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I Called In Sick Today

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and after 3 days, he is risen!

If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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buy a $50 goodwill computer to learn Linux. it's really simple to get set up with Ubuntu. I was screwing around with apache and MySQL with mythtv a long long time ago. jll remembers. I know he do.


I failed ocho. in my defense, I was really drunk and probably not capable of doing it while sober.

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I love it when beans gets really drunk.







I don't see anything wrong with replying to a post after the conversation has run its course. is that what the issue is that we're discussing? I'm not sure. maybe I'm too late.




I thought you already did that? didn't you have a house picked out previously?




I don't want to go to work. I don't like working. I like sleeping. life sucks. too hard.


wasn't able to put it writing and make it all officially official yet. they're building a new house and it won't be done until end of july. then they want 30 days between them closing on new construction and me closing on current property which put my closing date at end of august. so, since the rate can only be locked for 60 days, offer and application are getting done the end of this month.

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It won't let me load the last page, so I missed some stuff, but bleep it I'm going anyways.


My parents let me pump the gas when I was a kid, maybe 6 or 7, and I dicked it up and got gas all over me and in my eyes. Couldn't see anything for a few hours. Really gave me a new perspective, you know?


Is Ronny really gonna quit like this? That's not the man I know and love.

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oh, strat, I installed centos on a vm but i'm just not finding as much practical or tutorial type documentation as I'd like. is there more out there for ubuntu?

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Speaking of eye injuries and decomposed granite....right out of high school I was working for a landscaper. It was in Ocho's neighborhood actually, expensive ($500K + in the 80's) housing development off of Hidden Lakes Dr. Anyway, we were doing the landscaping on a spec home and I was putting in sprinkler heads for the lawn areas a couple days before the sod was to show up. The risers for the sprinkler head were covered up by dirt (mostly decomposed granite) during final grading so we would turn on the water valve to an area and water would shoot up, showing us where the riser was.


On one section I'd done that and, though I knew there was a riser in the center of the lawn, there was no water spout. So I turned the water off and went to the general area of where I knew the riser was buried and started moving dirt around with a rake looking for water. About that time water shoots up like out of a cannon from the missing riser that was at my feet and it hit me square in the face, knocking me on my ass. FIrst thing I realized was that I couldn't open my eyes and they hurt like hell. I pried both eyelids open to make sure I could at least see something and wasn't blind then felt my way over to a hose spout I knew was by the house and started washing out my eyes.


It quickly became apparent I wasn't going to get anywhere so I yelled to another guy that was working the job with me to go down the street and find my boss who was doing some maintenance on a couple other houses in the neighborhood. The boss got there a few minutes later and I told him I was in trouble and needed to get to the hospital ASAP. Turns out you don't have to wait in the waiting room when you have an eye injury and a Doc was with me immediately and started checking my eyes out.


It took 30 minutes per eye, with a nurse providing a constant stream of saline solution into my eye and the Doc sweeping out decomposed granite to get it all out. Doc said afterwards that he pulled more than a teaspoon of the crap out of each eye. Obviously my retina's were scratched to hell so I had to keep both eyes bandaged for 24 hours before they could recheck them. Apparently the eyes are one of the fastest healing body parts and by the time the Doc removed the patches I could open my eyes again, though it was still really blurry and painfull.


Both eye's were fine within a couple of days but the one lasting issue has been a high sensitivity to light which I deal with by wearing the darkest sunglasses I can find anytime I'm outside.

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buy a $50 goodwill computer to learn Linux. it's really simple to get set up with Ubuntu. I was screwing around with apache and MySQL with mythtv a long long time ago. jll remembers. I know he do.

he do

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I don't see anything wrong with replying to a post after the conversation has run its course. is that what the issue is that we're discussing? I'm not sure. maybe I'm too late.


I honestly don't care. I just like picking on brv.


But...just so there is a clear understanding of what I'm pseudo-complaining about...


Brv catches up, finds a post to reply to, hits quote, replies, goes back to reading where he left off. Oftentimes what he says will have already been said, sometimes word for word. If he was actually interested in the discussion, he could say he agrees with so-and-so and then add to it. As it is, he's basically just giving us a "+1" under the guise of actual content.


Did we do the loser walks vote already? I lost 1-0? Ok, bye.

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He should do it.


It might doom the relationship.


But not doing it probably dooms it just as well.


Might as well get the sex before the doom.


Unless it's a trap.


The bitch.




she sounds like a horndog, lucky sumbitch. Great rebound material.


I need some art for my bedroom. It's just offwhite walls. I have black curtains and my bed is gray/black.





I would give you decor advice, but I have been told that I am decidedly collegiate in taste


sorry napa, you'll have to do without


I was kidding. They were actually pretty cool.

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oh, strat, I installed centos on a vm but i'm just not finding as much practical or tutorial type documentation as I'd like. is there more out there for ubuntu?

Ubuntu may as well be called Linux for tards. literally everything is documented in-depth in their forums. just be able to describe whatever problem you're having to google and it will find the exact answer that you and the other several thousand people who encountered it wanted to see.

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Hear that? You're back in Strat. I'm thinking something white/black/gray with maybe red or blue. I've got one large wall with a window on the left side of the wall, maybe 12 feet of open space. And then a smaller wall that's between the hall door and my bathroom door. Maybe 5 feet wide? I don't want to spend a ton. Maybe 150-200 max? Less is better obviously.

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avoid doing the routine starting at the two minute mark if youve indulged in two seven fifty millis of crown. it can lead to severe room spins. Hell do it anyway, rock on


Whoahh, it's true even if you aren't drinking. A tad awkward for the customer that walked in during the middle of it though.



When I was a kid we had a school bus dad converted into a camper for the Moonlight Hunting and Fishing Club. I woke one morning and went to get something to drink and a bottle of tabasco slid off the door and landed on the floor upright, which shot hot sauce straight up directly into my eye. Screaming ensued. Dad (hungover) along with a half dozen other kids and sees me screaming with what appeared to be blood in my eye. Luckily there was a plastic milk jug of water which when he realized what happened, was used to wash the eye out. Swear to dog I thought I was going to be a blind one-eyed patch wearing pirate when got older.

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Kidding again. We need to know what style you are trying to go with here. Warm and cozy? Nerdy? Disco ball and stripper pole? Dorm room? Sports? Black light posters of hippies? Porn? Retro? Farm animals? I mean C'mon!


You don't have to have pictures, you can get tons of cool art aside from pictures. Or a shelf with books and art on it.


You can go to art.com and they have a vast selection of art that you can buy online from modern to masters. You could even get a Van Gogh, A Starry NIght, which should impress the females with your artistic taste, or you could tell them you painted it in the 5th grade, whatever.



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last night, as I typically do when I drink, I was online giving unsolicited advice to strangers. I was playing a female character and kept referring to myself as uncle [female character's name]. I kept telling the kids to stay in school and get good grades. it was well received actually.

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