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I Called In Sick Today

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Brvhrt--and maybe BigD?--I was talking to a guy at a work function who is a Rhodes scholar and much more successful than I'll ever be.


We had both seen the same museum exhibit and I gave the right references with Buckminster Fuller and the early Raushenberg. It's all for the next gig, right?

english, I presume


for ron (nsfw):


this seems like it will be the theme song to something:

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Spent the day at a charity golf tourney instead of work. Got a good buzz, worked on my putting and some chipping, met some good people.


Good times.


Going to Universal Studios theme park tomorrow after work for a private party. They close the place down to guests, keeps everything open, everything (food and drink) is free. There will be a lot of people there, it's the McDonald's party. Their bi-annual convention is in town.

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Question to my lawyer...how legal is it for me to have a fleet of drones flying over my apartment complex 24/7 to spot people who don't pick up their dogs' shits. These drones may or may not be equipped with a PA and armed with blue dye guns.

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Question to my lawyer...how legal is it for me to have a fleet of drones flying over my apartment complex 24/7 to spot people who don't pick up their dogs' shits. These drones may or may not be equipped with a PA and armed with blue dye guns.


under the patriot act any white male can take any step reasonably necessary to safe guard "freedom" and clearly we're within that definition here. you're also able to detain any person for any reason for any length of time.


I rememeber reading about an apartment complex that made you submit dog feces for a poop database. I wouldn't mind that system.



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1 day down, 11 to go with the boss. If I make it out of here still employed it will be a small miracle.

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Started betting against the Braves again today. Will probably do it until they can prove to me they're capable of winning.

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1 day down, 11 to go with the boss. If I make it out of here still employed it will be a small miracle.


just agree with everything he says and send a hooker to his room. but seriously, i can't even imagine spending all day in a car with my boss, let alone 12 days in a row.

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Yeah, it's pretty awful but today was better than yesterday. One of the good/bad things is he insists we go to a sit down dinner each night before we go to our hotel, resulting in us not getting to our rooms until 8pm, after we left at 8:30 in the morning. Plus is I'm eating good. Minus is not much rest and relax time just chilling in the room before time to get to sleep.

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I'm having lunch with the #3 at my firm tomorrow. I'm struggling with how honest I should be, how open I should be about the sustainability of the current situation. the trouble of it is that I should be appreciative/grateful in the context of what has been done to newcomers historically.

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If you are going to be in Seattle, I have a hot tip for a restaurant: http://artofthetable.net/


That place looks amazing! We may end up close enough to go ther on our way back Thursday. Will definitely try it out if we do.

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"It is time for the airing of grievances, I've got a lot of problems with you people and now you're going to hear about it."

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the good thing is, this is about maximizing, not saving my ass from getting fired or anything. I know I'm going to get outmaneuvered--he is a world-class advisor, so no matter what angle I choose, he'll have an instant response. anything I say, even just my body language, is going to be picked up on.


the scroll idea sounds like it could be effective however.

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I may or may not be in Lousville June 3rd, Strat. I can't say for certain because I received a "save the date" and last time I saw the couple it seemed I was invited but I have yet to receive an invite while a mutual friend has. But it might just be a mail forwarding issue since I've moved. As of now I might have a free-ish night or we might all get together as a group for dinner or something. No idea. This was a solid post.

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lunch was fine, I was pretty candid and didn't throw my worthless coworkers under the bus as much as I could have. sounds like there will be a way to use the budget to get me additional money this summer, outside of the standard process, without the director of my department having discretion.


so all in all, really good.

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