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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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On 12/8/2019 at 6:25 PM, brvheart said:

ISU is playing Notre Dame on December 28th in Orlando.  Naps, you and I should go crash at Mexico's and hit the game.

When I saw ISU was playing in Orlando, I immediately text Napa, told him to pack some fresh sneakers, and get down here. 

I told him to bring you, you would be the DD in my car

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Wow, that’s really something.   Good for you.   


have you been trying to lose weight, working out, dieting, or is this still about the gall bladder

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At first it was all about the gallstones and not wanting to eat, but the last 6 weeks I’ve been trying. Riding the bike every day, doing push ups and sit ups. Went from 188 to 173 but last week was rough so up to 175ish. Laying off carbs is so tough when you exercise a lot, at least for me. 

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Christmas Week is always so weird.  It's like time stops for two weeks.  I'm in Iowa until the 4th  and then back home.

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Since my kids were in daycare on the 30th, but I didn't have to work, I decided to hop over to Kennel Club and play a $125 $50 KO tourney. Was my first time playing live since August. Ended up running pretty hot, picked up 8 bounties, and won the thing. Nice little $2k profit. Certainly a positive way to close out the year.

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On 1/4/2020 at 8:30 PM, CobaltBlue said:

Since my kids were in daycare on the 30th, but I didn't have to work, I decided to hop over to Kennel Club and play a $125 $50 KO tourney. Was my first time playing live since August. Ended up running pretty hot, picked up 8 bounties, and won the thing. Nice little $2k profit. Certainly a positive way to close out the year.

Excellent.  Bet that was a boring grind for you.

My brother netted out $50k in an NFL survivor pool recently, split with the only other remaining entry, and had sold half of himself.  It was a big one I guess.  Someone in the final three refused to do a deal and got knocked out with the Dolphins game.  

I'm doing a phone screen with one of the mega RIAs in KC this week.  Position would be lateral to slightly up on title, down maybe 20% on comp.  If it seems like a fit, it would fix a lot of other problems in my life and career. 

I still haven't had an annual review.  The annual review is being separated from the compensation discussion, and I'm out for a few days this and next week, so I'm not sure if my manager has a plan.  The new paychecks start next week, so that's the deadline if this new theory about annual reviews is to be followed.  Given that I just mentioned giving up 20% in a job switch, I don't really care about the money, but the awkward thing is that I'm possibly getting a title bump, and that would have an immediate impact on the job search.

I am a little ways into Radical Candor, and so far, I like it.  She opened with a line about HR theory--that it has been such a huge emphasis in Silicon Valley because it's been a brutal, high stakes brawl for talent for two+ decades.  I think it's valid.

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5 hours ago, InternetExplorer said:

My brother netted out $50k in an NFL survivor pool recently, split with the only other remaining entry, and had sold half of himself.  It was a big one I guess.  Someone in the final three refused to do a deal and got knocked out with the Dolphins game.  

HAHA, so awesome.



Also good luck on the phone screen.  I hope you get it.

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I crushed the phone screen, and I'm doing the first interview sometime next week, but I don't know if I want the job based on the general comments from the HR person.  I don't even know why they're talking to me for the amount I listed as my floor on comp, other than they liked me for potentially something else down the line.

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On 1/7/2020 at 12:44 PM, InternetExplorer said:

Excellent.  Bet that was a boring grind for you.

Can't tell if there's sarcasm there, but it was pretty fun for the most part. It was 6-max, so that was kind of cool. The first couple of hours were kind of annoying since I dwindled down as this guy was running over the table (he busted at least 6 people in the first two hours, so we mostly played 3-4 handed), but I caught fire after that. Was relatively smooth sailing after. Just won pretty much all of my flips. Only had 300k of 1.8m 3-handed, but then go moving again. Went into HU at down 600k to 1.1m, but got a decent double. Then we just mostly traded blinds for while before I got him pretty short...raised KK, he shoved QTo, I held.

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No sarcasm, you just seem like the type to like multi-tabling. 6 max live is pretty fast though. 

Still no annual review. The company pushed out the numbers for everyone, so I know what my base increase will be (about 9%). Someone was hinting to me that I got an equity grant but I don’t know the number, nor do I know if I got bumped up to director, or what my bonus would be. 

I was stewing on it last night, but the safe thing is to just shut up, act humble, and wrap up the job search ASAP. This year’s project was the last thing I’m going to do for a very long time that will merit a grant, so I’m just looking forward to an abysmal five years while I wait for probably not very much equity to vest. I really don’t see myself doing that. 

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The last few months has been a really annoying and somewhat painful/frustrating period of me learning how to manage my boss. This guy is the peter principle come to life. He can't commit to a coherent vision or set of goals. We (his other direct reports and I) are constantly shifting task as he is like a dog looking out the window in a neighborhood full of squirrels. He's unofficially been demoted as he used to report to the president of the company but now reports to the CTO. He retained the CIO title but our org is going to suffer in budget talks within the next couple of years I think. Especially as the developer side of the CTO's org pursues a DevOps culture shift. Us "IT Ops" guys are going to get short changed I fear. 

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What are the chances of you taking over as CIO/CTO in the future?  How long would it take?  Would you need more schooling?

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Well whatever the timeline used to be just got extended due to my bosses inefficacy. One of the benefits of being one spot removed from the president was increased interaction with that suite which leads to increased promotion opportunity. 

Realistically I could probably hit a Director role in the next 5-7 years without any extraordinary effort. 

To make CIO I would need:

A handful of solid certs like payment card industry professional (PCI-P), disaster recovery (DCRS), DevOps Leader (DOL), ITIL Foundation and maybe a couple others

Some post graduate seminar or continuing ed certificates like finance for executives or an advanced degree like MBA or Masters in Leadership.

Very strong relationships with most or all of the other C suite execs. I've been working on these the last few years already but have been too far removed from them to gain much headway. 

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Fortunately, if you follow through on getting all that done, you kinda don't care too much about what your org thinks of you, what's going on with your terrible boss, etc. That's been the only thing keeping me going in a similarly terrible spot for the last few years.

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