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I Called In Sick Today

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Well, there wasn't any legs specifically. I just came across this coffee table from world market and thought "hey, I kinda like that and I bet I could make that. maybe even sell some. I wonder how it would look on a big table and chairs. Let me ask the closest thing I have to friends".




I don't care for those.

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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Yeah, she isn't shy about the number of bodies in her count. Today she was saying how she wouldn't fvck a guy until he got tested for stds because she hates condoms. And that before the test she would " of course give them blow jobs and stuff. I just wouldn't swallow so they'd cum on my face"


Where was she when I was single?

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Dutch, this is the table.




I would be making it myself. Well, for something this size I would probably enlist help from a family friend who has a crazy awesome workshop and doesn't live far from me. But I would be crafting it. Would definitely try to get the real wood edge as well.


Do you know how to shape wood beyond cutting structural members, joints and gluing it together? Because that table has artistic edges galore, its deceivingly complicated. Simple structure but to get it to 'look like that', the detail work is hard core.


Here's a very early phase (grind marks, welding slag and all) mockup for an end table I'm designing, sans top which will be something brightly colored and synthetic. Its made out of discarded steel testing coupons and stepped plate base (which will probably be mounted atop a rectangular base, something synthetic and something brightly colored. Heavy as ****. Trying to figure out if I want to make it out of aluminum or not.




See that wood behind it?

That's old growth Giant Sequoia Redwood. Bona fide Sequioadendron Giganteum.

Perhaps you should build your table out of that. Here's where you can order some, including selections with the live edge you're after.


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This will by far be the largest and most intricate thing I've ever done which is why I'll be enlisting help on it. I don't want to say this family friend is a master carpenter because I feel like that's an actual designation or something but he's got a giant workshop and has been doing fine woodworking forever. I also found a pretty detailed sketchup of the table I've been playing around with lengths and the angles. Obviously I don't think I'll be able to imitate a genius like Nakashimi exactly and I could never come up with the design but I think we can get close enough. And as my roommate is fond of saying "it'll be good enough for the girls we party with". I'm also considering building it out of like cheap pine or something before attempting it on nicer hardwood. I'm intrigued by the assumed bridle joints for the base and am excited to play around with them.


That redwood is amazing but I think if I could afford it I would just buy the original table because money would be no object for me at that point.



You're table design is feeling vaguely familiar to me for some reason. I keep coming back to this new art installation that I pass on my way to work but that is giant rectangles and not remotely similar other than it is metal and "self-balancing". Is it an original design or was it inspired by an existing piece?

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Do you know how to shape wood beyond cutting structural members, joints and gluing it together? Because that table has artistic edges galore, its deceivingly complicated. Simple structure but to get it to 'look like that', the detail work is hard core.


I dont care how much skill it would take, its not worth 50k.


You're base looks cool. I'll be looking forward to seeing the completed work.

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All my designs are original, although considering the balance of an eccentric-bodied sculpture is by no means a concept I invented.

When you're welding and dealing with metal, you can do some wild shit. You just have to get it to stand up and stay there.


Don't make the table out of softwood. Make it out of whatever wood you want and work very, very slowly. Accept its a long-term project that you will do bit by bit. Are you handy with a wood file? Wood filing is a rapidly diminishing skill in the era of jigs and jigs and specialty blades and jigs and jigs, they take a bit to get the hang of but they're non-negotiable when you get into artistic design elements that require a degree of finish-deliberation beyond a belt sander. The table itself, structurally, isn't that complicated. The edge work is very tricky and even the slightest ****-up/break in symmetry will be glaring. .

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I haven't used a wood file since shop class 8th grade. I could use some practice. I like your idea of just taking it slow and steady. Some friends that are moving are getting rid of their table and chairs and said I could have them if I wanted so I'm going to just take that until I get this sorted out.

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Pops is coming down to help me do some repairs on the new motorcycle. Think I'm just going to fix these few things, clean it up real good and put it up for sale. If eBay is any indication I should have no problem flipping it for 50% more than I have into it.

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Woke up at 4 for the 7 am flight. Headed to Ron`s country. Son has been great on his first flight. Banging out RTJ 2 to finish up last 45 minutes.


Weather is great so far today

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And now you guys know why any flight in or out of Orlando isn't fun



Tons of kids on every flight



And tilt. Jenny McCarthy was 12 when you were single.

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Dutch, this is the table.




I would be making it myself. Well, for something this size I would probably enlist help from a family friend who has a crazy awesome workshop and doesn't live far from me. But I would be crafting it. Would definitely try to get the real wood edge as well.


I like it a lot. Personally the pieces with the rough edges like that are not my thing, but If that's your look, it's a dope table.

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Remember, though, Napa: making more money by working harder is never the answer. I'd even be careful about that table project. I started making my woodworking bench like a year ago, and haven't touched it since. It's in the queue ahead of learning to make my own shoes but behind finishing my rock opera about the rise and fall of Jeff Francoeur. If you want to b a Winner, you need to lead a lazy, irresponsible life.

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He was not dropping the plantinum stylings of:


I'm writing a rock opera about the rise and fall of Jeff Franceour



Do you know how obscure and brilliant that is?

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And now you guys know why any flight in or out of Orlando isn't fun



Tons of kids on every flight



And tilt. Jenny McCarthy was 12 when you were single.


She's only 5 years younger than me...


But, in case I led you to believe otherwise, I've never had any interest in her. Her sluttiness has been well chronicled and, especially at that level, it's always been a turn off to me. However, I have always appreciated women, famous or not, that are comfortable enough with their sexuality to be able to talk openly and honestly about their love of sex. Confidence is sexy.


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