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Show One Card Or Both?

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At casinos they usually make you show both cards if you show one. I notice in some tourneys they allow a player to show only one card when they win with an uncalled bet. Showing one card can clearly be a clever tactical tool.I believe I have read that the Hold 'Em "rules" call for you to show both if you show any, but this is not always followed. Is there some standard applied in this matter, or is it like the "one ball" provision in golf, where the individual event or organization has the option to apply the rule?Koroshiya :club:

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At casinos they usually make you show both cards if you show one. I notice in some tourneys they allow a player to show only one card when they win with an uncalled bet. Showing one card can clearly be a clever tactical tool.I believe I have read that the Hold 'Em "rules" call for you to show both if you show any, but this is not always followed. Is there some standard applied in this matter, or is it like the "one ball" provision in golf, where the individual event or organization has the option to apply the rule?Koroshiya :club:
If it's an uncalled bet, you can even only show half the card if you want. No rule that forces you to show both cards in this instance.
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At casinos they usually make you show both cards if you show one. I notice in some tourneys they allow a player to show only one card when they win with an uncalled bet. Showing one card can clearly be a clever tactical tool.I believe I have read that the Hold 'Em "rules" call for you to show both if you show any, but this is not always followed. Is there some standard applied in this matter, or is it like the "one ball" provision in golf, where the individual event or organization has the option to apply the rule?Koroshiya :club:
definitely NOT. if you win uncontested and decide to show only 1 card, the players or the dealer has NO right to show the other card, there was a good cardplayer article about this a couple months ago
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I always ask to see ALL the cards, not just the player that beat me, but the entire deck. This way I know I haven't been cheated.Really slows down the game, but I think the other players respect me for it.

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We just went over this last week.If there's a showdown and a bet gets called then the winner has to show two cards to scoop the pot.Technically, the loser can be requested to show his cards too but is considered poor etiquette.

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when i started playin a while back, bout 5-6 years ago. Im not sure if its because i grew up in BFE Wa, or just because they were 18+ casino's, or if it was because the low limit. Anyways, at a few different casino's their rule was anyplayer, in the hand or not, could ask to see all/any persons hand after. It made NO sense to me and i really didnt like it, but thats the way it was.

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it really matters where you are playing. alot of places have the show one show both rule, whether or not it was an uncontested pot. but i really dont show any if i dont have to.
The rule is not "Show one show both"... it's "Show one show all" and it's referring to showing the player next to you your card or cards... you then have to show the whole table... so that they don't have access to different information than you... If noone calls you can show however much or little you want.
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definitely NOT. if you win uncontested and decide to show only 1 card, the players or the dealer has NO right to show the other card, there was a good cardplayer article about this a couple months ago
Thanks for the responses. I always thought the "show one show all" rule applied to having to show your cards to every player if you show them to one player. I guess I'm right about that. At the Bicycle Casino the timid dealers are often bullied into showing a second card after the first one was shown and tossed into the muck. The players cry "show one show all". Next time I see this I am calling in the floorman.I found this...The Show One Show All rule reads: Show one, show all. Players are entitled to receive equal access to information about the contents of another player’s hand. After a deal, if cards are shown to another player, every player at the table has a right to see those cards. During a deal, cards that were shown to an active player who might have a further wagering decision on that betting round must immediately be shown to all the other players. If the player who saw the cards is not involved in the deal, or cannot use the information in wagering, the information should be withheld until the betting is over, so it does not affect the normal outcome of the deal. Cards shown to a person who has no more wagering decisions on that betting round, but might use the information on a later betting round, should be shown to the other players at the conclusion of that betting round. If only a portion of the hand has been shown, there is no requirement to show any of the unseen cards. The shown cards are treated as given in the preceding part of this rule.-Bob Ciaffone
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BTW: I just saw this happen to Scotty Nguyen during the PPT coverage last week. He showed one card and I believe someone asked to see the other one and the dealer flipped it over. At any rate, the dealer flipped it and Scotty was PISSED.

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BTW: I just saw this happen to Scotty Nguyen during the PPT coverage last week. He showed one card and I believe someone asked to see the other one and the dealer flipped it over. At any rate, the dealer flipped it and Scotty was PISSED.
You know where the search function is? Use it or google.http://www.homepokertourney.com/showcards.htmThat was hard, wasn't it?
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You know where the search function is? Use it or google.http://www.homepokertourney.com/showcards.htmThat was hard, wasn't it?
I was interested in seeing anyone has had experiences similar to mine or if there are customs that do not follow the letter of the rules. You can Google all the rules in the world, but that is not all that you might need to be well informed. Why do you waste your time responding to questions that have already been answered? You obviously have some personal issues.Vescere bracis meis
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The "Show one [player], show all [players]" rule does in fact exist (as has been exhausted in this thread already). It is in place so that all players at the table have equal access to information (if you show your hand to one player, then you must show it to every player).The "Show one [card], show both [cards]" "rule" does not exist in the general poker world... but... I have been to a small, out-of-the-way casino where this "rule" was strictly enforced. So, when going to an unfamiliar casino... players beware!Other unique "rules" that I have seen at casinos and card clubs:1) One casino I went to has recently strictly cracked down on players who bring excess chips across the line to call a bet (or to raise, but with less than the amount of chips in their hand). That, in itself, is not a problem; but they've gone way too far. Now, during your action, any chips that you cut out (perhaps to count while comtemplating your action) is considered the size of the bet. So, for example, if some one raises $7 in front of you, and you cut down a stack of reds while debating the size of your raise... BOOM, you just raised to $100-to-go.2) In no limit, the smallest amount you can initially raise pre-flop is the size of the big blind (assuming there isn't already a larger raise out there). At one casino, however (or at least according to the dealer at my table), ithe smallest raise incriment is the difference between the small and big blind (so if the blinds are $3/$6, where the smallest opening raise would normally be to $12-to-go pre-flop, at this casino, the minimum raise is $9). Ofcourse, since I would never put in such a raise (there is no pressure on the BB or any limpers), I really don't care about this rule variation, I just found it interesting.3) Some casinos allow live straddles and kill pots, some do not.I know I've seen some other weird rules, I just can't think of them right now.Cheers,Merby

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There's a Casino near me that implemented a rule where if any part of your cards touch any part of the board they are mucked... even if you show them down properly face up ... it was crazy to see how many people were pissed about losing pots from the rule... especially the guys sitting in seats 456 who have maybe 5 inches to work with between their chips and the board cards... craziest/worst rule ever...

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There's a Casino near me that implemented a rule where if any part of your cards touch any part of the board they are mucked... even if you show them down properly face up ... it was crazy to see how many people were pissed about losing pots from the rule... especially the guys sitting in seats 456 who have maybe 5 inches to work with between their chips and the board cards... craziest/worst rule ever...
Do you live in Vancouver? Because that was one of the strange rules I meant to bring up but forgot. I don't remember which casino it was (something makes me think it was the one in Langley) but I've seen the same thing happen. Even if you are TABLING the winning hand, if one of your cards catches a hair's bredth of the board (eg: brushes the turn card) then your hand is DEAD... Even if you have the stone-cold nuts, and it was clear that you were tabling your cards and not mucking them.Cheers,Merby
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The "Show one [card], show both [cards]" "rule" does not exist in the general poker world... but... I have been to a small, out-of-the-way casino where this "rule" was strictly enforced. So, when going to an unfamiliar casino... players beware!
Oh yea? Ever hear of the Bellagio? I played some sattilittes there for the Bellagio Cup and this stupid *** rule came up more than once. Whenever a player even quickly flashed 1 card to the table, the dealer would flip the hand over and show both cards to the table. Dealers told us it was a new rule now inforced by the Bellagio. Show one card show both. Pretty stupid if you ask me!
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A few points that were probably mentioned but i was too lazy to read:1) A player has to show no cards if he wins the pot by an uncalled bet (I know its obvious but im still saying it)2) In a showdown, you must show both cards. Players that are involved in a showdown, in theory must show their cards, but if they muck, any other player has the right to request to see his cards altho it is bad etiquette3) Not sure about showing one, but I've seen many times at big tournaments, the players just show one and muck.Other stuff:4) If a card is accidentally exposed, all players have a right to see it.5) If a player shows his cards to the guy beside him all players have a right to see

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i was at a small unknown casino a month and a half ago that used this absurd rule of "show one card, show both"...the rio, during the wsop.as i was starting a satellite, the floorperson came over to go over the rules and said "if you show one card, you must show the other, regardless of whether the hand went to showdown or not"....everyone at the table was baffled by this, and she said "the rule is instituted to prevent needling"...prevent needling??!

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i was at a small unknown casino a month and a half ago that used this absurd rule of "show one card, show both"...the rio, during the wsop.as i was starting a satellite, the floorperson came over to go over the rules and said "if you show one card, you must show the other, regardless of whether the hand went to showdown or not"....everyone at the table was baffled by this, and she said "the rule is instituted to prevent needling"...prevent needling??!
"My number one goal this year is to create a 'needle free' WSOP."-Jeffery Pollock, WSOP Commissioner
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  • 5 months later...

In Daniel's 01/23/07 blog:

One thing I'm not a fan of, I believe it's a recent addition to rules at both the Bellagio and here, is the rule where if you show one card the dealer is obligated to show both of your cards. That is a terrible rule and interferes with the psychology of the game unnecessarily.


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Have some class and muck your cards unless you're showing down.Also, what's with the three 'show one, show all' threads this afternoon? Is this some kind of retarded prank?'OH, SHOULDA READ DN'S BLOG FIRST' EDIT: Ah, now I see. DN's entry covers the silly new one-card rule. Now the threads' presence makes some sense.

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Have some class and muck your cards unless you're showing down.Also, what's with the three 'show one, show all' threads this afternoon? Is this some kind of retarded prank?'OH, SHOULDA READ DN'S BLOG FIRST' EDIT: Ah, now I see. DN's entry covers the silly new one-card rule. Now the threads' presence makes some sense.
the DCJ idiot, or whoever posted above you, dcided to bump every ever created because of Bellagio's new ruling
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the DCJ idiot, or whoever posted above you, dcided to bump every ever created because of Bellagio's new ruling
A lot of people didn't know what rules are in play. So you're old enough to drive and you'll be old enough to vote soon. I don't know how long you've been playing poker, but don't call people idiots when they're trying to increase the knowledge of the forum. And it's not a new ruling and it's got nothing to do with the Bellagio:http://www.fullcontactpoker.com/poker-foru...t&p=1338324
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