 sit n goes becuase i belive there is more strategy.. and boring and being patient are the difference in our play i guess... i buy in for no more than $100 a week.. and this week am walking away with $800 which is $100 less than my biweekly pay check..... my goal for next week is ne where from $200-$20000000 so idk... am i a donkey?? should i buy in with my whole pay check ever week? ...maybe if i keep playing for 20 years ill go somewhere with it?? who knows.. i just love this game

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so you guys are all crazy rich ppl at the 200/400 blinds... i dont get the point in playing those crazy high stakes if u are allready loaded... and could just go crazy for a couple months and loose it all..... not saying play for play money... but doesnt it seem like there no point?im only 18.. and do $25-50 sit n goes becuase i belive there is more strategy.. and boring and being patient are the difference in our play i guess... i buy in for no more than $100 a week.. and this week am walking away with $800 which is $100 less than my biweekly pay check..... my goal for next week is ne where from $200-$20000000 so idk... am i a donkey?? should i buy in with my whole pay check ever week? ...maybe if i keep playing for 20 years ill go somewhere with it?? who knows.. i just love this game



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SB shows: A :D 3 :) 2 :D 9 :club: (straight, five high)BB shows: A :P 7 :P 3 :D T :club: (straight, five high)Hero shows 6 :club: 6 :) 7 :) 3 :club: (straight, six high)Hero wins $3,121.01
woot! the way that read, i thought you were going to get outdrawn, or you were getting freerolled by a higher draw or something. that's a pretty sick hand, congrats!for my own brag post, i've already got in an amazing 6 hours of poker this month. last session i even booked a >10bb win at 3/6 on AP, so i'm well on my way to meeting my goals :club: On the plus side, I'm strongly considering heading down to the casino for the weekly Big Game on Sunday, usually 10/20 or 15/30 Omaha/Hold 'em mix.
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Well, I've donked off $700 in the last two days playing $200max plo.Thankfully, I've also been let in on a system for betting lottery Hockey games,and am up almost $1000 in five days.Anyone that lives in Ontario and is interested, slide over to the hockey forum andcheck it out.

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Well had another good day...i put in over 500 hands for the first time in a while. Bodogs low limits are just ridiculously easy...averaged just at 6BB/100 on the tables and if not for some suckouts/misclicks would have been a bit higher.I ordered "The Mathematics of Poker" today and I look forward to it..supposed to put "Theory of Poker" to shame

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Well had another good day...i put in over 500 hands for the first time in a while. Bodogs low limits are just ridiculously easy...averaged just at 6BB/100 on the tables and if not for some suckouts/misclicks would have been a bit higher.I ordered "The Mathematics of Poker" today and I look forward to it..supposed to put "Theory of Poker" to shame
Post a book review, I am interested. That is William Chen's book right?
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Post a book review, I am interested. That is William Chen's book right?
yeah thats the book...i posted an outline in the books forum that the other other gave on the book but i am fairly excited to see what this has to say
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