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December Goals

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Came 1st & 3rd in a couple 22$ 180 man sngs, also made a final table in a tourny with over 7000$ going to first, but I came 9th due to my very small stack. Ended up +1600 though overall.

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I'm having an absolutely sick night at the tables. I won about $4,000 on Bodog mixing 20/40 and 30/60, and then decided to take a shot at the Stars 50/100 game with a short buy. Results of that shot (in-progress):happyfuntimesno1.jpg

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Iggy you're just asking to go busto again, but congrats on the good run.After a rough day yesterday for me I decided to take most of my money offline. Left 5k figure i'll grind .50/1 nl and potentially move up to 1/2 when i hit 10k in a couple weeks. Made 800 today over the course of 9k hands so its a start.

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Iggy you're just asking to go busto again, but congrats on the good run.After a rough day yesterday for me I decided to take most of my money offline. Left 5k figure i'll grind .50/1 nl and potentially move up to 1/2 when i hit 10k in a couple weeks. Made 800 today over the course of 9k hands so its a start.
Ouch that must've been a rough day if you're playing .5/1...I'm sure you'll be back soon since you somehow play 9000 hands in a day.
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OK, it's over. A sick, sick, run of cards allowed me to double my BR today. I know that sounds like awful BR management, but I only was going to allow myself to lose 14 BB at the 50/100 table, and the only reason I won so much is that I just won a ton of bets. Also, $3,300 of my winnings today were from games within my roll. Here's the final graph for the 50/100 table:happyfuntimesfinaljg5.jpg

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Since I'm still all hyped up and it's 5:30 AM, so I can't really go anywhere and celebrate, I'm going to post some highlights. Oh, and FTR, $13,000 is far and away my winningest day ever on cash games.PokerStars 50/100 Hold'em (6 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Preflop: Hero is BB with A :club: , A :icon_dance: . 1 fold, MP raises, CO 3-bets, 1 fold, SB calls, Hero caps, MP calls, CO calls, SB calls.Flop: (16 SB) K :icon_dance: , 5 :club: , 4 :D(4 players)SB checks, Hero bets, MP calls, CO raises, SB folds, Hero calls, MP calls.Turn: (11 BB) 2 :icon_dance:(3 players)Hero checks, MP checks, CO bets, Hero calls, MP calls.River: (14 BB) 4 :icon_dance:(3 players)Hero checks, MP checks, CO bets, Hero raises, MP folds, CO calls.Final Pot: 18 BBHero has Ac As (two pair, aces and fours). CO has Kh Qh (two pair, kings and fours). Outcome: Hero wins $1797.PokerStars 50/100 Hold'em (4 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Preflop: Hero is UTG with 8 :D , 8 :icon_dance: . Hero raises, 1 fold, SB 3-bets, BB caps, Hero calls, SB calls.Flop: (12 SB) 8 :club: , 5 :icon_dance: , 3 :D(3 players)SB bets, BB raises, Hero calls, SB 3-bets, BB calls, Hero calls.Turn: (10.50 BB) K :icon_dance:(3 players)SB bets, BB folds, Hero raises, SB calls.River: (14.50 BB) K :club:(2 players)SB bets, Hero raises, SB calls.Final Pot: 18.50 BBSB has Tc Ts (two pair, kings and tens). Hero has 8d 8s (full house, eights full of kings). Outcome: Hero wins $1847.PokerStars 50/100 Hold'em (4 handed) Hand History Converter Tool from FlopTurnRiver.com (Format: FCP)Preflop: Hero is Button with 4 :D , K :) . UTG raises, Hero 3-bets, 1 fold, BB calls, UTG calls.Flop: (9.50 SB) 2 :) , K :club: , J :)(3 players)BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets, BB calls, UTG raises, Hero 3-bets, BB folds, UTG calls.Turn: (8.25 BB) 9 :heart:(2 players)UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG calls.River: (10.25 BB) 5 :icon_dance:(2 players)UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG raises, Hero 3-bets, UTG calls.Final Pot: 16.25 BBUTG has 8d Td (flush, jack high). Hero has 4d Kd (flush, king high). Outcome: Hero wins $1622.

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nice run congrats.... I have been running like pooo since I went over to pokerstars to clear another bonus. I am still liking Doyles room they have 27% rake back and they have some really soft play on the low limits.

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December was goot.I am just about done with this stake, will be in the next few days barring a disaster.Limit rules.Will probably be on my own again in January, and will prolly make $2 million in 2007.Well, I'd be happy with 50k :club:

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