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I Called In Sick Today

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I don't get flu shots, but probably should.

My wife had a pretty negative reaction when she got a flu shot a number of years ago, so she's avoided them since. (We're both very pro-vaccine otherwise.)

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Re: flu shot guessing.


Sure, they can't be 100% sure they've got the vaccine dialed in for that year's strain or whatever but if you get the vaccine and they're wrong what are you out? A little time and a little discomfort? Whereas, if they're right you've got massive upside of potentially not getting sick af but also you're helping folks by not catching it and passing it on to them. Immuno compromised folks like Bob or older folks like your gamgam, who have a tendency to die from the flu in much greater numbers. I mean, it's practically a ****ing freeroll. 

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i dont have things injected into my body unless absolutely necessary. just a little policy of mine. but i didnt go to the doctor for 15 years, so im not one to ask. 

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I cancelled my cable back in April, and the nba alone isn’t enough to get it back. But I’ll have it bwck for the late nba playoffs, assuming they play college football. If not then I won’t have cable anytime soon. 

I use my dads mlb.tv to watch baseball which is nice. 

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I have ATTTV and it works fine but I think when I signed up it was $35/month and now it’s $55/month. If I wasn’t splitting it with friends (who, actually haven’t even paid their half, ever) I would cancel it. I should probably see about getting paid back some. 

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I got Comcast cable with HBO/Peacock/Showtime/Netflix, I pay for the 4k Netflix upgrade, I have Hulu, Disney +, and ESPN+, all separate because of a 3-year Disney+ commitment I made, Amazon Prime, and I had/cancelled 2 months of Fanatiz to watch Spanish soccer. I also use the Hoopla/Kanopy apps, which have movies to rent through your library, but those are free, at least.

I also have League Pass and MLB.tv. 

I....need to cut back. 

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Got official communication about allowing me to buy into my firm. Insider intel says I’ll be able to get most of what I want to buy, and that I’m like 5x the next highest submission in the group. I just feel like I am best off doing this here, since there isn’t another firm that’s going to give me this chance just coming off the street. We will see if it actually happens. There are a lot of people ahead of me in the priority list.

I talked to my girlfriend about money last night. Not specifically what I make or have, but just attitudes about it. Her ex was apparently extremely tough on her about it, kept separate bank accounts, etc. He came from a pretty poor household, so that behavior makes sense to me. The new me is a good fit for her, but I’m thinking she would have hated the me of three or four years ago. She is super insistent about paying for dinner sometimes, that sort of thing, which I like and hate, considering she’s running on student loan money.

Her kid likes me. He’s four, but I talk to him like an adult, and I think kids generally like that. He, like most boys, can be a complete dbag, especially to their kitten. That part really bothers me.

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Sorry, I had to.

I generally like the approach you're taking with the kid. When I met the kids that's kinda how I approached it too. All you can do is try to coach them to behave differently and I think the same approach is helpful. Explain to him why it's not good to do what he's doing, create a sense of empathy etc. I've had the same money struggles with Blondie about paying for this or that. I'm like "I make nearly double what you do and I have no student debt, let me" but I realized pretty quickly that was a losing strategy (heh) long term because it would just make her feel bad and I had to respect that.


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48 minutes ago, hank213 said:

Sorry, I had to.

I generally like the approach you're taking with the kid. When I met the kids that's kinda how I approached it too. All you can do is try to coach them to behave differently and I think the same approach is helpful. Explain to him why it's not good to do what he's doing, create a sense of empathy etc. I've had the same money struggles with Blondie about paying for this or that. I'm like "I make nearly double what you do and I have no student debt, let me" but I realized pretty quickly that was a losing strategy (heh) long term because it would just make her feel bad and I had to respect that.


When she's around, she calls it out and makes sure he understands. I did it last night when she was in another room.  It isn't disciplining him or anything, still just feels really awkward since, you know, not my kid. I am hoping he thinks it's a toy, and he's not a GD sociopath.  For whatever reason the cat is not smart enough to just stay away from him or do more to discourage him from shit like pulling its tail.  I don't get it.  I told her, after the first time I saw him attempting to kick it, that I felt extremely uncomfortable about the whole thing, and she has been more stern with him.  Single mom, chaotic time, only child, I get why she is a little bit of a pushover.

Money is such a stupid reason to have friction in a relationship.  I have talked to her a little bit about financial planning and what it takes to get a certain amount of income in retirement, didn't seem like any of the discussion bothered her. Her main hot button is just about not keeping separate accounts, which is fine by me, as long as the savings number is where it needs to be. 

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Money is also one of the most common reason for divorce.

I'm gonna a spin a yarn about money matters in a relationship that would likely have sent 4 year ago strat into an apoplectic fit. 

A guy in his mid 20s I worked with had a wife still in nursing school who he thought was a bit of clothes horse. They were planning a trip to Mexico with his family. He'd been a his first real job for a couple years, was doing ok, so he applied for a credit card to use for the trip, which she suggested he add her as an authorized user and he did. He gets approved, card is in the mail they say. Several weeks go by and it's time to book flight and hotel so he wants to use the new card but hasn't seen it in the mail. He checks her purse, finds it and proceeds to attempt to purchase airline tickets but is declined. Calls the customer number on the card and finds out the card is already maxed out. Starts going through the charges and they're all clothing stores. After many discussions and fights he finds out she's basically a genuine shopaholic, has several maxed out credit and store charge cards as well as a secret storage unit full of clothes she has never even worn. Felt so bad for the guy, he was just the nicest kid ever. I think she also ended up getting convicted of aggravated DUI, didn't tell her nursing instructors which means she got booted from the program right before graduation. I think they got divorced right after that. 

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Good lord. I can’t imagine the trust issues I would have if a wife did that to me, and how brutal that would be to deal with for the next girl.

I hear stories about guys being unreasonable about money, and I just don’t get it. One of my coworkers, fairly attractive woman in her 50s, got divorced a year ago because her husband of three decades was a complete dbag about money. After it was all wrapped up, she somewhat took a run at me at a company event after party. I was single at the time, but felt like the potential drama was a bad idea. 

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Oh and I forgot to mention he was tending bar on the side to support them both while she was in nursing school. Worked out for him in the end. He met a much more attractive and level headed chick at his side hustle, they got married and just had their first child a few months ago. 

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On 7/31/2020 at 12:44 PM, Theraflu said:

I got Comcast cable with HBO/Peacock/Showtime/Netflix, I pay for the 4k Netflix upgrade, I have Hulu, Disney +, and ESPN+, all separate because of a 3-year Disney+ commitment I made, Amazon Prime, and I had/cancelled 2 months of Fanatiz to watch Spanish soccer. I also use the Hoopla/Kanopy apps, which have movies to rent through your library, but those are free, at least.

I also have League Pass and MLB.tv. 

I....need to cut back. 



I have Netflix and Hulu/Disney and was thinking about canceling Netflix.

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On 7/29/2020 at 1:15 AM, brvheart said:

Great news guys!  BigD is going to be back in t-minus 3 days.


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House hit the MLS about 11. Had a showing at 3:30 and 6:30. Have an offer for 2k over asking and willing to go 700 over any competing offer up to 190k Maybe another viewing first thing in the morning to see if there is any other interest. 

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13 hours ago, hank213 said:

House hit the MLS about 11. Had a showing at 3:30 and 6:30. Have an offer for 2k over asking and willing to go 700 over any competing offer up to 190k Maybe another viewing first thing in the morning to see if there is any other interest. 

Housing market is so stupid right now. Makes me sad to know I’m going to be the idiot on the other end of that story sometime in the next few years. 

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