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I Called In Sick Today

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Absolutely no idea what I make per year








All I can tell ya'll at thius very moment is nobady rides for free. Ratt say so. at wall shaking volume





Whiskey sours are my favs. Out of fifteen served at a gambling establishment no two are the same but Ive never sent one back. Come to think of it ive never sent back a drink. Aint never kicked a gal outta bed either. They all ride for free





At this moment Im enjoying swigs of straight jack honey. mother**** its good shit. watching the western channel wishing a guy could off a bad guy with a colt these days without all the red tape. Just ride off to the saloon and bounce mrs kitty on your lap. maybe why I enjoy virginia city so much. I just had to be an outlaw in a previous life. Well, one that did cool stuff like killin bad guys instead of skirting stupid current laws at least....





motley crue is wild sidin now. Vince is a good twenty one player by the way. Used to play hands with the guy at sunset station years back. Drew him out of the high limit area to hang with normals. Had the **** laughing a crazy scream between shots until the crowd got to big. good times. Went down to the western one night on a dare and ended up drinking pabst in cans. Deal was we wouldnt leave until someone recognized him. nobosy did even after drivers license was shown. Still have a pic of us posing in frot of binions ten thousand dollar bill display






Somehow Ive rambled this while searching for the proper dimentions of a naca duct for a race car....yiou lucky bastarsd

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If you are paying $20 for a haircut, I imagine people assume you did it yourself anyway.

and after 3 days, he is risen!

Pocket change cost me my first and only black girlfriend.   It was in the middle of a roaring poker boom and I was flush in ways most men don't even bother dreaming of. Money, it was like dirt to me

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hey easy there best friend. i wouldn't say i'm trying to leave KC, i'm just applying to any job i think i can get, anywhere in the country and the only people to call me back are out of state. i'd rather stay here (after all i have a woman who loves me and its going great).


but that interview friday did not go well, so chicago is out. this interview monday is with the same company, for the same job, just different location. so thats probably out too.

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Nice baby. Always nice to make a little extra scratch. I wouldn't mind a little extra scratch, but I'd prefer it on my terms. Def not on a Sunday. I'd work open to close (7:30-5:15 M-Th & 7:30-6:15 Friday) with little or no lunch and collect about 7 or 8 hours a week, sprinkle in a Saturday, bring it up to 10 hours, but they have us on a no overtime policy unless staffing dictates it. Big companies are cheap like that.


Then again, I'd probably tire quickly of that.


Painting update: the big work is done. Just some edging, touch ups and the like, plus all the molding needs to be done. She'll do most of that. I'll help out Saturday and we're done. I'll post pics cuz I know you all will be thtilled to see it. Oh wait, no. But my back is out. It stems from painting 12-14ft high ceilings with a roller and extender pole. Surprisingly deadly on the lower back

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You can still see the old taupe up top. We need a tall ladder. Well, she does. I dont climb ladders. Yellow accents, black doors, molding will be painted white and gray walls. And sore backs



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horrible colors. start over.




man the girl with the dragon tattoo was dope as shit. that bitch was FLY yo.


You're just mad because there is a solid roof AND floor.


You're just now watching that movie? What a loser. It's not like you have a social life to keep,you from watching current movies. What gives?

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You're just mad because there is a solid roof AND floor.


You're just now watching that movie? What a loser. It's not like you have a social life to keep,you from watching current movies. What gives?


I believe it's well documented that I don't go to movies because I have no one to go see them with so I wait for everything to come out on netflix so I can watch them at home by myself. for instance, I watched looper last weekend. it was also really good. and ted. ted also good.


Which Dragon Tattoo are you talking about? I haven't seen either.


american one. it was good. looking forward to the rest of them now actually.

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Only in Gods eyes.


Well, it actually turned out to be pretty fun coaching BB. I had two (2!!!) special Olympics kids that could dunk. One of them had a huge dunk during the game. Color me impressed.

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Spent all morning recovering/working on a shelf to put underneath the TV. Think it's going to work out really well and we'll be able to hide 90% of the wires, which is nice. I still need to unpack my room. It's a mess.

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Well, it's currently hanging out on the floor of our kitchen waiting to be painted. And then it'll be a few days before we put it up because I'm waiting for the wall mount to get here next week. So, basically, it's not ready yet. But when it is, I'll post pictures. Unless it looks terrible. Then I'll pretend I never said anything.



Edit: me too brvy, me too. My new roommate works out a lot & cooks healthy stuff a lot so hopefully that'll pressure me into doing the same. However, he is a huge alcoholic and almost always has some sort of drink going. So, that's probably not going to be the best for me to emulate, but I'll just stick to diet soda rums/whiskers.

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i was in a real groove working out but this sinus infection has destroyed me. last two weeks i can barely breathe and walking up any stairs has me near death. but soon i'll be back in the gym and it will time to get to work.


eating healthy is another story though. that is a lot harder than working out.

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but I'll just stick to diet soda rums/whiskers.


Did he create a new, healthy drink too?




Why the new acct? The other 6 not working out for you?

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