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it's just, the conclusion we have historically reached (cutting checks) is not possible for that many people. I'm guessing this guy has some budget magic worked out in that article, but I'm too lazy to find it and laugh at his terrible assumptions. no, we really can't afford that.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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The article specifically says that it's not so much about the money and who gets it as having the conversation, investigating it and admitting that there has and is a problem is historical holding back. I'm sure I'm wording that poorly but can't think of anything better right now.


The problem is that the suggested remedy is so absurd.


I have relatives who were literally marched into ovens.

Granted, the world may be a better place because of it and current times suggest we may need to revisit some of those ideas but regardless, that is definitely a far heavier and more immediate historical grievance than black slavery yet it hasn't held me back (only I have held myself back). It didn't hold back any of my family members... and why? Because a typical IQ in my family starts at "Attorney" and goes from there.


So, we want real talk? Lets have real talk. Lets talk about how people ARE NOT inherently 'equal'. How race and IQ is a totally real thing and how IQ has such a profound impact on performance in the modern world and how blacks have the lowest average IQ of any race... and Jews can be winning Nobel Prizes in the midst of an ongoing genocide while blacks claim that their ancestors picking cotton 150 years ago explains why their kids suck at standardized testing and/or are out burglarizing shoe stores?


I anxiously await the day when we can actually have some 'real talk' in the context of 'reality' and not some bullshit, idealogically driven narrative on 'oppression' that withstands no objective scruitiny whatsoever but we never will because it would force us to admit how equal we aren't. This applies to black people who successfully exist outside the massive cultural gravity of black failure yet feel somehow obliged to make excuses for their lower class brothas.

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So Scram, what do you think of this watch?





I especially like this one since it has an adjustable band. Apparently this is some patent for this company. Never seen it before. Besides money, one of the main reasons I haven't ever bought a nice watch is because they never fit right.

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Here's my question for you Scram. I don't think I'm going out on a limb in saying that most everyone that runs into you on this board thinks you are massively intelligent and maybe also a massive racist. That being said, while you have inherent issues with society's inability to view race objectively, are you, personally, a proponent of equal treatment?


I guess how I'm reading your overall feelings is that you are fine with, maybe even "pro", equality, as long as that doesn't include help, assistance, or benefits to any particular group. So you would be fine with things like everyone having voting rights, but you would take up arms against something like Affirmative Action. Is that even a little accurate or am I way off?

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So Scram, what do you think of this watch?





I especially like this one since it has an adjustable band. Apparently this is some patent for this company. Never seen it before. Besides money, one of the main reasons I haven't ever bought a nice watch is because they never fit right.


Great watches, but it won't achieve what you want to achieve.

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are you, personally, a proponent of equal treatment?


Do you think the Olympics should make special concessions to atlhetes from the Special Olympics so they too can feel equal and a have a sense of participation? And when they come in last place, do you think the reason for that is becauase they've been historically denied opportunities to participate in athletic events like mainstream Olympians?


I don't think anyone should be treated like shit.

I don't think people are 'equal'.

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Quick popinwithnocontent post...






File thisin under the, "Yeah.... probably never happened before and maybe never again but had to happen once to Beans" category






As maybe one of you know, for a long time now I just spend currency thats twenties or greater. Any tens or lower get thrown into a cardboard box and stashed away for fun money. Over the years its supplied a few others that ran across it with my fun, so its migrated from just inside the shop door to a lesser know area but still within easy range for deposits...






The galaga machine. No, not the locked coin mechanism door.... that gets raided fairly regularly by both family and friends. Im talking about the secret area right behind the lighted logo on the top. I hinged the plexiglass, added a spring loaded ball bearing to keep it closed tightly, and open it with the suction cup tipped toy arrow sitting innocently next to it. Hey.... it worked. Even the physic friends network couldnt help the family find it. I know cause I had to pay the phone bill






Anyway, yesterday I staggered in, looked around for potential robbers, and made the daily deposit. Damn thing was full. So after refueling the cooler I grabbed the stash and sprinted to the closest vehicle for a bank run. The tellers love me ya know. Few times a year stagger in with a cano in one hand and a box full of wadded up cash in the other looking to trade up. Bens baby. Gambolino drinkeski speed parti bonanzi. I actually say that, too






So like every other time, I watched as the veteran tellers suddenly had emergency tasks to do while walking in. Let the new hires deal with the drunks wadded up singles. Good thing too.... just the prettiest of the bunch was still on point when I sashayed to the terminal....






"Hello! Welcome to Crooks Bank and how may I help you?"






"Well...... (takes drink)..... I gotta bunch of small bills here and I need to exchange them for some real money"






(puzzled look while peering over top of box)





"Are they..... (Beans opens flaps and pours contents out)...... loose?........ OH MY GAWD!"






I was just as surprised as she was.... not as much by what followed the paper out of the box.... but that a human could go from standing flat footed to standing on a counter six feet away....... instantly






"Holy shit...."






















The next few seconds were sorta a blur. Women were running.... men were running.... some were crying....some were laughing.... I think one tried to escape through the drive up window drawer. I wasnt sure what to do, so as usual I just stood there and soaked in the chaos....











By this time there was no salvaging the situation. What was done was done. Around this moment in time I realized I was standing calmly in front of a bank teller station, at least two employees are running away hysterically, and the rest are in various stages of panic. All I needed was a gun. Hell, from what I know now a gun is totally unnecessary to rob a financial institution. All ya need are....






Two full grown mice and around a dozen babies. Fast ones. With long tails. Im not sure anyone noticed the legal tender confetti they custom gnawed into a bed






Before the sirens hit the airwaves I casually raked the cash along with the rodents former home back into their subdivision and made myself gone. I apologized sincerely to the older woman holding the door open for the inconvenience and immediately received a gotohell look of epic proportions. Some people just cant roll with the flow.






On the way home it hit me.... I created yet another Beanseskian invention. A humane live trap that not only re-locates the undesirables but also provides a quite comical situation in the process. Now lets see that patent attorney giggle when I show him the blueprints....






Ill be in the desert for a spell. The fun money is staying behind this trip







The humane trap is now being guarded by a somewhat inhumane one....

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The 20 hour travel day from hell was booked today. Turns out there's a total of 6 of us interviewing that day for the 2 positions. 2 are from Wisconsin, one from Illinois, 1 from Texas and 1 from Mississippi, plus me. Pretty safe bet that the 3 Northerners are going for the Wisconsin job and the Southerners and I for the MS job.


On the plus side I parlayed the debacle into getting the rest of that week off, so there's that.

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You got that right.


I was told it is a bit of a dog and pony show; everybody gets a "fair" shot and all that jaz but I'm the favorite going to the gate. I'm hoping to get some intel from the boss on what to expect from the interview.


I am tired as hell. 6 day week with several early starts kicked my ass. Hopefully I can catch up some tonight then going to play some poker tomorrow night. The little 2 hour session out in Palm Desert Monday evening didn't scratch the itch sufficiently.

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I have a 3 hour long .avi file. I want to cut it down to an hour, but I only want the following segments


00:00 - 00:15

00:25 - 00:40

00:45 - 01:00

01:20 - 01:35


Is there a program out there that would let me do this?

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Any number


You want a linear video editing app. Easiest probably is going to be windows movie maker (included free with windows live) or Apple has an iMovie that I think is the equivalent.

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That would be done in about 5 min with Movie Maker.

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Tell time, look nice and stay on my wrist? What else does it need to achieve?


A Timex does that.

Why are you buying this particular watch?

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A Timex does that.

Why are you buying this particular watch?


Well I am not buying it, I would like to buy it. I am very particular about the styling of watches. I really have no idea why, I rarely wear them because I don't like most of them. I think most watches look cheap, are very gaudy. I like simple, I like industrial, stainless steel/titanium look. I was looking at watches and saw this one and just really liked the way it looked. Also, that adjustable band looks like it would work great. It also seems like it's quality and would last, well, forever and the styling seems timeless so that 20 years from now it would still be "stylish"


If you know of something that looks the same that is cheaper, I would be all over it.

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Any number


You want a linear video editing app. Easiest probably is going to be windows movie maker (included free with windows live) or Apple has an iMovie that I think is the equivalent.

That would be done in about 5 min with Movie Maker.



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Do you think the Olympics should make special concessions to atlhetes from the Special Olympics so they too can feel equal and a have a sense of participation? And when they come in last place, do you think the reason for that is becauase they've been historically denied opportunities to participate in athletic events like mainstream Olympians?


I don't think anyone should be treated like shit.

I don't think people are 'equal'.


Morality is about how you should act, or should want to act. No one is saying, or should say that a person with physical or mental defects should compete with more biologically fortunate people. No one is saying they are equal physically. No one should say that they should have an equal opportunity to compete in such contests, e.g. No one is saying golf handicaps should be banned.


It is about equal opportunity. It is about promoting good desires and inhibiting bad desires. The desire to curtail, prohibit or thwart people from engaging or fulfilling their good desires is immoral and just wrong.



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Does this apply across the board, or just to blacks?


Sigh. Let's just stick with this problem before you change topics. Given that blacks were pidgeon-holed in communities and denied opportunities for centuries that have led to lasting problems, perhaps we should feel some obligation to make reparations, pay back what was stolen and denied them by spending some extra to improve the situation, e.g, improved schools that have been systematically poor. A higher EI tax credit.

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