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More importantly, it's his sister's 21st. How does he feel about multiple corn farmers plugging his sister's leak while he's around?Text the girl, announce who it is in the text, write something about it being a while. If she responds, let her know you'll be in town and would love to see a friendly face...blah blah blah, let's get together for a drink or 7
Yeah, I've already had to come to terms with that. A girl I know went to school with my sister and one might when we were out drinking she's like "ya, your sister slept with my ex". And I'm like great. Really needed to know that. And I this girls ex'es were both bigger dudes, which is why I think I probably have a chance. And she approached me at the bar when we last ran into each other.
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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Well, thanks I guess.But, I believe there is more to it if you think through it a little more. And sorry, but I am obviously taking it very personally. My son isn't happy about it either. It will likely create a long time rift between her and my son as well. Other issues, once this gets going the civil attorneys will be out to get every dime possible and won't give two cents over the turmoil they put my wife through. My son would provide a level of honesty to look out for her personally, better communication, and trust than any other attorney. My oldest brother has been the director of legal services for one of the largest health insurance companies in the US, and said he wouldn't think twice about hiring her and my son if it was our mom or his mother-in-law. Again, why give all that money to some stranger if you didn't have to? And yes, the possiblility is that something could go wrong, but you are taking that chance with any attorney and no one thinks this is anything other than a slam dunk. It's really going to be more about the amount of the settlement and if you simply max out the insurance available, or go to trial and get more.

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first read, no other comments clouding my opinion, I'm siding with your wife here.would you really want your son mixed up in it if it turns out to be way less lucrative than previously imagined?
He would actually do it for no fee, or only expenses which is how much he wants it.
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Maybe your wife doesn't want to view her mother's serious injuries as just a career advancement opportunity.So...what are her stated reasons for not wanting to hire him?

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Maybe your wife doesn't want to view her mother's serious injuries as just a career advancement opportunity.So...what are her stated reasons for not wanting to hire him?
I can sympathize with that. But it isn't "someone" it's her step-son. And her original reason was that the lawyer he reccomended wasn't a "personal injury attorney" or specialist. I got her resume and a list of similar and larger cases she worked on. She's extremely qualified and she is unlikely to hire someone better. Also, she doesn't understand that the "ex-divorce attorney" will likely get half this settlement for refering it as well, and he is extremely un-qualified as well. In fact, I told her that she could find an attorney or firm she liked better, she could still hire my son as well and make it a requirement, which any firm would understand and still love to take the case.No matter how she "wants to view it" it is still the reality of the situation. She could help my son or buy some strange lawyer a yacht if you get what I am saying.
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agreed, but it appears you're either selecting the wrong girls to charm or you're being friend guy a little too much. Be charming with a bit of an R rated angle from time to time. Can't let em forget you're a man and they're a cute girl. It sounds so stupid and manly and I'm anything but, but I think it applies
I'm not being any kind of guy, man. I don't see people, I don't make an effort to meet girls. I. do. not. have. friends.
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I'm not being any kind of guy, man. I don't see people, I don't make an effort to meet girls. I. do. not. have. friends.
Work friends. Duh
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Kinda seems like they're burning some bridges now.
yep.I guess I simply need to know if it is wrong to expect that she would do something good for my son given the tradgedy to her mom. I mean, I certainly have done tons and tons of good for her mom, with no expectation what so ever, simply because it was her family and eased her burden. And well, I do it because it's the right thing. I sincerely became close to her and worried about her. I have spent endless hours in the hospital with her the last month. I spent tons of time with her at while she was at home looking after her. I bought or was instramental in purchasing things like chairs, armrails, bathtub lifts, etc.. and making her house safe.And I haven't mentioned her brother. He's a major jackass.
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Randy. That sucks. Wish I could offer some words of wisdom but I'm really dealing with my own serious shit as you probabaly noticed. Also, appreciate the advice so far everybody but I'd really like to hear what Speedz, and to a lesser extent Suited, have to say before I make a rash decision. I've waited six months, what's another few hours?

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And I don't think the hiring of your son should be about anything other than whether he's the best person for the job.
Fair enough. But do you think I am wrong for them not even talking to him about it? Is it wrong if they hire a lesser attorney than the one he is reccomending?
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Fair enough. But do you think I am wrong for them not even talking to him about it? Is it wrong if they hire a lesser attorney than the one he is reccomending?
I don't know, maybe they just don't feel comfortable having family be involved in something like this. I think subsequently hiring the wrong attorney would be a separate issue. Surely there are other competent attorneys out there.(Is there a difference between attorney and lawyer?)
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I don't know, maybe they just don't feel comfortable having family be involved in something like this. I think subsequently hiring the wrong attorney would be a separate issue. Surely there are other competent attorneys out there.(Is there a difference between attorney and lawyer?)
(No)Thanks for talking me through this and I really do value the opposing opinion. I mean, at this point I could probably accept faulty reasoning on her part, but I am getting nothing.My son would admittedly be doing the grunt work on the case and the other attorney would be doing the lead. I don't know what the other attorney has to offer but I can't for the life imagine he would be as experienced or qualified. She is a certified mass tort attorney at $750 an hour. She has a major firm backing her. She has done multiple mass tort litigations. She is considered an "expert litigator". She has done tons of cases on a much larger scale in personal injury. She has done medical malpractice cases involving spinal injuries. (This isn't medical malpractice, but simple negligence.) Other firms higher her to litigate damages for them, which is mostly what this will be about.She was one of the lead attorneys on the largest breast implant cases, e.g.Also, aside from the things mentioned, my son is an excellent "trial attorney" should it get to that point. Not many attorneys are and he has a ton of experience and success in that area.
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In all seriousness Randy, I really do hope everything works out for the best (even though I know that doesn't really help much). This is just all way over my head and I have not even the slightest clue where to begin giving advice.

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Caleb's back, with funny stories and good advice! I realize I didn't have to summarize that for you, as you all were there, but still!Strat, just text her and pretend there was no 6 month gap. If she mentions it, ask if she's on her period or something.Rando, stop being a pussy and go for the "Say Anything" approach.Napa, it's not your decision to make, you shouldn't be offended. Your judgement is obvious compromised here, anyway. Or, you can be offended, but know that it's wrong.Or something like that.

I think moving to nyc would be awesome.
I'll be in NYC in a year and a half, probably. We can not hang out!
I really don't think I could ever tell that joke.
I skip the first line and just do the "there's nothing funny about rape...well, there is, but you had to be there" part.
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In all seriousness Randy, I really do hope everything works out for the best (even though I know that doesn't really help much). This is just all way over my head and I have not even the slightest clue where to begin giving advice.
Well, as rule if all else fails there is always, "Chicks are Headfucks" I suppose. :oldmangrinface:
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Rando,Here's the approach:1) Forgot about it being good for his career or any of that. It's ancillary and it shouldn't be the crux of your position. Making it so will come across as decidedly self-serving and will only work to mitigate any legitimate points of concern.2) The real question that needs to be put forth is: Do you want a stranger, motivated primarily by profit and to a much lesser degree the code of ethics for attorneys to take the case? Or, would you rather have someone who has a relationship with you, will bust his ass to make sure things are proceeding properly on the case? If they answer the former, they need to be prepared for the day when the insurance company lawyer makes a decent offer which ensures your family's attorney a nice payday without having to do an ounce more work. Because I guaran-damn-tee you, if they reject a settlement like that over the objection of their attorney the case will not be presented as zealously as it rightfully should be or would be if your son was involved. Bottom line is, do they want the direction of this thing handled by family or by strangers, period.

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I was in KC all day, visiting the new Mormon temple that just opened on the north side. I like KC, but Mormonism makes me really sad.

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