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Oh yeah, so the consultant we use is Canadian, and I hear horror stories about the archaic custodians up there, and a complete lack of inter-operability. Like, legitimately most advisors in Canada have some business with (I think they said) BMO, which means manual input of asset transactions, having to call to place a trade, etc. I am horribly spoiled to be able to work with Schwab, Fidelity and such. 

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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yah, some of our sectors up here for investments are tiny such as tech. Lots of gold miners and cannabis companies though.

As a retail investor the online brokerage I use works well so none of the issues you mentioned.

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On 9/4/2020 at 6:56 PM, Theraflu said:

Yes i ****ing 100% believe that story because its consistent with every ****ing thing he's ever said. You're a ****ing ******* and a piece of a shit if you don't believe the story that's ****ing triple sourced, AND ****ING EXACTLY IN LINE WITH EVERYTHING HES EVER SAID. 

I actually have a huge problem with the fact that journalists no longer care about naming sources.  The entire movie All the President's Men is about getting people on record so that they can be vetted.  No one cares about that anymore and it has made journalism worthless.  You will believe it with all your heart because you hate Trump.  Just like some rando will believe Obama is the anti-Christ because they read it on Fox.

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but brvy, he yelled and cursed and insulted me so he must have a point and be on the right side of history!

i mean this story certainly isn't politics 101


i mean it's only 20 or so people on the record saying they don't believe it, or were there and did not hear it. 



plus the central claim that the weather DID NOT prevent travel has been shown to be false.  but i'm the one who doesn't look to the evidence, doesn't investigate things further.  but i mean anonymous sources say otherwise, so nothing else matters.

“You can put me on record denying that I spoke with The Atlantic,” Fuentes told Breitbart News on Monday. “I don’t know who the sources are. I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?”

He specifically also stated that he believes The Atlantic’s sources “are unlikely first hand accounts.”




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4 minutes ago, Theraflu said:

I just can't. 

this is the standard response of someone operating entirely on his feelings. you know the story is weak and has been refuted, but you don't like trump so you don't care. it's exactly the conversations i had with people during the kavanaugh hearings. people against him had no facts, only irrational hatred for trump, so they willingly ignored the obvious media fraud in front of them.  

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15 minutes ago, Theraflu said:

I hear the people that died from 9/11 had underlying conditions, much like this COVID thing. They were underlying the rubble. 

smart move, switch back to covid. people are still scared of that. 

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I hate Trump about as much as anybody and I could totally believe him saying that stuff, I mean he’s said similar things on video before, but this seems a little too on the nose and made for tv.

The shit about them having commercials ready next day proves it being coordinated is nonsense though. Some stock footage, voice overs, text, and boom. Can’t be that difficult for a professional to turn around quickly. Look at sporting events and shit. 

Just like that report about sturgis driving billions in healthcare costs and 250k+ in new infections...yeah ok. I’m sure no wild assumptions were made there. 

There’s enough shitty and on record things to look at to not to need to reach with stuff like this.  

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37 minutes ago, Napa_Don said:

I hate Trump about as much as anybody and I could totally believe him saying that stuff, I mean he’s said similar things on video before, but this seems a little too on the nose and made for tv.

The shit about them having commercials ready next day proves it being coordinated is nonsense though. Some stock footage, voice overs, text, and boom. Can’t be that difficult for a professional to turn around quickly. Look at sporting events and shit. 

Just like that report about sturgis driving billions in healthcare costs and 250k+ in new infections...yeah ok. I’m sure no wild assumptions were made there. 

There’s enough shitty and on record things to look at to need to reach with stuff like this.  

i agree, it's way to on the nose. as for the ads being proof, the article was released on the 3rd. this ad was published on the 4th.

so either they worked in record time or they knew it was coming. i mean they have parents quoting the "losers."

i would guess they knew it was coming. seems incredibly likely to me the atlantic reporter has back channels to the biden people. 

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34 minutes ago, InternetExplorer said:

It's funny to think, would Russia be deploying a vaccine right now if it had anywhere near the rigor that caused AstraZeneca to pause theirs?  Like, Russia has to just be gambling with their soldiers here, right?


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8 hours ago, InternetExplorer said:

why is every presidential election worse than the last, in terms of the way people act during the run-up, for my entire adult life?  it's very possible that I'm just more aware the older I get. 

The polarization of the two sides has increased unfathomably since the advent of cable news. Watch Starship Troopers. Remember the "goofy" propagandist news network? That movie came out like two years after Fox News debuted. Verhoeven saw what was coming. 

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On 9/9/2020 at 7:22 AM, Theraflu said:

The polarization of the two sides has increased unfathomably since the advent of cable news. Watch Starship Troopers. Remember the "goofy" propagandist news network? That movie came out like two years after Fox News debuted. Verhoeven saw what was coming. 

I credit social media way more than cable news.  

every moron with a keyboard thinks their opinion matters and it’s create huge toxicity, allowing people to come together to create larger pods of stupidity 

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On 9/5/2020 at 2:51 PM, FCP Bob said:

I had some symptoms a couple weeks ago. I took a Covid test and got my negative result the next day and while I had symptoms I stayed home and isolated and didn't put anybody else at risk. No lineup at a local hospital so took only about 15 minutes and during Covid they aren't charging to park which is a nice change from the usual $15

Your hospital charges you $15 to park?  WTH!?!

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On 9/7/2020 at 8:31 AM, InternetExplorer said:

Yeah TBH I’m tired of the covid dilemma discussion.

I put in a solid 10 hours at the office yesterday, felt like time flew by. Built a request/processing system in our CRM for one of the service groups. We started with this software at the start of the year, and it has taken me this long to get a good grasp and start customizing. 

I didn’t want to be more technical in my role at this point, it just kinda worked out that this stuff was needed, and no way is my firm going to hire anyone to fill the void. I do have someone helping me with the basic maintenance. I kinda figure I can transition as soon as the heavy lifting is done, and only come back periodically to check in.

This stuff is all critical and capable of helping us be so much better coordinated, but the lack of revenue causes everyone to see it as non-value added, so I kind of have this dumb incentive to short-change it. I am just wanting to see what I can do with the canvas before I move on to the next thing. 

What's your CRM software?

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Today, I was reading about this company that blew up some aboriginal caves.  All the local authorities etc. signed off on it beforehand, all the complaints were heard, and then they blew it up, and it became a media thing. I thought the summary of its significance was hilarious, "it was a top five cultural site in inland Australia."  

Anyway, the company, RIO, pays a pretty nice dividend and seems pretty solid.  Pretty sure I'm going to buy some of it later today.

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I'm pretty pumped for the Lakers Nuggets game tonight.  Anyone else still watching sports?

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BigD, feel free to answer this next August, but have you seen the new Charlie Kaufman movie "I'm thinking of ending things"?

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I have, and quite enjoyed it. Didn't read the reviews/interviews til after. My opinion of the movie is influenced by me having read, and loved, Ice, by Anna Kavan, of which I picked out the cover in an early scene before they mentioned it. 

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