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I Called In Sick Today

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So, to recap: first you lost about 10 pounds of muscle. Then you put on about 8 pounds of fat. Now you have to lose 8 pounds of muscle. Then you'll put back 8 pounds of fat.I think that's how this is going to work.

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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I'll be healthy in no time!so does anybody know how to get spell check to work on this new board? it's not checking for me as I type any more, and I have the setting on in firefox so it's not that.

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I definitely didn't discuss actual numbers. It is a public site after all beyond the inherent tackiness.Wife and I leave for Thailand Thursday. First night in Bangkok we are sitting ringside for Muay Thai then having brunch the following day at the rooftop spot featured in hangover 2. Really excited.

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Goodness this place is slow. Horse beaten to death on the slowness I'm sure but if you're not at work, who's got time for this place now? I still love all of you. Ok, most of you. Some of you. Fine, one of you. Haven't drank in two+ weeks. What a bore. I'm saving it for my soon to be 40th Bday in June. Woohoo. I got nothing else for now.

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There's a good chance the slowness is still because of the post rebuilding script. You can tell it's not done yet because the older posts still have quotes showing up improperly. If that's the case, it's temporary.

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did I mention I got my first paycheck finally? between kansas and missouri I paid over 20% of my net. I'm not even making $30/yr. hope they spend it wisely.

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they will not. so they finally set up the interview for this new position they want me for, but now I'm even less inclined to want it since I've become even more intent on leaving this area as soon as possible. it'd be pretty shitty if I took the job and left a couple of weeks after, but I pretty much don't think I have an option on whether to take it or not (ie my current position has effectively already been eliminated from the budget so if I don't take it I'm not sure what they'd do; don'think I'd be fired but it'd be sticky, that's for sure). plus, my salary requirements have increased since then (why not you know) which would make it even shittier if I left right away. but shit man, this town is just god awful and I don't want to live here any longer than absolutely necessary.

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did I mention I got my first paycheck finally? between kansas and missouri I paid over 20% of my net. I'm not even making $30/yr. hope they spend it wisely.
What? Are you saying you had to pay income tax in both states? If so, I don't think that's right. When I first moved to Eastern WA, I worked in Idaho for a while so had to pay ID income tax but you shouldn't have to pay in both states, only the one you're working in. I would question the HR/temp agency about this.
Hey, welcome to 2006 you piece of shit!
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you ever eaten broccoli without salt? it fucking sucks.
I think we found out part of your problem. If you think salting your broccoli is making the difference in your test, you need to look at the rest of your diet.Also, steam to al dente, spray butter, cracked pepper. done.
Hey, welcome to 2006 you piece of shit!
Man, have some patience. It's not like he's in his 30's or anything.
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I think we found out part of your problem. If you think salting your broccoli is making the difference in your test, you need to look at the rest of your diet.Also, steam to al dente, spray butter, cracked pepper. done.
I thought I already responded to this, but yeah, salt on broccoli is just ridiculous.
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Well in this ONE case, DJ was right;

Generally - you need to file your KS tax return as a non-resident and determine your actual tax liability.After that you will file MO tax return as a resident and - because the same income will be taxed twice - you will claim a credit for taxed paid to KS on your MO tax return.Here is a form to use to determine the credit -

http://dor.mo.gov/tax/personal/individual/forms/2009/mocrf.pdfRead more: i live in missouri and work in kansas. my job took out state - JustAnswer http://www.justanswer.com/tax/36m7z-live-missouri-work-kansas-job-took-state.html#ixzz1uyhYgSM5

So, apparently, if they take taxes out for both states you have to file this form to get back (or a credit) for double paying. So stupid and makes no sense but there you go.

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