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I Called In Sick Today

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His response:Sir, I sincerely thank you. I would appreciate it if you would send your message to The Recorder at ccsurecorder@gmail.com and allow us to print it as a letter to the editor. We are being overwhelmed by letters from people who do not understand that this article was about. I do not have a digital copy of it, but you could request it from The Recorder account when you submit this letter. I understand that you may wish to actually read the article before submitting a letter, however, but the only way I can really offer assistance is for you to log onto Facebook, search for my name, and find the group that is calling for my head. I believe it is published there. I hope you will read it until the end and understand the greater point that I was driving at. I have confidence that you will, but many surely haven't. Thank you, John PetroskiMy response to him:I did in fact read your article, and although I personally wouldnt have wrote the things that you did, its an opinion article and it's your opinion I read it, disagree with it and move on it is what it is. I don't ever believe that someone should be so publicially humiliated for his opinion, so harshly berated for his words. This nation, and others around the world, were founded on the backbone of those who held the opinion which at the time was not the most accepted. Christopher Colombus, Martin Luther when he posted his 95 thesis' on the church door in Wittenburg, William Wallace (for those with a less broad knowledge of anything outside of a movie), MalcomX, The Founding Fathers. All of these men had people who agreed and disagreed with their opinion. People hated and Loved them for it. People wanted their heads also, but in the time period we are in now those men are considered "great men" and "reformers for a greater good". Now I would'nt group you with those listed, but they too put their neck out for something they believed and if they never took a shot at doing something against the grain we would'nt be here today. I sir, commend you for putting your name on something, anything, that has questionable values. Whether it's right or wrong is an opinion that you share, that I share, and that everyone shares and it is that opinion that people hold that determines its value. People disagree with your statement, they say you're wrong for what you said, but how can your opinion be wrong? How can theirs be wrong? It cannot, because it is a fundamental principal in our greater being that makes us different. I am not anymore like you than I am to the next person, what is right for me may never be right for you, what I think and say may never be something you think and say. But it doesnt matter because it's our 'RIGHT' to express that opinion openly and without this recourse. I commend you once again for standing by something you believe. Whatever the recourse, you sir did what you did and that has a purpose in this life and should never be taken lightly. I would keep expressing your opinions and beliefs because that is our freedom.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

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I don't want to invade your thread, but I thought you should know that a forum member going by the handle, 'Quacktastic', sent me PM telling me to post in here. There was no explanation given, just a link to the thread. I figured I better do what the quack says.

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I don't want to invade your thread, but I thought you should know that a forum member going by the handle, 'Quacktastic', sent me PM telling me to post in here. There was no explanation given, just a link to the thread. I figured I better do what the quack says.
If you wish to live, you must do exactly as I say.morpheus.jpg
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I don't want to invade your thread, but I thought you should know that a forum member going by the handle, 'Quacktastic', sent me PM telling me to post in here. There was no explanation given, just a link to the thread. I figured I better do what the quack says.
Good call by Quacktastic. I don't know who that is, but I would assume Wang.I just about lost it when I read your tranny post in the Dear Speedz thread.Just be funny in here and you'll do alright.Also, I don't make any rules around here so don't listen to me.EDIT: Upon further review of Quacktastic's posts, I'm going to change my guess to Ron.
Maybe I don't get it because I am fat...
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On a side note, I just farted and it sounded like a duck being strangled.Sorry Wang.
First post I've read in a week..... I was greeted well by this one. Very amusing.
Feels like it. I'm 29 and turn 30 in September and I feel like life is basically over.Will I never bang a drunk 18 year old again? Will I start waking up with random joint pain? I don't know - I just never thought of myself as someone who would ever be thirty before.Scary shit.
Yeah.... try mid to upper thirty. Not amusing.
I would like to announce that I have a procrastination problem.PS - I meant to post this a few hours ago but never got around to it.
Yep.... I've announced this as well. Good luck.Well, I spent my birthday like this....Day one:Drove up to Death Valley. The name of the place musta drawn me there, cause I've been over it in the plane and never was impressed. I stopped in Parumph and lost a quick $500 in Terribles, ran into Wal Mart and bought a few snacks, found the place and stiffed the parks service the $10 entry fee, broke 170 MPH on a straight stretch, left via Baker, stopped at Primm and donated another $600 at the dice table, and went home.Day two:Turned off cell phone, drove north to Mesquite and won $1200, passed by Nellis and parked at the racetrack, watched five stealth bombers take off to the north, saw an old F14 emergency landing complete with fire and rescue crews, drove home via LVBlvd thru NLV. Note to Lance (aka Pupsta) GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!. Played some 21 at Jerrys Nugget, lost $400, took a borrowed DVD back to a friend at Bellagio, no big game going....went home.Day three:Went to the 777 Brewpub at Main Street Station, ate the nacho platter at the bar, almost drank my favorite beer, got tea instead, took Zach to Gameworks, he climbed the rock, I played a few random games and went home.Day four:Got up early, bid farwell to the wife and kid, took off at 8am, made three stops and spent the night in Colorado. Unthawed myself and the bird the next morning, made one fuel/pee stop and made it to the cabin around four this afternoon. Currently planning my route for tommorrow to the Northeast.I left out all of the boring stuff....shaddup! If I'd left it all out, it wouldda been blankAnd Wang,The info guys were hovering around that CR thread right before I logged out.... seems about right, huh? Whadda bunch of creeps. I just read the rest of it.... very funny stuff.And Zimm,Not my wifes arse.... I'm seriously offended. You are on my ignore list.JK.... if it were my wifes, I'd have her on my ignore list.To everyone else that I hold dear to my heart..... OMG I need to start drinking again...Keep up the funniesBeans
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Good call by Quacktastic. I don't know who that is, but I would assume Wang.I just about lost it when I read your tranny post in the Dear Speedz thread.Just be funny in here and you'll do alright.Also, I don't make any rules around here so don't listen to me.EDIT: Upon further review of Quacktastic's posts, I'm going to change my guess to Ron.
Thanks, I'll do my best.
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I just spent the last 2 and a half hours or so reading Tucker Max's I Hope The Serve Beer In Hell. If any of you have not yet read this book, I beg of you, READ IT. I have never had to stop reading something because I was laughing so hard my eyes started to tear. I can't even begin to describe the amazingness of this book.

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Timdog stopped in...
Did he say anything about me or someone I might like?
First of all... I'm glad to see Turd Furgeson posting. I'm sure I'm really late to the "Welcome back Turd Party", but so be it...In other news, I'm only going to be online for a minute tonight, but I want to throw out a little moral dilemma I've got and hopefully get some responses from the peanut gallery. I'll check in tomorrow to see what you all think. Here it is:Suppose, hypothetically, that I'm not comfortable having just anyone babysit my son, therefore I usually get family to sit for him, or I don't go out at all.And suppose, hypothetically, that my usual go-to babysitter (my mom) has been too busy to sit much lately since she takes care of my ailing grandfather.And suppose, hypothetically, that my ex-wife's twin sister (yes, they're both hot) has been coming over a lot lately to sit for me.And suppose, hypothetically... ok, well, you see where I'm going with this.Obviously this would make me a dirtbag.What I'm asking is: how much of a dirtbag would it make me?Would it be like "oh Tim, haha, you're such a dirtbag for nailing your ex-wife's twin sister"?Or "seriously dude, I'm not sure I can be friends with you anymore since you're such a dirtbag."I'll check back tomorrow.Discuss.
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First of all... I'm glad to see Turd Furgeson posting. I'm sure I'm really late to the "Welcome back Turd Party", but so be it...In other news, I'm only going to be online for a minute tonight, but I want to throw out a little moral dilemma I've got and hopefully get some responses from the peanut gallery. I'll check in tomorrow to see what you all think. Here it is:Suppose, hypothetically, that I'm not comfortable having just anyone babysit my son, therefore I usually get family to sit for him, or I don't go out at all.And suppose, hypothetically, that my usual go-to babysitter (my mom) has been too busy to sit much lately since she takes care of my ailing grandfather.And suppose, hypothetically, that my ex-wife's twin sister (yes, they're both hot) has been coming over a lot lately to sit for me.And suppose, hypothetically... ok, well, you see where I'm going with this.Obviously this would make me a dirtbag.What I'm asking is: how much of a dirtbag would it make me?Would it be like "oh Tim, haha, you're such a dirtbag for nailing your ex-wife's twin sister"?Or "seriously dude, I'm not sure I can be friends with you anymore since you're such a dirtbag."I'll check back tomorrow.Discuss.
I can only offer my own opinion, and I dont see a problem with it. But then many people have told me I'm a bad person. On a serious note, take into account the current state of your relationship with your ex-wife. The better terms you two are on the easier it would be to weather the storm.
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First of all... I'm glad to see Turd Furgeson posting. I'm sure I'm really late to the "Welcome back Turd Party", but so be it...In other news, I'm only going to be online for a minute tonight, but I want to throw out a little moral dilemma I've got and hopefully get some responses from the peanut gallery. I'll check in tomorrow to see what you all think. Here it is:Suppose, hypothetically, that I'm not comfortable having just anyone babysit my son, therefore I usually get family to sit for him, or I don't go out at all.And suppose, hypothetically, that my usual go-to babysitter (my mom) has been too busy to sit much lately since she takes care of my ailing grandfather.And suppose, hypothetically, that my ex-wife's twin sister (yes, they're both hot) has been coming over a lot lately to sit for me.And suppose, hypothetically... ok, well, you see where I'm going with this.Obviously this would make me a dirtbag.What I'm asking is: how much of a dirtbag would it make me?Would it be like "oh Tim, haha, you're such a dirtbag for nailing your ex-wife's twin sister"?Or "seriously dude, I'm not sure I can be friends with you anymore since you're such a dirtbag."I'll check back tomorrow.Discuss.
Honestly, I don't think it's appropriate. In fact, I think it's worse than just some random babysitter. However, I can't stop ya so if it feels right go for it.EDIT: OK, I missed the fact that it said ex-wife. My bad. Well, in this case I'm all for it as long as the kid doesn't get in the middle of it. Either in the act or in the aftermath of the act.
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I won't pretend to know anything about your marital situation, since you had already gone on leave of absence when I started hanging out here, but I'm thinking of every possible situation and so far my responses range from, "That's pretty goddamned cool." to mildly cringing and making a face as if to say, "Yeesh." But in fairness to you, the latter was imagining you nailing your ex's sister in a large vat of mayonnaise, which is by far my least favorite condiment.
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I can only offer my own opinion, and I dont see a problem with it. But then many people have told me I'm a bad person. On a serious note, take into account the current state of your relationship with your ex-wife. The better terms you two are on the easier it would be to weather the storm.
Hmm.... that isn't funny at all. I'm sure you will find your groove though, I have read some fine work in other threads.\Remember for the background on this one, he has been divorced from his ex-wife from some time. Although upon further review, how strange would it be for the child to say "I saw daddy playing leap frog with Aunt Shakira*"*Named changed (a) to protect the innocent, ( b ) I don't know her name, & © Shakira is hot.
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Hmm.... that isn't funny at all. I'm sure you will find your groove though, I have read some fine work in other threads.\
Nice last-minute edit, pansy.Stick to your guns! Tough love! etc.Last minute edit: Did you just add that little copyright symbol instead of posting a normal ( c ) to show off or something? Great. Now your a flashy pansy.
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Hmm.... that isn't funny at all. I'm sure you will find your groove though, I have read some fine work in other threads.\
I'm still new to the internet humor. Its no easy racket.And it wasnt much of a joke, just the truth.
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Nice last-minute edit, pansy.Stick to your guns! Tough love! etc.Last minute edit: Did you just add that little copyright symbol instead of posting a normal ( c ) to show off or something? Great. Now your a flashy pansy.
The edit: He gets one. After that I start talking about his woman's manbutt.The copyright: It did it all by itself with the (.c.) combination (without the .'s)You: Go have a cigarette Pizza boy
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Would it be like "oh Tim, haha, you're such a dirtbag for nailing your ex-wife's twin sister"?
She was the hot one, right? Not the one with the beartrap on her head?
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And I'm the pussy...
Don't push me bitch. I snap easily with no nicotine in my system. And remember, I am asian, which means I know every form of martial arts known to man to a level of mastery. It's just science.
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