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Wsop Bracelet Events

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I just finished watching a 2006 WSOP episode on TSN (Canadian equal to ESPN). It was Event #2 where Cantu won.Why does ESPN ignore Event #1, the casino employees' event? I can understand that they choose not to air it as there are no Big Name Pros that play in it (no offense Marsha Waggoner!). But, why do they make comments like "Cantu wins the first braceleted event of 2006." I was there when Chris Gros was awarded the cash and a bracelet after surviving a field that was 50% larger than the Main Event was the year Moneymaker won!?!? Doesn't that deserve a mention, or at least, don't say that "Cantu gets the first bracelet of 2006".And it is not just ESPN. The issue of Cardplayer magazine that came out just before the 2006 WSOP began had an article that said it would recep all of the winners of the 2005 WSOP. When you turned the page, it started with Event #2. Absolutely no mention of Andy Nguyen winning Event #1.Maybe being in the business and having played Event #1 last year (and this coming year!) I am more easily disturbed by this than the average player.On the other hand, I am glad that the FCP crew and DN recognized Event #1 as an official event and allowed me to proudly "Wear FCP at the WSOP" and earn a quick $271./rant

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probably because it isnt an "open" event
Then I submit the Ladies Event and the Seniors Event, both of which get a mention during the ESPN episodes and in the Cardplayer article.
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Then I submit the Ladies Event and the Seniors Event, both of which get a mention during the ESPN episodes and in the Cardplayer article.
The Ladies Event and the Seniors Event are "open" to ladies and seniors. The casino employee event is more restricted, in my opinion. But I didn't establish the guidelines. If I had been announcing who won the 1st bracelet, I would have referred to the casino employee event winner.If you win it, next year, make sure that they get their act together.
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i know this will break your heart, but most everybody here hates dealers. (and most poker room staff in general) all they do is screw up the game with misdeals and by mucking live hands and misreading the board

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In my opinion: Great Dane: you're logic is nonsense, read your post: "open" to ladies and seniors, what about "open" to casino employees? KKcountry: you are just plain ignorant. stopsayingfrankly: Frankly, I'm surprised someone as intellectually challenged as yourself can even spell poker. ( sorry Phil, had to steal your line). You must get all the orders right at McDonalds.There, now I feel better.

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I just finished watching a 2006 WSOP episode on TSN (Canadian equal to ESPN). It was Event #2 where Cantu won.Why does ESPN ignore Event #1, the casino employees' event? I can understand that they choose not to air it as there are no Big Name Pros that play in it (no offense Marsha Waggoner!). But, why do they make comments like "Cantu wins the first braceleted event of 2006." I was there when Chris Gros was awarded the cash and a bracelet after surviving a field that was 50% larger than the Main Event was the year Moneymaker won!?!? Doesn't that deserve a mention, or at least, don't say that "Cantu gets the first bracelet of 2006".And it is not just ESPN. The issue of Cardplayer magazine that came out just before the 2006 WSOP began had an article that said it would recep all of the winners of the 2005 WSOP. When you turned the page, it started with Event #2. Absolutely no mention of Andy Nguyen winning Event #1.Maybe being in the business and having played Event #1 last year (and this coming year!) I am more easily disturbed by this than the average player.On the other hand, I am glad that the FCP crew and DN recognized Event #1 as an official event and allowed me to proudly "Wear FCP at the WSOP" and earn a quick $271./rant
Having worked at CardPlayer during the WSOP...I can say that almost every article or post has an error in it. Accuracy was not one of their strong points to say the least.
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i know this will break your heart, but most everybody here hates dealers. (and most poker room staff in general) all they do is screw up the game with misdeals and by mucking live hands and misreading the board
Really?I didn't know that. I see a bad one from time to time. But for the most part I've been around some real good ones.
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i know this will break your heart, but most everybody here hates dealers. (and most poker room staff in general) all they do is screw up the game with misdeals and by mucking live hands and misreading the board
I know this will break your heart, but from the posts I've read on here, 99% of the time it seems to be a player doing something totally retarded and then a dealer and supervisor and room manager having to make a call which may not be explicitly written and then the player whinning and crying about it and posting here looking for validation....If you truly believe that most everbody hates dealers and poker room staff, why do they hold a braceleted event just for them? I don't remember an event for whiners only....how would you fair against Matusow and Hellmouth???
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how would you fair against Matusow and Hellmouth???
well, i have on clue who hellmouth is, so i don't know how i'd "fair" against him.regardless, if you think dealers can do anything but take away from the game, you're kidding yourself.
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well, i have on clue who hellmouth is, so i don't know how i'd "fair" against him.regardless, if you think dealers can do anything but take away from the game, you're kidding yourself.
How then should a poker game commence live?
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well, i have on clue who hellmouth is, so i don't know how i'd "fair" against him.
Excellent spell check...thank you! Now, for your grammar....
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well, i have on clue who hellmouth is, so i don't know how i'd "fair" against him.regardless, if you think dealers can do anything but take away from the game, you're kidding yourself.
Dealers take away from the game? Are you kidding me? You'd rather have your opponent, who has a vested interest in screwing up your hand deal for you? A proper dealer can make the game, but I will allow that a crappy one can screw the game. In my opinion, when you sit down... watch the dealer and decide how closely you need to follow his actions. If he is confident and professional, I find it very relaxing to not have to focus on all the mundane stuff going on and leave it to someone else who is getting paid to do it. I submit that if you have a problem with dealers then you should just stay home and play on the internet.
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Dealers take away from the game? Are you kidding me? You'd rather have your opponent, who has a vested interest in screwing up your hand deal for you? A proper dealer can make the game, but I will allow that a crappy one can screw the game. In my opinion, when you sit down... watch the dealer and decide how closely you need to follow his actions. If he is confident and professional, I find it very relaxing to not have to focus on all the mundane stuff going on and leave it to someone else who is getting paid to do it. I submit that if you have a problem with dealers then you should just stay home and play on the internet.
Well, since you're considering having the players deal as an alternative, I'll assume you're talking about the penny game in your basement rather than a casino's poker room.At Casino Windsor, there's 2 dealers that when they are moved to my table, I will get up no matter how juicy the game is, they're that bad. They get in 15 hands an hour, and habitually deal the turn and river when there's still action to be completed on the previous street. I can't wait for those automated tables. The perfect dealing of a computer with the donks of a live game.
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btw Chris Gros is a really nice guy.. he deals at Caesars and was kind enough to donate a bunch of money one night while playing 4/8 HORSE
he dealt my table as well when i was out there. he is definately a very nice guy very humble about winning kept saying he got lucky. it sucked that he didnt wear the bracelet i would of liked to have seen it
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Well, since you're considering having the players deal as an alternative, I'll assume you're talking about the penny game in your basement rather than a casino's poker room.At Casino Windsor, there's 2 dealers that when they are moved to my table, I will get up no matter how juicy the game is, they're that bad. They get in 15 hands an hour, and habitually deal the turn and river when there's still action to be completed on the previous street. I can't wait for those automated tables. The perfect dealing of a computer with the donks of a live game.
No, genius... I'm not talking about a penny game. I'm saying if you don't have a dealer, what is the alternative? Duh. You talk about automatic tables, but I'm willing to bet every major event is still going to use live dealers. You say there's two of them, yet a minute ago you were berating all of them. Screw it, whatever.
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Why on God's green earth would I want to see a bunch of chip runners and craps dealers play NLHE? It's bad enough, some of the final tables of these low buyin events, but, I don't think I need an hour of Jerry The Slot Tech, Amanda "The Girl From The Cage" Thompson, Paul "The Buffet King" Williams on my WSOP coverage anytime soon, thanks.

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i know this will break your heart, but most everybody here hates dealers. (and most poker room staff in general) all they do is screw up the game with misdeals and by mucking live hands and misreading the board
that's absurd...there are a few dealers that people won't like. but if you are going to be playing at the room regularly you'd be silly to not buddy up to a room manager or dealers. even just to make your stay nicer over the long run!
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